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Topic: 2.1preview internet radio accessibility/ux problems (Read 1159 times) previous topic - next topic
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2.1preview internet radio accessibility/ux problems


Internet radio is a really cool feature, but there are accessibility bugs with it.
Tested with foobar2000 v2.1 preview 2023-08-28 32bit and Windows 10 22h2.
1. The tab switcher does not show up when tabbing around, and control+tab/control+shift+tab shortcuts don't work to cycle between tabs.
I wasn't even aware there were tabs until someone had pointed that out to me, and even when they had, I still couldn't find them without using a mouse. Using control+tab/control+shift+tab just seems to perform tab/shift+tab commands instead.
2. The search tab's search edit box shows up as "Powered by <a>radio-browser</a>  edit", which is very misleading/confusing
If someone hadn't pointed that out to me that it was an edit box, I would've totally missed it thinking it was a link.
3. The combo boxes all seem not to have any labels.
E.g., the combo box where you select name/language, and another one where you select the country or tag all seem unlabeled.
4. Selecting the tags option in the first unlabeled combo box in the search tab results in the window hanging for a bit, which also often freezes screen readers.
5. The multi-letter navigation doesn't seem to work in the second unlabeled combobox which is either country picker or tag picker.
This makes it hard to get to a specific country/genre that all start on the same letter.
6. The chosen station cannot be played by pressing enter in the list.

I appreciate your hard work, just reporting the things I found so that FB2K can be even better.

Re: 2.1preview internet radio accessibility/ux problems

Reply #1
Hello, I confirm bug in accessibility. I can see the "Known stations" and "Search" tabs when I hover over the object navigation in NVDA and click on the desired tab. However, it's not intuitive, because initially I couldn't see these tabs either when navigating with the tab / ctrl+tab shortcuts.

Re: 2.1preview internet radio accessibility/ux problems

Reply #2
Is there any chance of moving forward with this topic? The Internet Radio dialog unfortunately still has accessibility issues.
Thanks in advance.

Re: 2.1preview internet radio accessibility/ux problems

Reply #3
Issue is noted but as you may know, Peter is quite busy. And he is still only human.

Re: 2.1preview internet radio accessibility/ux problems

Reply #4
Mostly addressed for the next update. Tab navigation was indeed a mess. Thanks for reporting.
Microsoft Windows: We can't script here, this is bat country.

Re: 2.1preview internet radio accessibility/ux problems

Reply #5
Issue is noted but as you may know, Peter is quite busy. And he is still only human.
I realize that Peter is busy. My message was not intended to rush the solution of the problem. I didn't know that the problem was noted. I just think accessibility is quite important when it comes to comfortable use of the program.