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Topic: LA NOIRE 64-bit Columns UI theme (Read 15096 times) previous topic - next topic - Topic derived from Columns UI appearance
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Re: LA NOIRE 64-bit Columns UI theme

Reply #25
I'm checking the correct installation of the Theme. The bottom part of the buttons seems out of place to me...

Re: LA NOIRE 64-bit Columns UI theme

Reply #26
How do I stop the disc from spinning? Because the buttons do not work.

Re: LA NOIRE 64-bit Columns UI theme

Reply #27
How do I stop the disc from spinning? Because the buttons do not work.
I did not thing about stopping the spinning ...
Maybe create a button while do the job

Re: LA NOIRE 64-bit Columns UI theme

Reply #28
Thank you for sharing this 64-bit theme.  I just installed it, and I got it working.

One tip that will resolve an issue others may run into:

Copy all files and replace what exists under your installed %APPDATA%\foobar2000-v2 (for non-portable install that is what I did).  Replace all existing content.  After you do this, go to options, Media LIbrary, and remove all paths from that config you copied and replace with your correct media library path.  This was a brand new install, so I faced no issues doing this.  There may be ways of keeping your existing library, but that is beyond my knowledge.

I did attempt to preserve my existing library, but I got JavaScript errors from not copying stuff I was supposed to.  I force copied everything on the second try to see success.


Re: LA NOIRE 64-bit Columns UI theme

Reply #29
Again, thank you for sharing this theme.  This is the only shared theme for 64-bit fb2k I have found to date.

There are two issues that I currently face using this theme.  I am posting here for consideration of future improvements.

#1 The playlist view really needs a scrollbar to be able to scroll through many playlists.  When the small playlist window gets full, you cannot tell that excess content is not present.  In order to access all of my playlist, I had to change the sort from A-Z to Z-A.  This was when I realized that a scroll bar is not present and functional for the playlist window

#2 An easy way to see and change the rating for the currently playing must would be fabulous.

Re: LA NOIRE 64-bit Columns UI theme

Reply #30
I don't use this theme but the playlist view and built in playlist manager have scrollbars. :/

The rating column in the playlist is clickable. It will use Playback Statistics (foo_playcount) if present. If not, will write RATING tags in your files.

More notes on playlist features:

Re: LA NOIRE 64-bit Columns UI theme

Reply #31
Again, thank you for sharing this theme.  This is the only shared theme for 64-bit fb2k I have found to date.

There are two issues that I currently face using this theme.  I am posting here for consideration of future improvements.

#1 The playlist view really needs a scrollbar to be able to scroll through many playlists.  When the small playlist window gets full, you cannot tell that excess content is not present.  In order to access all of my playlist, I had to change the sort from A-Z to Z-A.  This was when I realized that a scroll bar is not present and functional for the playlist window

#2 An easy way to see and change the rating for the currently playing must would be fabulous.

you are right. i'am actually making a big update of this skin . time time is missing me .... i hope soon almost finish . testing phase....

Re: LA NOIRE 64-bit Columns UI theme

Reply #32

I like this skin very much. Can you help me how to set it up in linux?

Re: LA NOIRE 64-bit Columns UI theme

Reply #33
I don't use this theme but the playlist view and built in playlist manager have scrollbars. :/

Thank you for this tip.  I was always using the theme's built-in Playlist View.  However, I can easily bring up fb2k's own pop-up Playlist Manager via clicking the hamburger menu at the upper left|View|Playlist Manager to see and select all my playlists easily.

Also, under Preferences|Playback and turning on Cursor follows play back keeps the playlist view in sync with the currently playing song allowing me to change the rating.  This setting was disabled with I originally copied over the profile containing all settings.  The rating comment no longer applies now.

Re: LA NOIRE 64-bit Columns UI theme

Reply #34
I like this skin very much. Can you help me how to set it up in linux?

It's not possible. The JScript Panel 3 component it uses requires at least IE9 which is windows only. You cannot install it on WINE.

Re: LA NOIRE 64-bit Columns UI theme

Reply #35
Is there any chance that this would be ported to Foobar 32 bit? I think there I can set it up to work fine.

Edit: Or can I replicate this by replacing foobar2k 64 bit with foobar2k 32bit and using WSH panel mod instead of the JScript Panel 3? And copy one code to the other? It is the same language right? (Though at first sight this is still not possible)