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Topic: "Prefer current selection" vs. "Prefer currently playing track" (Read 3507 times) previous topic - next topic
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"Prefer current selection" vs. "Prefer currently playing track"

Is there a way to get the "Prefer current selection" vs. "Prefer currently playing track" user preference?

I'm using ui_selection_manager::get_selection_type() with "contextmenu_item::caller_now_playing / contextmenu_item::caller_active_playlist_selection" now but I'm not sure it's the best way.

Re: "Prefer current selection" vs. "Prefer currently playing track"

Reply #1
If you do this...

Code: [Select]
metadb_handle_list items;
ui_selection_manager_v2::get()->get_selection(items, 0);

.. the question is irrelevant. You get whatever the preferences are set to.


Re: "Prefer current selection" vs. "Prefer currently playing track"

Reply #2
If you do this...

Code: [Select]
metadb_handle_list items;
ui_selection_manager_v2::get()->get_selection(items, 0);

.. the question is irrelevant. You get whatever the preferences are set to.
True. Thx.

Re: "Prefer current selection" vs. "Prefer currently playing track"

Reply #3
If you do this...

Code: [Select]
metadb_handle_list items;
ui_selection_manager_v2::get()->get_selection(items, 0);

.. the question is irrelevant. You get whatever the preferences are set to.
True. Thx.
I was too quick: your suggestion does not cover my requirements.

playlist_manager::playlist_item_format_title() takes a playlist and item index. I don't see a way to get those from a metadb_handle_ptr.

Re: "Prefer current selection" vs. "Prefer currently playing track"

Reply #4
While I expose this API in my component for others to use, I don't use it/like it.

I prefer to roll my own preference to

1) prefer now playing, focused playlist item when stopped
2) always prefer focused playlist item

This way, I can get indexes.

Re: "Prefer current selection" vs. "Prefer currently playing track"

Reply #5
And just to expand on the above, the main reason for exposing my own preference is that I can have multiple instances not tied to the global fb2k setting.

An example: