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Topic: Help please! Organizing massive amounts of music with file operation (Read 701 times) previous topic - next topic
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Help please! Organizing massive amounts of music with file operation

I need to organize thousands of loose release into folders based on publisher/label.

They are currently in folders where I use this patter to sort them all into one place:
[ '['%catalognumber%']'] %album artist% - %album%[ '['%date%']']/%filename%

I want to keep that format, but also have them created under another hierarchy based on publisher name.


also i tried this [%publisher%/][ '['%catalognumber%']'] %album artist% - %album%[ '['%date%']']%filename%

which is almost right, but does not create release subfolders

Re: Help please! Organizing massive amounts of music with file operation

Reply #1
also i tried this [%publisher%/][ '['%catalognumber%']'] %album artist% - %album%[ '['%date%']']%filename%

which is almost right, but does not create release subfolders
Did you mean to remove the path separator before the %filename%? If that doesn't resolve your problem then it might be worth giving an example (using an actual CD release) of how you'd like it to look.