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Topic: foobar2000 for Mac: bugs (Read 38486 times) previous topic - next topic
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foobar2000 for Mac: bugs


– CPU usage is very high, approx. 15–20% while playing MP3 files. playing the same files consumes approx. 4–5%.

– ReFacets window doesn’t remember column widths.

– Playlist Search and Media Library Search windows don’t remember their sizes and positions.

– Console window doesn’t remember its size and position.

– MP3 tag types window doesn’t remember settings used last time. At least override settings.

– Preferences > ReplayGain Scanner > Downsample high-definition content has an unnecessary [ character before “choose automatically”. Or maybe the corresponding ] character is missing, I’m not sure.


– App not quitting when the main window is closed.

– Monospaced figures to be used throughout the app. Or at least in columns that contain only figures (e.g. track number, duration, date, etc.). Right now these columns look very uneven. The same for elapsed/remaining time shown at the bottom of the app.

– Window showing the artwork: proper multiplication sign (×) surrounded by thin spaces indicating artwork size instead of a letter “x”.

– Artist/album shown in main window to be separated by an en-dash instead of a hyphen.

– ReplayGain tab in Properties window to use proper minus sign (−) instead of a hyphen.

– Ability to save AccurateRip check results right from within the app (like in XLD). Right now you have to copy and paste them elsewhere if you want to save them.

– Customizable toolbar (preferably at the top of the main window like in literally any other audio player for Mac). Bottom part can be used to show the total length of added tracks.

– Built-in updater.

– Built-in help.

– Shortcuts (yes, I know, everybody wants them). Especially for hiding/showing the sidebar. Or at least there should be a menu item for hiding/showing the sidebar enabling people to make their own shortcut to hide/show it.

Re: foobar2000 for Mac: bugs

Reply #1
Thank you very much for the detailed report.
All issues noted and are being looked into.

Regarding MP3 tag types, this works as intended - initially shows tags that the files currently have, not last used selection.
Microsoft Windows: We can't script here, this is bat country.

Re: foobar2000 for Mac: bugs

Reply #2
Today's build addresses large portion of the above.
Microsoft Windows: We can't script here, this is bat country.

Re: foobar2000 for Mac: bugs

Reply #3
Thanks, that was insanely fast and is very welcome.

There’s a new bug though: whenever I launch this preview version, it automatically saves console log.

Re: foobar2000 for Mac: bugs

Reply #4
CPU usage is now indeed much, much lower. For flac files it dropped from like 15% to just 5%. I’m absolutely stunned.

Re: foobar2000 for Mac: bugs

Reply #5
In today’s preview version (v2) Decoding speed test doesn’t show any window.

Re: foobar2000 for Mac: bugs

Reply #6
ReFacets still don’t remember column widths. Not the facets’ widths, but the widths of columns *inside* facets. Both in stable and preview versions.

Re: foobar2000 for Mac: bugs

Reply #7
There’s also a discrepancy in the behaviour of ReFacets and Album List: when you open ReFacets, you are in the search field by default, but when you open Album List, you aren’t.

Re: foobar2000 for Mac: bugs

Reply #8
Great features in today’s preview version, but:

Buttons in the redesigned properties window are slightly cut off at the top.

Saving Accurate Rip logs is fantastic, though I have two minor gripes:
1) it suggests .txt extention instead of .log
2) it uses Windows CRLF instead of Unix LF.

Re: foobar2000 for Mac: bugs

Reply #9
I can't reproduce what your screenshot shows. What version of macOS are you on?

Re: foobar2000 for Mac: bugs

Reply #11
Buttons in redesigned Console window look as they should.

Re: foobar2000 for Mac: bugs

Reply #12
Also: Save buttons in Console window and Accurate Rip check window are of very different size.

Re: foobar2000 for Mac: bugs

Reply #13
Will fix all toolbar related glitches tomorrow, thanks for testing.
Microsoft Windows: We can't script here, this is bat country.

Re: foobar2000 for Mac: bugs

Reply #14
Hopefully OP doesn’t mind me hijacking this thread,
but I am most looking forward for the following things to get changed:

1. Not needing to double click in ReFacets to populate the main window (making it work like the Windows version)
2. ReFacets generating two playlists automatically: one for browsing, and one for playback (like old Facets or CUI Filters in the Windows version) so that you can skip tracks while browsing something else
3. Populating the main window using ReFacets should IMO not result in all tracks being selected
4. In a short playlist, you can deselect by clicking white space below the tracks. But if the playlist is long, you currently cannot deselect with the mouse at all.
5. It’s great that closing the main window doesn’t quit the program altogether anymore, though at the moment there’s no way to bring the main window back without selecting “Open”, “Add Files”, “Add Folder” or “Add Selection”
6. Merging “Pause” and “Play” into one “Play / Pause” action so that it can be targeted by a single keyboard shortcut instead of two

It would be great if there was a bit more interface customization in the future, like being able to merge the main window with ReFacets, tabs, etc,
but it’s mainly the above that would make regular usage of Foobar2000 much more comfortable IMO.

Re: foobar2000 for Mac: bugs

Reply #15
Will fix all toolbar related glitches tomorrow, thanks for testing.

Yep, now everything looks (and works) fine.

Also found a couple of minor bugs in Preferences:
1) Display section: when you click on Front Cover / Back Cover / Artist / Disc buttons, they start jumping up and down;
2) It seems that Advanced section also doesn’t remember column widths (maybe other sections too?).

And one feature request:
Is it possible to add Title Case (i.e. the one that doesn’t capitalise prepositions, conjunctions, etc.) to Edit > Transformations?


Re: foobar2000 for Mac: bugs

Reply #16

First, thanks for the Mac version of fb2k!

I don't know if this a bug or a feature but... the playlists use the unique volume IDs for the path to the music files. I just replaced the external SSD on which my music collection lives, and that was the end of some 30 playlists. The playlist files themselves appear to be in a binary format that isn't so easy to fix for me.

If it's possible to use the volume label (name) instead of the unique volume ID in the playlists (and Media Library, in extension) it would probably avoid this issue, but I obviously don't know the implications of this.

Thanks for giving it a thought,

Re: foobar2000 for Mac: bugs

Reply #17
I have noticed the volume behavior of external headphones (exclusive) is linked to the system volume control level at the time I switch from "external headphones" to "external headphones (exclusive). If system volume is not set to maximum when the output device is changed to exclusive then maximum volume will be limited. External mode completely bypasses system volume (probably not unexpected) however even hitting the mute key does nothing.

MacBook Pro M3 Pro, Sonoma 14.4.1

Re: foobar2000 for Mac: bugs

Reply #18
A couple of suggestions:

1. Shouldn't the artwork automatically resize when you resize the window showing it?
2. When saving AccurateRip check results, wouldn't it be better if fb2k automatically suggested "Artist - Album" name instead of simply "Untitled"?

Re: foobar2000 for Mac: bugs

Reply #19
New bugs:

– contrary to what the change log says, foobar now *forgets* playlist column widths (especially the date column). It remembered them just fine before the fix.
– new equalizer window forgets its size and position between relaunches.

Re: foobar2000 for Mac: bugs

Reply #20
Also: artwork looks noticeably worse in foobar than, say, in Preview. I attach a comparison (fb2k on the left, Preview on the right). "Composed & performed by" is especially jarring.

Re: foobar2000 for Mac: bugs

Reply #21
And: foobar doesn’t remember the state of the side bar (i.e. if it’s shown or hidden) between relaunches.


Re: foobar2000 for Mac: bugs

Reply #22
The ability to change between playlist sidebar and album list. I use F2K "for ever" in windows and now it seems another program. Almost crippled.

Re: foobar2000 for Mac: bugs

Reply #23
Today's build addresses quite a few things.
It's still work-in-progress, but stuff that's included works quite well, including the whole of toolbar items.
Microsoft Windows: We can't script here, this is bat country.

Re: foobar2000 for Mac: bugs

Reply #24
Looks interesting!

But now there’s a lot of empty unused space to the right of rewind/play/forward buttons. I think that volume indicator can be moved there thus freeing more space to show artist name and track title, no?