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Topic: TSAC: Very Low Bitrate Audio Compression (Read 14032 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: TSAC: Very Low Bitrate Audio Compression

Reply #50
However, containing low-quality audio in a small space is not enough to convince audiophiles. I'm one of them and surely if I could I would increase the bitrate a lot for an acceptable quality.

Yeah, it would be great to augment the quality of the Transformer model with a traditional Opus-style PVQ encoder.

Re: TSAC: Very Low Bitrate Audio Compression

Reply #51
Take a look at the Meta mLow codec. The effect is similar, and it also has low requirements. It would be good to do some comparison of these codecs.

Re: TSAC: Very Low Bitrate Audio Compression

Reply #52
Lower modes of TSAC from -q 1 to -q 4 are only useful for memes. Of course -q 1 is the worst, it ruins anything you try to encode :P. Above -q 4 TSAC starts slowly to became decent  ;). I'm not sure about how affect the quality to use the -s option (for encode channels separately). Apparently this is just for have a more continuous scale of quality, and be slightly more efficient. As the quality scale is 1-9 for mono or separate stereo, 1-12 for joint stereo...
Although, quality still is (being kind) trash  :))

The encoder doesn't allow anything that isn't 44.1KHz... I just would want to try another sample rates  :(.
Speed of encoding/decoding was around 4 times slower than realtime using the max number of threads on the VM with Windows 7 where I make the tests... stereo is obviously slower than mono. Ah, and verbose option of the codec isn't as useful as it could be for track (de)coding progress (I'm not saying that it's useless).

Okay... below here is a zip file with some samples extracted from various songs. There are the "original" samples, the tiny TSAC files and the decoded result. I had to compress the WAV files with TAK so as not to exceed the 30 MB limit.

Re: TSAC: Very Low Bitrate Audio Compression

Reply #53
Take a look at the Meta mLow codec. The effect is similar, and it also has low requirements. It would be good to do some comparison of these codecs.
There's no code, so there's no comparison possible.

Re: TSAC: Very Low Bitrate Audio Compression

Reply #54
The encoder doesn't allow anything that isn't 44.1KHz... I just would want to try another sample rates  :(.
And it doesn't support 24-bit nor 32-bit/64-bit floating-point sample format as an input iirc, so for @fab7, are there benefits of supporting 24-bit (or even floating-point) samples and additionally allowing 48kHz (or even 96kHz) sampling rate for TSAC AI-powered lossy codec?

Re: TSAC: Very Low Bitrate Audio Compression

Reply #55
Apparently this is just for have a more continuous scale of quality, and be slightly more efficient.
I meant that about default joint-stereo  :)
I guess that further than that there's not much difference compared to separate channels.