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Topic: foobar2000 2.1 preview - Inconsistant sort order between playlist and ReFacets (Read 898 times) previous topic - next topic
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foobar2000 2.1 preview - Inconsistant sort order between playlist and ReFacets

As stated in the title, the sort order is different between playlists and in ReFacets.

Playlists: A, Z, ミ, や
ReFacets: A, Z, や, ミ

Foobar version: 2.1 preview 2023-10-13

EDIT: Just realised "Title / featuring / track artist" is a custom column (%title%[>>>' (feat. '%featuring%')'<<<][<<<' ['%track artist%']']), but it should still be sorted the same way.

Re: foobar2000 2.1 preview - Inconsistant sort order between playlist and ReFacets

Reply #1
EDIT: Just realised "Title / featuring / track artist" is a custom column (%title%[>>>' (feat. '%featuring%')'<<<][<<<' ['%track artist%']']), but it should still be sorted the same way.
The >>> <<< do matter - by themselves, even. (I honestly question whether that is a good thing.)

Try to format the "artist" column like e.g.
that should just darken it if it is %featuring% someone, not display it. But brightness/darkness does at least break ties.

Re: foobar2000 2.1 preview - Inconsistant sort order between playlist and ReFacets

Reply #2
The highlighting is irrelevant to the bug, and what I use works for me. I had just tried to give the simplest example I could but forgot to switch back to the standard columns. Either way, the sort order between ReFacets and the playlist is different.

Re: foobar2000 2.1 preview - Inconsistant sort order between playlist and ReFacets

Reply #4
But now "Items" is sorted incorrectly, it should be by numbers and not by alphabet.

Is: 1 before 100 before 3 before 666 before 9
Should be: 1, 3, 9, 100, 666