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Topic: foo_uie_webview (Read 40072 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: foo_uie_webview

Reply #300
Unable to open the editor, I hope there is a path to set the location of the editor.
Yes. It uses whatever HTML editor you have associated with the Edit verb in Windows Explorer.


Re: foo_uie_webview

Reply #301
I touched the titles file again and added a lot of things. I hope you don't get confused, it's simple, but let's see if I can explain everything.

I have added new animations, among other changes.

I have added several buttons that will appear when you move the mouse to the bottom.

Buttons 1 and 2 are to show the 2 types that were before, vinyls/CDs or a sheet of music moving from left to right.

The B button has some brightness levels for your vinyl or CD.

The Back button is used to change the background between green, red, black or the album cover itself out of focus.

The Aa button is used to put the letters of the title in capital letters or by default as they appear in the file label.

The Pos button is to change the position of the vinyl or CD, there are 14 possible positions. If you have the cover on the side, you will have to find the one you like the most. The side positions have a different animation than the top or bottom positions.

The Label button switches between a label made from the album cover itself or a generic label from the imagenes/vinilo/ folder. It only changes if your disk does not contain a CD image inside the audio files folder.

The Mask button is used to add a kind of mask on top of the label created with the album cover using Javascript on CD or vinyl.

The Txt button is used to align the information text to the right or left.

The Speed ​​button contains a few speeds of rotation of the vinyl or CD (whatever you have on).

The CD button is used to switch between CD mode or vinyl mode.

If you put a new label called format on the audio file itself, you can add whether it is vinyl or cd, and based on that it will change depending on how you have configured it.

You can add the new tag within Foobar2000 itself or with the mp3tag program.

By default it has certain animations and positions. These default animations and positions are only used when the audio file contains the format tag (vinyl or cd). You can edit them in the variables at the beginning of the code:

Code: [Select]
//CD si el archivo de audio contiene la etiqueta format
//pantalla superior a 550px
var posicion_cd_con_format = "vinyl_posicion_4";
var efecto_cd_con_format = "derecha_izquierda";
//pantalla inferior a 550px
var posicion_cd_con_format_mini = "vinyl_posicion_4";
var efecto_cd_con_format_mini = "derecha_izquierda";
//VINYL si el archivo de audio contiene la etiqueta format
//pantalla superior a 550px
var posicion_vinyl_con_format = "vinyl_posicion_13";
var efecto_vinyl_con_format = "arriba_abajo";
//pantalla inferior a 550px
var posicion_vinyl_con_format_mini = "vinyl_posicion_14";
var efecto_vinyl_con_format_mini = "derecha_izquierda";

Now if you have a label saved in your album folder, it will choose that by default for the vinyl label or for the CD label.

Surely there will be some bugs, if you see any, tell me.

I hope all this isn't too confusing. If you have doubts ask. :D

Thanks to colleague @regor for the idea of ​​placing the labels in a circular way with the image of the covers.

Re: foo_uie_webview

Reply #302
For me the right solution would be:

Album Art Cover on the left.

Single position.

Autosize Cover and Mask

Transparent Mask.

Selection between, cd effect, picture vinyl effect, original central label vinyl effect, front cover central label vinyl effect.

Blur on/off selection

Opaque selection.

Cycle selection of front cover / back cover / artist cover / icon.

I attempted to do this in JS3 but I don't have the knowledge needed to do so.

JS3 Images:

Side 1

Side 2

Re: foo_uie_webview

Reply #303
For me the right solution would be:

Album Art Cover on the left.

Single position.

Autosize Cover and Mask

Transparent Mask.

Selection between, cd effect, picture vinyl effect, original central label vinyl effect, front cover central label vinyl effect.

Blur on/off selection

Opaque selection.

Cycle selection of front cover / back cover / artist cover / icon.

I attempted to do this in JS3 but I don't have the knowledge needed to do so.

JS3 Images:

Side 1

Side 2

It would be a very specific design. Many buttons would have to be customized to adapt just how you want it. Perhaps the cover part of the Cycle with the back part could be more difficult. Putting the cover together with the part of the albums and the title could perhaps be more efficient than assembling them independently as I have them now. You could look at it, and add a button to remove or add the titles.

 The song lyrics are very cool. I might as well set up a kind of karaoke in Javascript. A very fine Apache design. ;D

Re: foo_uie_webview

Reply #304
Spin Disc.

Translation + small changes.

Credit goes to the original author.

Re: foo_uie_webview

Reply #305
I touched the titles file again and added a lot of things. I hope you don't get confused, it's simple, but let's see if I can explain everything.

I have added new animations, among other changes.

Now if you have a label saved in your album folder, it will choose that by default for the vinyl label or for the CD label.

Surely there will be some bugs, if you see any, tell me.

I hope all this isn't too confusing. If you have doubts ask. :D

Thanks to colleague @regor for the idea of ​​placing the labels in a circular way with the image of the covers.

Thanks ! 👍

Re: foo_uie_webview

Reply #306

Thank you for this remarkable work.

However, I noticed :
- With foo_uie_webview installed, foobar2000 does not crash when closing.
- While, with foo_uie_webview installed, foobar2000 systematically crashes when closed.

In the file failure_00000008.txt, among others :
Code: [Select]
Illegal operation:
Code: C0000005h, flags: 00000000h, address: 6A8788E4h
Access violation, operation: read, address: 2280CACCh
Last win32 error: 18

Call path not available.

Code bytes (6A8788E4h):
6A8788B4h:  FF 68 20 CD 89 6A 64 A1 00 00 00 00 50 83 EC 30
6A8788C4h:  56 A1 40 50 8B 6A 33 C5 50 8D 45 F4 64 A3 00 00
6A8788D4h:  00 00 8B 4D 08 8B 71 10 8B 06 8B 50 34 8B 41 0C
6A8788E4h:  FF B0 14 01 00 00 FF B0 10 01 00 00 56 FF D2 8B
6A8788F4h:  F0 85 F6 0F 89 B8 00 00 00 68 30 59 8A 6A 8D 4D
6A878904h:  C4 E8 36 A9 FE FF 8D 45 C4 8B D6 50 8D 4D DC E8
6A878914h:  68 37 FF FF 83 C4 04 8D 4D DC 83 7D F0 0F 0F 47

Stack (00B6F3F8h):
00B6F3D8h:  66D46A10 00000010 00000000 00000001
00B6F3E8h:  396647C0 396647B0 00B6F3FC 66C88270
00B6F3F8h:  970FF4AC 396D8388 3D1D73D8 39664340
00B6F408h:  00B6F41C 66A5FEF7 3D1D73D8 39664340
00B6F418h:  396647C0 00001000 00000000 00B6F440
00B6F428h:  66B40065 00000000 00B6F73C 6A89CD20
00B6F438h:  FFFFFFFF 00B6F4A4 66A79EB9 3D1D73D8
00B6F448h:  396D8388 396751A0 39664350 39664340
00B6F458h:  39664350 39664350 00000014 66D46A10
00B6F468h:  00B6F4B4 00B6F488 00B6F488 66A58142
00B6F478h:  66D75DA0 00B6F4B4 396751A0 00B6F4B4
00B6F488h:  71E95F87 66A79DCB 00000000 000013A8
00B6F498h:  396D8380 396D8474 396751A0 00B6F4CC
00B6F4A8h:  66A79D71 396D8380 396751A0 396751A0
00B6F4B8h:  00000000 71E95FEF 00000000 396AC488
00B6F4C8h:  396D8380 00B6F500 66AB5AE5 000013A8
00B6F4D8h:  00000000 FFFFFF00 FFD87440 00000000
00B6F4E8h:  00000000 000013A8 71E95E23 396AC480
00B6F4F8h:  66AB59D0 00001CD8 00B6F518 66B49199
00B6F508h:  00001CD8 66B49170 396AC498 39644500

EAX: 2280C9B8, EBX: 39664350, ECX: 3D1D73D8, EDX: 66A7A150
ESI: 396D8388, EDI: 3D1D73D8, EBP: 00B6F43C, ESP: 00B6F3F8


Crash location:
Module: foo_uie_webview
Offset: 188E4h

Re: foo_uie_webview

Reply #307

Thank you for this remarkable work.

However, I noticed :
- With foo_uie_webview installed, foobar2000 does not crash when closing.
- While, with foo_uie_webview installed, foobar2000 systematically crashes when closed.

In the file failure_00000008.txt, among others :
Code: [Select]
Illegal operation:
Code: C0000005h, flags: 00000000h, address: 6A8788E4h
Access violation, operation: read, address: 2280CACCh
Last win32 error: 18

Call path not available.

Code bytes (6A8788E4h):
6A8788B4h:  FF 68 20 CD 89 6A 64 A1 00 00 00 00 50 83 EC 30
6A8788C4h:  56 A1 40 50 8B 6A 33 C5 50 8D 45 F4 64 A3 00 00
6A8788D4h:  00 00 8B 4D 08 8B 71 10 8B 06 8B 50 34 8B 41 0C
6A8788E4h:  FF B0 14 01 00 00 FF B0 10 01 00 00 56 FF D2 8B
6A8788F4h:  F0 85 F6 0F 89 B8 00 00 00 68 30 59 8A 6A 8D 4D
6A878904h:  C4 E8 36 A9 FE FF 8D 45 C4 8B D6 50 8D 4D DC E8
6A878914h:  68 37 FF FF 83 C4 04 8D 4D DC 83 7D F0 0F 0F 47

Stack (00B6F3F8h):
00B6F3D8h:  66D46A10 00000010 00000000 00000001
00B6F3E8h:  396647C0 396647B0 00B6F3FC 66C88270
00B6F3F8h:  970FF4AC 396D8388 3D1D73D8 39664340
00B6F408h:  00B6F41C 66A5FEF7 3D1D73D8 39664340
00B6F418h:  396647C0 00001000 00000000 00B6F440
00B6F428h:  66B40065 00000000 00B6F73C 6A89CD20
00B6F438h:  FFFFFFFF 00B6F4A4 66A79EB9 3D1D73D8
00B6F448h:  396D8388 396751A0 39664350 39664340
00B6F458h:  39664350 39664350 00000014 66D46A10
00B6F468h:  00B6F4B4 00B6F488 00B6F488 66A58142
00B6F478h:  66D75DA0 00B6F4B4 396751A0 00B6F4B4
00B6F488h:  71E95F87 66A79DCB 00000000 000013A8
00B6F498h:  396D8380 396D8474 396751A0 00B6F4CC
00B6F4A8h:  66A79D71 396D8380 396751A0 396751A0
00B6F4B8h:  00000000 71E95FEF 00000000 396AC488
00B6F4C8h:  396D8380 00B6F500 66AB5AE5 000013A8
00B6F4D8h:  00000000 FFFFFF00 FFD87440 00000000
00B6F4E8h:  00000000 000013A8 71E95E23 396AC480
00B6F4F8h:  66AB59D0 00001CD8 00B6F518 66B49199
00B6F508h:  00001CD8 66B49170 396AC498 39644500

EAX: 2280C9B8, EBX: 39664350, ECX: 3D1D73D8, EDX: 66A7A150
ESI: 396D8388, EDI: 3D1D73D8, EBP: 00B6F43C, ESP: 00B6F3F8


Crash location:
Module: foo_uie_webview
Offset: 188E4h

I have removed all reference to the contents of the folder foo_vis_text in "UI elements", then I renamed the folder foo_vis_text after stopping foobar2000.

Crashes are less frequent.

Folder foo_vis_text is recreated during operation of foobar, which means that there are two folders EBWebView.

Re: foo_uie_webview

Reply #308

Thank you for this remarkable work.

However, I noticed :
- With foo_uie_webview installed, foobar2000 does not crash when closing.
- While, with foo_uie_webview installed, foobar2000 systematically crashes when closed.

In the file failure_00000008.txt, among others :
The crashes occur inside WebView itself when sending telemetry back to Microsoft. Make sure you have the latest Edge or WebView distributable.

Re: foo_uie_webview

Reply #310
We can not do anything.

I've tried them all.

The sending of telemetry data cannot be blocked.

titulos_julero_21-07 works correctly from version of foo_uie_webview.
But with version or version installed, foobar crashes when closed.

Code: [Select]
Illegal operation:
Code: C0000005h, flags: 00000000h, address: 683C88E4h
Access violation, operation: read, address: 18A7BD9Ch
Last win32 error: 18

Call path not available.

Code bytes (683C88E4h):
683C88B4h:  FF 68 20 CD 3E 68 64 A1 00 00 00 00 50 83 EC 30
683C88C4h:  56 A1 40 50 40 68 33 C5 50 8D 45 F4 64 A3 00 00
683C88D4h:  00 00 8B 4D 08 8B 71 10 8B 06 8B 50 34 8B 41 0C
683C88E4h:  FF B0 14 01 00 00 FF B0 10 01 00 00 56 FF D2 8B
683C88F4h:  F0 85 F6 0F 89 B8 00 00 00 68 30 59 3F 68 8D 4D
683C8904h:  C4 E8 36 A9 FE FF 8D 45 C4 8B D6 50 8D 4D DC E8
683C8914h:  68 37 FF FF 83 C4 04 8D 4D DC 83 7D F0 0F 0F 47

Stack (008FF528h):
008FF508h:  61486A10 00000010 00000000 00000001
008FF518h:  23C78730 23C78720 008FF52C 613C8270
008FF528h:  E4C5F46C 23CE08C8 2433E108 23C78330
008FF538h:  008FF54C 6119FEF7 2433E108 23C78330
008FF548h:  23C78730 00001000 00000000 008FF570
008FF558h:  61280065 00000000 008FF86C 683ECD20
008FF568h:  FFFFFFFF 008FF5D4 611B9EB9 2433E108
008FF578h:  23CE08C8 23C55B00 23C78340 23C78330
008FF588h:  23C78340 23C78340 00000014 61486A10
008FF598h:  008FF5E4 008FF5B8 008FF5B8 61198142
008FF5A8h:  614B5DA0 008FF5E4 23C55B00 008FF5E4
008FF5B8h:  B8AC3114 611B9DCB 00000000 00003030
008FF5C8h:  23CE08C0 23CE09B4 23C55B00 008FF5FC
008FF5D8h:  611B9D71 23CE08C0 23C55B00 23C55B00
008FF5E8h:  00000000 B8AC313C 00000000 23CB4488
008FF5F8h:  23CE08C0 008FF630 611F5AE5 00003030
008FF608h:  00000000 FFFFFF00 FF4C7440 00000000
008FF618h:  00000000 00003030 B8AC32F0 23CB4480
008FF628h:  611F59D0 00001FD8 008FF648 61289199
008FF638h:  00001FD8 61289170 23CB4498 23C40820

EAX: 18A7BC88, EBX: 23C78340, ECX: 2433E108, EDX: 611BA150
ESI: 23CE08C8, EDI: 2433E108, EBP: 008FF56C, ESP: 008FF528


Crash location:
Module: foo_uie_webview
Offset: 188E4h

Re: foo_uie_webview

Reply #311
You can't do anything.

If you don't find a way to block the telemetry when closing foobar, the crash will always occur.

Attempts to send the data collected in the BrowserMetrics-spare.pma file

If you delete the BrowserMetrics-spare.pma file before closing foobar2000, the crash does not occur.

Re: foo_uie_webview

Reply #312
If I had a way of reproducing this I'd try to find a work-around but as I said before: I don't experience any crashes. And believe me, during development I start and stop fb2k a lot.

Re: foo_uie_webview

Reply #313
If I had a way of reproducing this I'd try to find a work-around but as I said before: I don't experience any crashes. And believe me, during development I start and stop fb2k a lot.
There is indeed this problem. You can try the following test method: start fb-play, then quickly close fb, there is a chance of crash.

Re: foo_uie_webview

Reply #314
You can't do anything.

If you don't find a way to block the telemetry when closing foobar, the crash will always occur.

Attempts to send the data collected in the BrowserMetrics-spare.pma file

If you delete the BrowserMetrics-spare.pma file before closing foobar2000, the crash does not occur.

I deleted the BrowserMetrics-spare.pma file before closing foobar2000 several times , foobar continued to crash.

Re: foo_uie_webview

Reply #315

Close foobar2000

Delete folder EBWebView

Start foobar2000

The folder EBWebView is recreated.

See if it crashes.

However, it is also a problem related to foobar2000 that crashes when running not after you close foobar2000

I also have another silent crash without closing warning related to JS3 reported in a specific thread.

This latest crash is even more absurd because you don't have any warning, you only notice it because it creates the crash reports folder for you.

I'm making a collection of crash dumps...


Ha ha, not even time to write it:
Crash location:
Module: foo_jscript_panel3
Offset: 1E7584h
Symbol: "SetLibraryProperty" (+25994h)

I also have one with Spider Monkey Panel, also reported at the time in the specific thread.

Re: foo_uie_webview

Reply #316
Maybe my Javascript code is too simple to trigger a crash. Do any of you have a template you can share that causes crashes?

Re: foo_uie_webview

Reply #317
This has completely stopped working for me - nothing changed in my setup or system.

I can verify that webview is starting up with FB (image below), but by the time the app is responsive, webview crashes.

I was on 1.56 and tried upgrading to 1.7. I also completely reinstalled MSEdge+webview from MS full installers (as admin). Worse is once FB starts, there is an endless error loop (which comes from the time counter but error handling should check for a missing webview?):

Code: [Select]
Components loaded in: 0:00.032678
Configuration read in: 0:00.005146
foobar2000 v1.6.18 [portable]
myInitStageCallback init
Minibar scanning S:\Jukebox Hero\Audio\S\Segall, Ty\2011 Goodbye Bread\10 Fine (2011).mp3
JScript Panel 3.4.32 (Smooth Browser by Br3tt aka Falstaff): initialised in 52 ms
UI Element instantiation failure: UI Element Not Found
UI Element instantiation failure: UI Element Not Found
UI Element instantiation failure: UI Element Not Found
UI Element instantiation failure: UI Element Not Found
UI Element instantiation failure: UI Element Not Found
UI Element instantiation failure: UI Element Not Found
UI Element instantiation failure: UI Element Not Found
UI Element instantiation failure: UI Element Not Found
UI Element instantiation failure: UI Element Not Found
UI Element instantiation failure: UI Element Not Found
UI Element instantiation failure: UI Element Not Found
UI Element instantiation failure: UI Element Not Found
foo_uie_webview is using WebView 126.0.2592.113.
foo_uie_webview is using profile "foo_uie_webview-54DA8AB4-A489-4C8E-88EB0D69015940DA".
JScript Panel 3.4.32 (Thumbs by marc2003): initialised in 69 ms
foo_uie_webview is using WebView 126.0.2592.113.
foo_uie_webview is using profile "foo_uie_webview-8E7AE8DF-6544-494F-9B4BE0547A9A635D".
JScript Panel 3.4.32 (Text Reader by marc2003): initialised in 24 ms
JScript Panel 3.4.32 (Text Reader by marc2003): initialised in 31 ms
JScript Panel 3.4.32 (Text Reader by marc2003): initialised in 42 ms
Track scanned in 461.274 ms
JScript Panel 3.4.32 (Thumbs by marc2003): initialised in 53 ms
JScript Panel 3.4.32 (Text Reader by marc2003): initialised in 25 ms
JScript Panel 3.4.32 (Text Reader by marc2003): initialised in 26 ms
JScript Panel 3.4.32 (Text Reader by marc2003): initialised in 40 ms
JScript Panel 3.4.32 (Text Display by marc2003): initialised in 36 ms
foo_uie_webview is using WebView 126.0.2592.113.
foo_uie_webview is using profile "foo_uie_webview-F17DE426-56DC-4A9B-B78B1BF83EEBE943".
JScript Panel 3.4.32 ( Artist Info + User Info by marc2003): initialised in 24 ms
JScript Panel 3.4.32 ( Artist Info + User Info by marc2003): initialised in 29 ms
JScript Panel 3.4.32 (Text Display by marc2003): initialised in 51 ms
JScript Panel 3.4.32 ( Artist Info + User Info by marc2003): initialised in 26 ms
JScript Panel 3.4.32 ( Artist Info + User Info by marc2003): initialised in 26 ms
User Interface initialized in: 0:16.969102
FFmpeg version: 4.4.1
Autoplaylists initialized in: 0:01.976965
"Rating 3+" : 0:01.686464
"bitrate < 192" : 0:00.290486
foo_enhanced_playcount: loaded
Startup time : 0:29.387787
Opening track for playback: "S:\Jukebox Hero\Audio\S\Segall, Ty\2011 Goodbye Bread\10 Fine (2011).mp3"
Automatic resampling: using Resampler (dBpoweramp/SSRC), Resampler (RetroArch)
Device: Headphone (Realtek(R) Audio)
Mix format: 48000 Hz / 32-bit float / 2 channels (0x3)
Sending stream: 48000 Hz / 32-bit float / 2 channels (0x3)
foo_uie_webview failed to call OnPlaybackNewTrack(): The group or resource is not in the correct state to perform the requested operation (0x8007139F)
foo_uie_webview failed to navigate to template "S:\Jukebox Hero\foobar2000\profile\foo_uie_webview\julero\titulos.html": The group or resource is not in the correct state to perform the requested operation (0x8007139F)
foo_uie_webview failed to navigate to about:blank: The group or resource is not in the correct state to perform the requested operation (0x8007139F)
foo_uie_webview failed to call OnPlaybackNewTrack(): The group or resource is not in the correct state to perform the requested operation (0x8007139F)
foo_uie_webview failed to call OnPlaybackNewTrack(): The group or resource is not in the correct state to perform the requested operation (0x8007139F)
foo_uie_webview failed to navigate to template "S:\Jukebox Hero\foobar2000\profile\foo_uie_webview\Template2.html": The group or resource is not in the correct state to perform the requested operation (0x8007139F)
foo_uie_webview failed to navigate to about:blank: The group or resource is not in the correct state to perform the requested operation (0x8007139F)
foo_uie_webview failed to call OnPlaybackNewTrack(): The group or resource is not in the correct state to perform the requested operation (0x8007139F)
foo_uie_webview failed to call OnPlaybackNewTrack(): The group or resource is not in the correct state to perform the requested operation (0x8007139F)
foo_uie_webview failed to navigate to template "S:\Jukebox Hero\foobar2000\profile\foo_uie_webview\Template.html": The group or resource is not in the correct state to perform the requested operation (0x8007139F)
foo_uie_webview failed to navigate to about:blank: The group or resource is not in the correct state to perform the requested operation (0x8007139F)
foo_uie_webview failed to call OnPlaybackNewTrack(): The group or resource is not in the correct state to perform the requested operation (0x8007139F)
foo_uie_webview failed to call OnPlaybackTime(): The group or resource is not in the correct state to perform the requested operation (0x8007139F)
foo_uie_webview failed to call OnPlaybackTime(): The group or resource is not in the correct state to perform the requested operation (0x8007139F)
foo_uie_webview failed to call OnPlaybackTime(): The group or resource is not in the correct state to perform the requested operation (0x8007139F)
foo_uie_webview failed to call OnPlaybackEdited(): The group or resource is not in the correct state to perform the requested operation (0x8007139F)
foo_uie_webview failed to call OnPlaybackEdited(): The group or resource is not in the correct state to perform the requested operation (0x8007139F)
foo_uie_webview failed to call OnPlaybackEdited(): The group or resource is not in the correct state to perform the requested operation (0x8007139F)

Re: foo_uie_webview

Reply #318
This has completely stopped working for me - nothing changed in my setup or system.

for some reason the webview panels in my DUI fth had issues.

Enabling layout editing mode and cut/pasting each panel in place have them working again.

Re: foo_uie_webview

Reply #319
I did further tests and found the version that has no crashes and is v0.1.5.0-alpha4

Re: foo_uie_webview

Reply #320
please look at the following questions:
1. Is it possible to get the contents of $meta(URL) when playing a radio stream?
example link:
Now I get the contents only when the radio stream is stopped.
2. Is it possible to add a setting for the scrollbar behavior? (now it appears only when scrolling the contents of the window).


Re: foo_uie_webview

Reply #321
please look at the following questions:
1. Is it possible to get the contents of $meta(URL) when playing a radio stream?
example link:
Now I get the contents only when the radio stream is stopped.
What do you mean by 'the contents'? The value of the formatting function?
2. Is it possible to add a setting for the scrollbar behavior? (now it appears only when scrolling the contents of the window).
Sure. The 'Fluent' style is explicitly enabled. The only other option is 'Default'.

Re: foo_uie_webview

Reply #324
Spin Disc.

Translation + small changes.

Credit goes to the original author.

I've done some tests with this template: Start / Stop / Interrupt... However, again, no crashes.

Have you ruled out a conflict with another component that also use COM?