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Topic: Problem with foobar2000 mobile not recognizing certain MP3 tags (Read 991 times) previous topic - next topic
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Problem with foobar2000 mobile not recognizing certain MP3 tags


I have a problem with tagging MP3 files: it seems that information I write into certain tags is not recognized by foobar2000 mobile.

Here are the details:

I use mp3tag (v3.02 on Windows 10 Home) to tag my MP3 files.

Information I write into tags like ARTIST, GENRE, TITLE, COMPOSER etc. are recognized by foobar2000 mobile (Version 1.4.1 on my iPhone 13 running iOS 16.6.1).

Recently, I tried to use the tag STYLE to tag some MP3 files. After transferring these files to foobar2000 mobile (and rescanning the library, of course), I still get only one entry when clicking on Browse/Style: "(unknown style)". This entry then includes all my MP3 files (including those containing a STYLE tag).

The same problem occurs with the PERIOD, INSTRUMENT and CONDUCTOR tags.

Am I using the correct field name "STYLE"? Does anybody have a clue what the solution might be?

Thanks so much in advance! :-)

Re: Problem with foobar2000 mobile not recognizing certain MP3 tags

Reply #1
Ok, I put my question differently: Has anybody *ever* successfully used one of the tags I mentioned (STYLE, PERIOD, INSTRUMENT or CONDUCTOR) in foobar2000 mobile (i.e., do you see something different than the global "(unknown style)" etc. lists)?

If so, I would be very happy if you could send me one MP3 file which is properly displayed in your foobar2000 mobile app. Then I have a chance to go trouble-shooting myself.

Thank you so much!

Re: Problem with foobar2000 mobile not recognizing certain MP3 tags

Reply #2
Yes, all my MP3 and Opus files work fine with these tags, but I do not tag really anything with Mp3Tag, instead I just use the default foobar2000 tag editor. Here is a free, public domain, legal MP3 file I've tagged on my desktop in foobar2000 that meets the criteria you've sent and shows these tags as expected in the foobar2000 mobile app. I put this file onto my phone using FileZilla.

Artist Name: Eddy del Rio
Track Title: Liebestraume No.3 in A-Flat Major
Composer: Liszt
Performer: Eddy del Rio
CONDUCTOR: Test Conductor Field
PERIOD: Romantic

MOD note: audio samples should be less than 30 seconds


Re: Problem with foobar2000 mobile not recognizing certain MP3 tags

Reply #3
Your file did not work either, but it helped me to solve the problem: Obviously, it was a bad idea to use iTunes for synchronizing my MP3 files. Some tags obviously get lost in this process. When I copy my files to the foobar2000mobile directory, all tags show up perfectly in the app.

Thanks a lot! :-)