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Topic: AutoEq --> Foobar2k EQ presets (Read 1939 times) previous topic - next topic
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AutoEq --> Foobar2k EQ presets

AutoEq (by Jaakko Pasanen) is an utility for headphone equalization.

I made routines to make it support SuperEQ, which can be found on few software as like Foobar2k DT/Foobar Mobile and DeaDBeeF (originally SuperEQ was made for Winamp by N. Shibata).  At this point AutoEq has to be installed in your system with these routines ... . Here are the functions to be added in :

Aitken interpolation (you can use some interpolation method from library as well):

Code: [Select]
def aitkeninterp(x, y, xi):
        n = np.size(x)
        if n != np.size(y):
        A = np.zeros((n,n), float)
        D = np.zeros(n, float)
        yi = 0.0

        for i in range(0, n):
            D[i] = xi - x[i]
            A[i, 0] = y[i]
        for i in range(1, n):
            for j in range(1, i+1):
                A[i, j] = (D[j-1] * A[i,j-1] - D[i] * A[j-1,j-1]) / (x[i] - x[j-1]);
        yi = A[n-1, n-1];

        return round(yi)

SuperEQ preset file calculator/writer (not sure of the file extension 'seq'):

Code: [Select]
 def write_supereq(self, file_path):
        """Writes SuperEq's 18 band eq settings to a preset file."""
        """Gain values are interpolated using Aitken's interpolation method from same memory data which is stored into csv file by AutoEQ"""
        last_idx = np.size(self.frequency)-1
        prev_idx = 0

        with open(file_path.replace('.txt', '.feq'), 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f:  # .feq = foobar2k preset file extension
            s = ''
            file_path = os.path.abspath(file_path)
            cfreq = [55.0, 77.0, 110.0, 156.0, 220.0, 311.0, 440.0, 622.0, 880.0, 1200.0, 1800.0, \
                     2500.0, 3500.0, 5000.0, 7000.0, 10000.0, 14000.0, 20000.0] # SuperEQ band center frequencies
            idx = 0
            for i in cfreq:
                idx = bisect.bisect_left(self.frequency, i, lo=prev_idx, hi=last_idx-1)
                if last_idx > idx+1:
                    G = FrequencyResponse.aitkeninterp([self.frequency[idx-2], self.frequency[idx-1], self.frequency[idx], self.frequency[idx+1]], \
                                                       [self.equalization[idx-2], self.equalization[idx-1], self.equalization[idx], self.equalization[idx+1]], i)
                    s += f'{G:d}\n'
                    prev_idx = idx
                else: # get value from the last element
                    G = round(self.equalization[-1])
                    s += f'{G:d}\n'

! remember import bisect in header.

I have tested functionality by calling the function from write_eqapo_parametric_eq() with a command line FrequencyResponse.write_supereq(self, file_path).

At least this allows generation of presets for SuperEQ/Foobar2k/etc. without need for full SuperEQ implementation.

As for an example, for AKG K240 Studio I got this data for the preset : 6, 4, 1, -2, -3, -3, -2, -1, -1, 1, 4, -1, 3, 3, -1, -1, 1, 5

Compare :

Re: AutoEq --> Foobar2k EQ presets

Reply #1
Code changes needed to support SuperEQ preset file generation directly with a commandline parameter --supereq :

Code: [Select]
38 arg_parser.add_argument('--supereq', action='store_true',
                            help='Will produce SuperEQ settings if this parameter exists, no value needed.')

Code: [Select]
19 def batch_processing( ....  ,supereq=False, ...)

33 if not compensation and (... or supereq):

112 args = (... ,supereq, ...)

133 def process_file(..., supereq, ...)

163     if supereq:
        supereq = True
233    if supereq:
        fr.write_supereq(output_file_path.replace('.csv', '.feq'))    

Code: [Select]
38 def __init__(..., supereq=None, ...)

67         self.supereq = self._init_data(supereq)

73 def copy(..., supereq=self._init_data(self.supereq), ...)

def reset(..., supereq=True, ...)   

160         if supereq:
            self.supereq = self._init_data(None)
907 def compensate(...
self.reset(..., supereq=True, ...)

1044 def smoothen_fractional_octave(...
self.reset(..., supereq=True, ...)

Tested with console command:

Code: [Select]
$ python3 -m autoeq --input-file="measurements/oratory1990/data/over-ear/AKG K240 Studio.csv" --output-dir="my_results" --compensation="compensation/harman_over-ear_2018_wo_bass.csv" --supereq

Re: AutoEq --> Foobar2k EQ presets

Reply #2
Hi Juha,

This is a great idea. I was surprised it wasn't already implemented in the Autoeq web application.

I tried to follow the instructions in your second post step by step.

Unfortunately, it seems that "" has been modified since then. The line numbers for the instructions are different (slightly in some places) or missing (1044 def smoothen_fractional_octave doesn't seem to be there anymore).

Not being a programmer, I'm a little confused as to how to proceed.

Would you be so kind as to provide some guidance? Could you possibly post the updated code?

Thanks in advance!