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Topic: How to interpret this partial EAC log? (Read 1248 times) previous topic - next topic
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How to interpret this partial EAC log?

Hey all, I was wondering how to interpret this error:

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Assuming that the other 10 rips are from different people, would that mean all copies of this CD have the same manufacturing defect?


Re: How to interpret this partial EAC log?

Reply #1
11 rips match each other.
0/11 match your rip for track 5. Your Track 5 is different from the 11 by 435 samples.
0/7 match your rip for track 5.

Your rip has suspicious positions and non-matching Test/Copy CRCs

Re: How to interpret this partial EAC log?

Reply #2
11 rips match each other.
0/11 match your rip for track 5. Your Track 5 is different from the 11 by 435 samples.
0/7 match your rip for track 5.

Your rip has suspicious positions and non-matching Test/Copy CRCs

Oh, 11 differ... I thought my rip was included with those 11, so I thought I should be expecting 10/11. Thank you for helping me understand!