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Topic: Timeline-SMP (Read 1129 times) previous topic - next topic
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A foobar2000 interactive Timeline Spider Monkey Panel of your library. Configurable by Title Format, lets you generate playlists based on selection. Based on Statistics-Framework-SMP


  • Statistics fully configurable:
    • Set data per axis with Title Format.
    • Highly configurable chart and data manipulation.
  • Asynchronous data calculations (UI is not blocked).
  • Point statistics.
  • Scroll with buttons and mouse dragging.
  • Zoom with mouse wheel and button.
  • Configurable background (cover, colors, gradient, ...).
    • Color palettes and schemes from colorbrewer.
    • Colorblind friendly.
  • Tool-tip shows multiple info about the point selected.
  • AutoPlaylist and Playlist creation on click over a point.
  • Fully Wine - Unix - non IE SOs compatible.
  • Automatically check for updates (configurable).


See wiki.

Download latest release (or nightly releases) at github:

Re: Timeline-SMP

Reply #1
[0.7.0] - 2023-11-24

    Data: Y-axis is now configurable and can be set to count any TF expression per track (previously it just counted the num of tracks for the given X/Z point). For ex. it can be set to count listens per track ('%PLAY_COUNT%'), all 5 rated tracks ('$ifequal(%RATING%,5,1$not(0),0)'), etc.
    Data: Y-axis can be adjusted proportionally per total counter of tracks per serie. This setting is provided along the TF expression used (so you can set entries to display total and proportional values).
    Data: data can be filtered by query. For example 'ALL' to display all tracks or queries like '%LAST_PLAYED% DURING LAST 4 WEEKS'.
    Statistics: expanded point statistics with percentages.
    UI: number of points shown per X-value is now configurable at 'Display settings\Chart type'.
    UI: added transparency to all chart types (previously only on 'Timeline' type).


    UI: data TF entries now have a check to show the one currently being used.
    UI: improved input menu entries with hints. For ex. transparency input menu entries now have a hint about which value is opaque and which transparent.
    Helpers: updated helpers.
    Console: reduced max log file size to 1 MB.


    UI: extra column on color palette's schemes submenu.

Listens/tracks (by artist)

Total tracks (by artist)


Re: Timeline-SMP

Reply #2
v0.9.0 - Data sources customization
0.9.0 - 2023-12-11

    Data: tracks' source can now be set to library, current playlist, playing playlist or specific playlist(s) by name. When using playlists sources (any type), data can be refreshed on real time when adding/removing tracks or switching playlists. Library source is never automatically updated.
    Data: new menu entry to force a data update of the selected source.
    Data: tracks are now deduplicated before processing statistics (for ex. having 2 versions of the same album will not introduce any more biases).


    UI: when changing the TF of any axis, the axis name is now suggested without '%' and capitalized (instead of the raw tag).
    UI: when changing the TF of any axis, the current expression is shown.
    Data: max slice range applied when changing data (previously Infinity). Set to 50 by default.


    Data: incorrect number handling on Y axis in some cases when using synchronous calculation.

See this for examples.

Re: Timeline-SMP

Reply #3

1.1.0 - 2023-02-28

    UI: added setting to center X-label ticks on 'timeline' chart type.
    Configuration: added COMPOSER to the list of global tags.
    Configuration: added LOCALE LAST.FM to the list of global tags.
    Configuration: added integrity checks to global user settings files, found at '[FOOBAR PROFILE FOLDER]\js_data\presets\global[...].json'. In particular queries are now check to ensure they are valid and will throw a popup at init otherwise. Other settings are check to ensure they contain valid values too.
    Configuration: expanded user configurable file at '[FOOBAR PROFILE FOLDER]\js_data\presets\global\globSettings.json' with a new setting to output to console profiling logs at script init. They work globally. Disabled by default.


    Data: all default tags, queries and TF entries now use the settings found at '.\foobar2000\js_data\presets\global' files. Reset defaults to update entries.
    Data: enhanced sources data auto-update to only run during playback when needed. For ex. when the axis TF or filter contains tags associated to changes during playback, like %PLAY_COUNT%. It can also be set to never update during playback or to always update using ("*") as tag.
    Data: sorting is now set by default to 'natural|x' when changing from distributions to standard graphs.
    UI: added alt. labels for scatter and line charts. It just adds a background.
    UI: optimized repainting to use less resources.
    Helpers: updated helpers.
    Console: improved log file formatting on windows text editors which parse new lines only with CR+LF instead of LF.
    Code cleanup.


    Data: fixed some cases where playlists sources were not updated during playback.
    Data: fixed improper handling of multi-value tags in some cases.
    Data: fixed crash using data filters.
    Data: fixed logging about sorting being set while using distributions.
    Data: fixed crash when setting data source to specific playlist(s) by name.
    UI: fix zoom while using normal distribution.
    UI: data offset to the right while using normal distribution in some cases.
    UI: fix alt. labels when using bars charts. Now behave similar to timeline chart, but being displayed on the vertical axis.
    Minor fixes.