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Topic: Recreating the functionality of non-existent/made-up components (Read 3101 times) previous topic - next topic
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Recreating the functionality of non-existent/made-up components


Do these components exist?

FFT Analyzer (foo_fft_analyzer)

CQT Analyzer (foo_cqt_analyzer)

Simple spectrum analyzer using custom FFT

Constant-Q transform using Goertzel algorithm


It would be helpful if you could explain it in another thread.
Well unfortunately no, the components does not even exist even on the slightest (and admittedly I actually made this up tbh, including Wamoc as a whole), although CodePen projects does exist and in fact I made this collection of interactive mockups of such "components" including overlayed channel spectrum visualization

Reeeeal funny... You do know, that developing (and fixing *is* developing) new components is not like ordering pizza? It actually requires quite a bit of time (and effort).
No humour was intended. No one appreciates developers more than people like me that can't. All I'm saying is apart from personal interest, if developers need directions to develop towards, recreating the functionality of these broken components would be a productive direction and if there were better alternatives, users would take them and the number of broken older components in use would diminish.
Ok then, this logic on the second quote applies to non-existent/made-up/fake components as well right? And some of "functionality" of non-existent components might came with caveats (like a spectrum analyzer on GUI of a parametric equalizer component, which is out-of-sync with actual playback, or an IIR filter bank spectrum analyzer, which requires delta-timing tricks to work properly), or even straight up impossible


Re: Recreating the functionality of non-existent/made-up components

Reply #1
Thankyou for the explanation.
I don't know why the page was created.
It's a pity that there are no components.
SHURE SRH1840, SENNHEISER HD660S2, SENNHEISER HD620S, SENNHEISER HD 490 Pro Plus, beyerdynamic DT 1990 PRO, HiFiMAN Edition XS, Bowers & Wilkins P7, FiiO FT5, 水月雨 (MOONDROP) 空鳴 - VOID, Nakamichi Elite FIVE ANC, SONY WH-ULT900N (ULT WEAR) (made a Upgrade/Balanced Cable by myself)

Re: Recreating the functionality of non-existent/made-up components

Reply #2
Thankyou for the explanation.
I don't know why the page was created.
It's a pity that there are no components.
As for why these pages are created, I made it to flex my Web Audio API visualizations and DSP skills on CodePen and I created these pages on Fanon Wiki for anyone to port it as a foobar2000 component with that information from these articles (some of them are admittedly useful if they exist like AudioWorklet Processor component that makes it easier to program custom DSPs inside foobar), and it doesn't have to strictly follow the article for how it works and the feature set

Apologies if the Fanon Wiki is not the best place for foobar2000 component ideas

Re: Recreating the functionality of non-existent/made-up components

Reply #3
@TF3RDL , Web Audio API is not a part of ECMAScript standard and SpiderMonkey (which is the engine that SMP is using) is a pure JavaScript engine without any DOM extensions. SMP v1.x does not implement any DOM facilities either (except for small things like timers and console.log). Hence it's impossible to do what you want with SMP.

Additionally, Web Audio API is a *very* complex API which has a rather limited application in fb2k environment, so it won't be implemented in SMP v2.x either (i.e. features it provides are just not worth the time it requires to implement it).
Thanks for the clarification that WebAudio visualizations that I wrote doesn't even work inside fb2k without all of wonky workarounds, but that's besides the point. So it is an another reason why I contribute to Fanon Wiki for fb2k component ideas, not to mention that legacy components like foo_musical_spectrum and foo_dsp_xgeq doesn't exist as a 64-bit version as it hasn't been updated for fb2k v2.x, which is not a problem because 32-bit versions of foobar2000 v2.0 and newer already exists anyway :D

And here's the problem, only a very few people can actually makes foobar2000 components (not counting the component devs that left a long time ago) so I'm interested to see the functionality of Wamoc's foobar2000 components being recreated (or in other words, materialized from Fanon Wiki into a real thing), accounting for any caveats that I said on the first post on this topic

To be honest, I will be clear that Wamoc's foobar2000 components are 100% fake and are in fact made by me just for fun :)) as misinforming people doesn't get it anywhere

Re: Recreating the functionality of non-existent/made-up components

Reply #4
Regarding audioMotion-analyzer, hvianna didn't have experience with C++ as in the discussion to port spectrum analyzer part of audioMotion to foobar2000 64-bit component, so anyone interested on porting this web audio visualizer (which is already a good substitute for musical spectrum visualization for 64-bit users) to fb2k?

MOD edit: fake component attachments removed - unacceptable

Re: Recreating the functionality of non-existent/made-up components

Reply #5
I understand that spreading misinformation (or in other words, posting Fanon Wiki entries as if is a real thing) is complete BS and I admit that I did the series of damaging edits to the wiki before, since I though it was funny to post Wamoc components (which I admit that it is completely made-up) here, so I apologize for posting this on the wrong place, except on April Fools day right?

BTW and currently, it isn't possible to replicate this spectrum on foobar2000 (x64/ARM64EC versions) with current set of 3rd-party components:
since on the frequency scale on this above image is Mel (there is only one spectrum analyzer I aware of using Mel scale, and that is Channel Spectrum panel, however it is a legacy component and it can't be used on 64-bit version), and the FFT size is non-power of two (13230 samples, which equals to 300ms on 44.1kHz sampling rate), which I aware of, there is no fb2k spectrum analyzer component have a feature to set FFT size to non-power of 2 values. The latter is less obvious, but it is easily seen by some FFT bin position exactly matching up to the frequency lines on the analyzer

Neither is for 1/24th octave spectrum analyzer:
since again, there is no component that do this (not even the 32-bit only foo_musical_spectrum), nor the constant-Q transform since on this image above, the peak width is roughly the same for higher frequencies on logarithmic scale

So when comes to replicating these spectrum analyzers, be mindful of impossibilities since there are limited amount of components and do not create fake components just to satisfy the need, instead just use other programs like Web Audio API visualizations (on any major browsers) or use VST host component (foo_dsp_vst3)

Re: Recreating the functionality of non-existent/made-up components

Reply #6
FFT Analyzer (foo fft analyzer)

CQT Analyzer (foo cqt analyzer)

The top two pages have been removed.
Having a component page that doesn't exist is weird.
SHURE SRH1840, SENNHEISER HD660S2, SENNHEISER HD620S, SENNHEISER HD 490 Pro Plus, beyerdynamic DT 1990 PRO, HiFiMAN Edition XS, Bowers & Wilkins P7, FiiO FT5, 水月雨 (MOONDROP) 空鳴 - VOID, Nakamichi Elite FIVE ANC, SONY WH-ULT900N (ULT WEAR) (made a Upgrade/Balanced Cable by myself)

Re: Recreating the functionality of non-existent/made-up components

Reply #7
FFT Analyzer (foo fft analyzer)

CQT Analyzer (foo cqt analyzer)

The top two pages have been removed.
Having a component page that doesn't exist is weird.
Yep, these two and many others on the HAK wiki (which is for factual information only) were removed and reverted for a good reason (limiting the spread of misinformation as I already realized that making stuffs up does suck for anyone looking for factual information, or in this case, new fb2k components)

But sadly, nothing can change the fact that fanon wikis can be used as a get-out-of-jail-free card to spread misinformation (usually through unintentional means) since the purpose of these wikis is to be creative and post ideas, and that can be misused to post something as if it is real where really is not, although the most wikis may have disclaimers that all content on this wiki shouldn't be taken seriously

BTW, this is a thread that I've made to discuss the possibility of recreating nonexistent components (which is harder to accomplish than broken components since the info on these fanon pages are vague sometimes)

Re: Recreating the functionality of non-existent/made-up components

Reply #8
It's a pity that there are no components.
Now, there it is and that is foo_vis_spectrum_analyzer with some if not most of features from made-up components I've made over Fanon Wiki, at least for spectrum analysis-type visualizations though Mid/Side spectrum analyzer are still missing

What I still need is X/Y oscilloscope or vectorscope in other words as actual foobar2000 component (instead of being a preset for MilkDrop/AVS or a VST plugin) and perceptual graphic EQ and parametric equalizer as DSP components