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Topic: how uninstall correctly dsp component and logarithmic volume step? (Read 1470 times) previous topic - next topic
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how uninstall correctly dsp component and logarithmic volume step?


Can I ask 2 questions ?

how can I uninstall correctly dps components removing dps preference?
I 'm using foobar2000 v2.1.1 32bit portable and foobar2000 v1.6.17 32bit portable (32 bit only for compatibility reason)
To uninstall component ->preferences ->component ->select a component ->right click ->remove -> and restart foobar
I have used total commander to search the component settings and they are still in the foobar preferences
I have tried to uninstall Sqrsoft Advanced Crossfader (just because it doesn't work on v2) and Effect DSP and I have searched with searchmyfiles and total commander and the settings are still there, I have used SQLiteSpy and SQLiteStudio
is there a way to remove them?
just because to reset them , I need to perform a clean install and check the dsp preferences

is there a way to improve logarithmic volume steps ?
I have just compared foobar2000 v1.6.17 and foobar2000 v2.1.1 to musicbee 3 last version logarithmic volume and aimp 5 last version logarithmic volume and the logarithmic volume behavior is different
I use these preference -> volume step(db) -> 1.0 like the screenshot

Re: how uninstall correctly dsp component and logarithmic volume step?

Reply #1
You are uninstalling the component correctly. That is how any component is removed.

Uninstalling a component does not remove its settings. To reset a component's settings you generally hit a reset button on that component's configuration page.
For DSPs the settings are stored in DSP chains. If you remove a DSP from a chain its settings are effectively reset.

I don't understand your claim that Sqrsort Advanced Crossfader doesn't work on foobar2000 v2.x. Nothing with DSPs has changed between foobar2000 v1.x and 2.x as long as you use 32-bit version.

Is there a reason why you think you need to edit SQL files or manually remove something in general? What are you trying to achieve?

What is the question here? What do you think would be an improvement? Do you understand the setting you showed? It defines how much volume is adjusted in a single step when you call the volume down or volume up commands.

Re: how uninstall correctly dsp component and logarithmic volume step?

Reply #2
You are uninstalling the component correctly. That is how any component is removed.
What is the question here? What do you think would be an improvement? Do you understand the setting you showed? It defines how much volume is adjusted in a single step when you call the volume down or volume up commands.
Hi Case
Uninstalling a component does not remove its settings. To reset a component's settings you generally hit a reset button on that component's configuration page.
but it will reset all the components , all of them , I would like just to reset 1 or 2 component/s
I have found effect dps component settings in fobar2000 v2 even in \library-v2.0\xx\content.sqlite  in the file content.sqlite after I have removed and restarded foobar

I don't understand your claim that Sqrsort Advanced Crossfader doesn't work on foobar2000 v2.x. Nothing with DSPs has changed between foobar2000 v1.x and 2.x as long as you use 32-bit version.
I think it's the plugin ,it does work with some 1.x version not for all of them ,maybe you could give a look , great component by the way

Is there a reason why you think you need to edit SQL files or manually remove something in general? What are you trying to achieve?
just to remove some dsp settings to avoid a new installation loosing all my preferences

What is the question here? What do you think would be an improvement? Do you understand the setting you showed? It defines how much volume is adjusted in a single step when you call the volume down or volume up commands.
Well , foobar looks it does use a linear volume compared to others players , while in musicbee and aimp  with logarithmic volume enabled ,it does make a big different from 100% to 70%/60% it does drecrease/increase volume very fast , between 70%/60% to 0% it does decrese/increse volune very slowly . I think it should be the normal logarithmic volume behavior  or?

Re: how uninstall correctly dsp component and logarithmic volume step?

Reply #3
but it will reset all the components , all of them , I would like just to reset 1 or 2 component/s
I of course didn't mean the "Reset all" button. I said for non-DSP components that have their own config page you can reset settings with a button. The button I mentioned is the "Reset page" button.

I have found effect dps component settings in fobar2000 v2 even in \library-v2.0\xx\content.sqlite  in the file content.sqlite after I have removed and restarded foobar
Is there a reason why you think you need to edit SQL files or manually remove something in general? What are you trying to achieve?
just to remove some dsp settings to avoid a new installation loosing all my preferences

Ok. Not sure anything can be done if some setting file leftovers bother you. But the DSP settings are reset to defaults as soon as any effect from the component is removed from your DSP chain. The DSP settings are not stored by the component but by the player.

I don't understand your claim that Sqrsort Advanced Crossfader doesn't work on foobar2000 v2.x. Nothing with DSPs has changed between foobar2000 v1.x and 2.x as long as you use 32-bit version.
I think it's the plugin ,it does work with some 1.x version not for all of them ,maybe you could give a look , great component by the way
I know of the component. I was a fan back in Winamp days. I see in the topic only complaints that dark mode from foobar2000 v2.x isn't supported. And of course that there's no 64-bit version. Other issues mentioned there have nothing to do with foobar2000 version. And no outsider can affect that component, it's closed source and SqrSoft's property.

Well , foobar looks it does use a linear volume compared to others players , while in musicbee and aimp  with logarithmic volume enabled ,it does make a big different from 100% to 70%/60% it does drecrease/increase volume very fast , between 70%/60% to 0% it does decrese/increse volune very slowly . I think it should be the normal logarithmic volume behavior  or?
Sorry, you are mistaken and confused. I went ahead and installed both the MusicBee and AIMP. They both default to linear volume control but allow switching to logarithmic. Logarithmic volume control means that volume is controlled by decibels, which follow human hearing quite closely. Both the MusicBee and AIMP still show volume as meaningless percentages even with logarithmic scale enabled. I don't understand what one controls with them. With AIMP using logarithmic volume the 50% setting reduced loudness by approximately 24 dB. With MusicBee 50% setting resulted in about 50 dB reduction in loudness. With foobar2000 the volume slider shows exactly what the reduction is. Humans hear 10 dB reduction as loudness being halved.

Re: how uninstall correctly dsp component and logarithmic volume step?

Reply #4

Sorry, you are mistaken and confused. I went ahead and installed both the MusicBee and AIMP. They both default to linear volume control but allow switching to logarithmic. Logarithmic volume control means that volume is controlled by decibels, which follow human hearing quite closely. Both the MusicBee and AIMP still show volume as meaningless percentages even with logarithmic scale enabled. I don't understand what one controls with them. With AIMP using logarithmic volume the 50% setting reduced loudness by approximately 24 dB. With MusicBee 50% setting resulted in about 50 dB reduction in loudness. With foobar2000 the volume slider shows exactly what the reduction is. Humans hear 10 dB reduction as loudness being halved.
Hi Case
I did not know about it, I remember some hardware volume pots (guitars and other audio devices/gears) they are used to increase/decrease between around 10 - 8(or 7) very quickly and after very slow , and when i have asked they answer "they are logarithmic pots"potentiometer"

Re: how uninstall correctly dsp component and logarithmic volume step?

Reply #5
@francesco:  while there is nothing you can do about removing traces of a plugin uninstalled by the usual method if they have left settings in one of the sqlite DB files, some older plugins left behind a *.cfg file of their settings in the profile/configuration folder that can be deleted manually if found there.


Re: how uninstall correctly dsp component and logarithmic volume step?

Reply #6
@Case    @sveakul

i like the foobar2000 volume ,but just a research and i got this and found here
about linear and logarithmic volume
A logarithmic control would require you to rotate the volume control significantly more. It isn't that you don't have as much power output capabilities. Rather, it is that the logarithmic control provides more finite, even incremental changes across the whole range of the volume control where as the linear control provides massive increases in output with minimal adjustment/movement of the volume control at the lower end and barely any change in output at the higher end of the volume control.

Re: how uninstall correctly dsp component and logarithmic volume step?

Reply #7
@Case    @sveakul

i like the foobar2000 volume ,but just a research and i got this and found here
Yep, a fine description of logarithmic volume.  And your point is?

Re: how uninstall correctly dsp component and logarithmic volume step?

Reply #8
Why the heck would anyone want a linear volume control?!

What you want is a volume control which is linear in dB, which is what (to all intents and purposes) a logarithmic control achieves.  The reason for this is that human hearing has a logarithmic response: a linear perceived increase in volume is actually logarithmic in terms of power.
It's your privilege to disagree, but that doesn't make you right and me wrong.

Re: how uninstall correctly dsp component and logarithmic volume step?

Reply #9
Why the heck would anyone want a linear volume control?!

What you want is a volume control which is linear in dB, which is what (to all intents and purposes) a logarithmic control achieves.  The reason for this is that human hearing has a logarithmic response: a linear perceived increase in volume is actually logarithmic in terms of power.
Why the heck would anyone want a linear volume control?!
sorry my native language is not english
i was asking this ,if it's possible to  slow down the volume steps
is there a way to improve logarithmic volume steps ?

Re: how uninstall correctly dsp component and logarithmic volume step?

Reply #10
You can slow it down, or rather, make the steps smaller. In Preferences > Advanced, try setting Playback Settings > Volume step (dB) to 0.5 instead of 1.0. I use 0.5 as well, and I think 1.0 is default. This will increment by half a decibel instead of a full decibel when raising or lowering the volume with buttons.
Think millionaire, but with cannons.

Re: how uninstall correctly dsp component and logarithmic volume step?

Reply #11
You can slow it down, or rather, make the steps smaller. In Preferences > Advanced, try setting Playback Settings > Volume step (dB) to 0.5 instead of 1.0. I use 0.5 as well, and I think 1.0 is default. This will increment by half a decibel instead of a full decibel when raising or lowering the volume with buttons.
I will try it today
i often just worried to change settings just beacuse i don't know which files should i backup so i 'm used to zip all the profile settings