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Topic: views in foobar200 (Read 907 times) previous topic - next topic
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views in foobar200

all my music is stored in folders. Each album has a seperate folder.
In the upper part of the picture below you can see a part of my directory tree (music from Paco de Lucia")
In the part below you can see how it is shown in foobar2000.
I tried several things but did not succeed to match views.
- is this something I have to change in foobars view options and if yes, how?
- or do I have to change the Mp3tags of the tracks within the folder and if yes how?
- and where and how can I change the pictures of the albums?
thx a lot

Re: views in foobar200

Reply #1
Looks like the usual thing that happens with albums that have multiple artists but nothing specified in the Album Artist field. See what happens if you add the same Album Artist (Paco de Lucia) for all of the songs.

Since this is likely to be a problem that crops up throughout your library (and thus something to fix as an ongoing concern), you may want to go to Preferences->Display->Columns UI (assuming this is what you're using)->Playlist view->Grouping and edit the Title formatting to give you some visual feedback on whether or not the Album Artist field is present, using $if($meta(album artist). In my case, I made it so that the grouping returns the filepath if there is no Album Artist, taking the attitude that if an Album Artist value is missing, it isn't an album.


Re: views in foobar200

Reply #2
here is an other example. In the screenshot (link below - item A) you can see in the listed tags of the songs of some Bonanamassa songs. Item B shows how foobar viewed them
Item C shows another folder which is viewed correct. I cannot find any difference.
Hope someone can help me. It's disgusting

Re: views in foobar200

Reply #3
here is an other example. In the screenshot (link below - item A) you can see in the listed tags of the songs of some Bonanamassa songs. Item B shows how foobar viewed them
In "Item B" screenshot each track has a different DATE in the group heading... (from "2000" to "2014") ...if these are supposed to be the same album, the tagging is incorrect.

Select all album tracks > right-click > Properties and enter a single value for DATE.

(When using playlist grouping, tags need to have a common value to be grouped under one heading, like already suggested for ALBUM ARTIST field)

In the upper part of the picture below you can see a part of my directory tree (music from Paco de Lucia")
In the part below you can see how it is shown in foobar2000.

For your first question here it might also depend on the filenames. When viewing "by folder structure" it sorts tracks by the path. For albums with multiple discs, you need to add a DISCNUMBER to the beginning of the filenames ("1.01 Track Title.mp3"), or put each disc in separate folders ("Disc 1, Disc 2", etc)

Foobar can rename files - select all album tracks > right-click > File Operations > Rename to > select '...' and enter a pattern in the 'File Name' box -

Code: [Select]
[%discnumber%.]%tracknumber% %title%