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Topic: Made with foo_uie_webview (Read 30987 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: Made with foo_uie_webview

Reply #125
in progress.......................


Re: Made with foo_uie_webview

Reply #126
foorab (yeyo) with Run Services and Infos Track (with flags)

To be able to display the flag icons,
- Go to : Preferences -> Advanced -> Display -> Properties dialog -> Standard fields.
- Make a backup of all fields first.
- Add :
- Check that there is a semicolon before COUNTRY=COUNTRY
- Confirm by clicking OK
- The rest in pictures.

For the two letters to use (upper or lower case) to display the desired flag icon, see for example this  adress.

If you make a mistake when filling in the COUNTRY and COUNTRYPERFORMER fields, no flag icon will appear on the screen: in fact, in this case, the icons displayed are transparent.


Re: Made with foo_uie_webview

Reply #127
foorab (yeyo) with Run Services and Infos Track (with flags)

[attach width=600]34475[/attach]

[attach width=600]34484[/attach]

To be able to display the flag icons,
- Go to : Preferences -> Advanced -> Display -> Properties dialog -> Standard fields.
- Make a backup of all fields first.
- Add :
- Check that there is a semicolon before COUNTRY=COUNTRY
- Confirm by clicking OK
- The rest in pictures.
transparent can't adjust? I'm using foo_uie_webviewv0.2.1.0- the official version

Re: Made with foo_uie_webview

Reply #128
foorab (yeyo) with Run Services and Infos Track (with flags)

[attach width=600]34475[/attach]

[attach width=600]34484[/attach]

To be able to display the flag icons,
- Go to : Preferences -> Advanced -> Display -> Properties dialog -> Standard fields.
- Make a backup of all fields first.
- Add :
- Check that there is a semicolon before COUNTRY=COUNTRY
- Confirm by clicking OK
- The rest in pictures.
transparent can't adjust? I'm using foo_uie_webviewv0.2.1.0- the official version

 You are talking about transparency at what level ? Background or anything else ?

Re: Made with foo_uie_webview

Reply #129
foorab (yeyo) with Run Services and Infos Track (with flags)

[attach width=600]34475[/attach]

[attach width=600]34484[/attach]

To be able to display the flag icons,
- Go to : Preferences -> Advanced -> Display -> Properties dialog -> Standard fields.
- Make a backup of all fields first.
- Add :
- Check that there is a semicolon before COUNTRY=COUNTRY
- Confirm by clicking OK
- The rest in pictures.
transparent can't adjust? I'm using foo_uie_webviewv0.2.1.0- the official version

 You are talking about transparency at what level ? Background or anything else ?
<font title="1、Carousel duration range value:0 - 999.&#10;2、Carousel = 0 hour,Indicates cover、back cover、Artist pictures are not rotated.&#10;3、Carousel = 0 hour,Double-click the cover image to switch to the back cover or artist image.&#10;4、Carousel > 0 hour,Indicates that the rotation duration is the value set in the box.&#10;5、Carousel > 0 hour,Double click to change cover、Transparency of back cover, artist image.">Carousel </font>:<input class="text" type="text" maxlength="3" name="Cx_J" id="Cx_J" size="1" value="10"> Seconds
      <font title="transparency range value:0 - 1 between,for example: 0.8">Transparent </font>:<input class="text" type="text" maxlength="3" name="Cal_y" id="Cal_y" size="1" value="0.8">
      <input class="button" type="button" value="▲" onclick="change_opacity(0)"/>
      <input class="button" type="button" value="▼" onclick="change_opacity(1)"/>
Cannot be adjusted in the window

Re: Made with foo_uie_webview

Reply #130
foorab (yeyo) with Run Services and Infos Track (with flags)

[attach width=600]34475[/attach]

[attach width=600]34484[/attach]

To be able to display the flag icons,
- Go to : Preferences -> Advanced -> Display -> Properties dialog -> Standard fields.
- Make a backup of all fields first.
- Add :
- Check that there is a semicolon before COUNTRY=COUNTRY
- Confirm by clicking OK
- The rest in pictures.
transparent can't adjust? I'm using foo_uie_webviewv0.2.1.0- the official version

 You are talking about transparency at what level ? Background or anything else ?
<font title="1、Carousel duration range value:0 - 999.&#10;2、Carousel = 0 hour,Indicates cover、back cover、Artist pictures are not rotated.&#10;3、Carousel = 0 hour,Double-click the cover image to switch to the back cover or artist image.&#10;4、Carousel > 0 hour,Indicates that the rotation duration is the value set in the box.&#10;5、Carousel > 0 hour,Double click to change cover、Transparency of back cover, artist image.">Carousel </font>:<input class="text" type="text" maxlength="3" name="Cx_J" id="Cx_J" size="1" value="10"> Seconds
      <font title="transparency range value:0 - 1 between,for example: 0.8">Transparent </font>:<input class="text" type="text" maxlength="3" name="Cal_y" id="Cal_y" size="1" value="0.8">
      <input class="button" type="button" value="▲" onclick="change_opacity(0)"/>
      <input class="button" type="button" value="▼" onclick="change_opacity(1)"/>
Cannot be adjusted in the window

Response in pictures.
Also tested with foo_uie_webview_0.2.1.0.


Re: Made with foo_uie_webview

Reply #131
With a view to completely and totally removing JS script / JS3 script / Spider Monkey Panel / JS Splitter and using only foo_uei_webview, another step for removing the custom track.

The next step is the seek bar.

Currently in JS3 the JS Playlist / Smooth Browser / Bio + Images modules remain to be added which will progressively where possible be replaced by equivalent modules to be managed in foo_uei_webview.


Re: Made with foo_uie_webview

Reply #134
A simple Title panel with time of day clock.
Background is the track's artwork with transparency 0.9.
Double-click the background to change transparency from 0.9 to 0.5 in steps of 0.1.

Re: Made with foo_uie_webview

Reply #135
New version posted:
- Added option to cache country flag images on local disk. The file <countrycode_flag.jpg> will be saved if the checkbox is enabled in the "Options" menu.
Saving by clicking on the flag image when it is highlighted.
The path to the local directory for <countrycode_flag.jpg> is specifying in the "Options" menu. The same path is specifying when saving the <countrycode_flag.jpg>.
- Minor changes in the layout design.
- Other improvements and bug fixes.

I'm using foo_uie_webview- and it can't display the artist image. Thank you!
- check if the "Read files" and "Read directories" options are selected in the "Preferences" menu of the WebView component.
- check if the path to the image files on the local disk is specified correctly. (The script can read image file directories created by Biography (by WilB). The path is specified for the directories starting with the first letter of the artist's name).
- check if your API key and LastFM website username are entered correctly.
- check if the artist's images are available to you on the LastFM website.
- console messages can also help to identify the problem.
- all saved script settings can be reset after fb2k restart if the "Clear browsing data on startup" option is checked in the "Preferences" menu of the WebView component. In this case, you can reconfigure the script again.

Re: Made with foo_uie_webview

Reply #136
New version posted:
- Added option to cache country flag images on local disk. The file <countrycode_flag.jpg> will be saved if the checkbox is enabled in the "Options" menu.
Saving by clicking on the flag image when it is highlighted.
The path to the local directory for <countrycode_flag.jpg> is specifying in the "Options" menu. The same path is specifying when saving the <countrycode_flag.jpg>.
- Minor changes in the layout design.
- Other improvements and bug fixes.

I'm using foo_uie_webview- and it can't display the artist image. Thank you!
- check if the "Read files" and "Read directories" options are selected in the "Preferences" menu of the WebView component.
- check if the path to the image files on the local disk is specified correctly. (The script can read image file directories created by Biography (by WilB). The path is specified for the directories starting with the first letter of the artist's name).
- check if your API key and LastFM website username are entered correctly.
- check if the artist's images are available to you on the LastFM website.
- console messages can also help to identify the problem.
- all saved script settings can be reset after fb2k restart if the "Clear browsing data on startup" option is checked in the "Preferences" menu of the WebView component. In this case, you can reconfigure the script again.
appreciate your help

Re: Made with foo_uie_webview

Reply #137
- added option to display playback history.