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Topic: How do I dump Enhanced CDs? (Read 3568 times) previous topic - next topic
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How do I dump Enhanced CDs?

I tried using EAC, but it doesn't dump the data that comes with the CD. Does anyone know how to dump Enhanced CDs?

Re: How do I dump Enhanced CDs?

Reply #1
I think enhanced CDs have additional "computer files" (and maybe a folder) so you should be able to copy the file(s) from the CD to your hard drive without "ripping" software.

Re: How do I dump Enhanced CDs?

Reply #2
Yep, copy.
Despite the use of the phrase "image", you will anyway not get the bits out in the order of the disc from the beginning to end, so just settle for the content.

It did happen to me once that a CD contained something that would trigger every antivirus around.

Re: How do I dump Enhanced CDs?

Reply #3
I tried using EAC, but it doesn't dump the data that comes with the CD. Does anyone know how to dump Enhanced CDs?

Use ImgBurn and create an image of the CD

You'll get a 1:1 copy of the entire CD

Re: How do I dump Enhanced CDs?

Reply #4
Don't. It defeats the entire purpose of secure ripping. ImgBurn makes no attempt at ensuring the bits are correct.

Re: How do I dump Enhanced CDs?

Reply #5
If you really need an exact copy of the disc, you can always trick your drive with a fake TOC and rip it as if it were audio. You'll have to offset-correct and descramble the data track afterwards.

It's still not an exact copy, but I'm assuming you're not about to pull out a microscope and read the pits directly. (But if you are, I might know some archivists who would be interested in accurately preserving some hard-to-copy CDs.)

Re: How do I dump Enhanced CDs?

Reply #6
Sure there are some, and sure I have wondered why there weren't more applications that could take rip data from one attempt on one drive and on another and do something intelligent about them.

But let's cut this down to what an end-user needs to know:
 * Audio ripping is not like file copying, that is why we got specialized applications like cdparanoia/ExactAudioCopy/dBpoweramp/CUERipper/.... as well as AccurateRip and CTDB databases to verify that your audio matches someone else's.
 * Data sessions on those EnhancedCD formats work much more like file copying.

Then if the end-user is more curious:
Just like you are happy about copying a file from a hard drive to another without worrying whether it resides in precisely the same sector on the physical drive, you are probably not to worry about replies 2 and 5.
Basically, you want the right bits - you don't care if they are in the same location on the medium. Unreliable bits in the right place is not your priority, and that is why you want a secure audio ripper and not an "image" copier.
And the "smart" trick of using an image copier first and rip a virtual CD, is not smart. The virtual CD doesn't get any more reliable from being read several times, not any more than a text file gets any better from being opened many times.

Re: How do I dump Enhanced CDs?

Reply #7
Some audio CDs contain data files, such as a test file or a pdf file. If one wants that information on one's hard drive one does a copy/paste. This has nothing to do with audio extraction. "Correctness" of the data is no more an issue than if copying a data file from one place to another on the hard drive or from any other external source such as a flash drive, the internet, or a non-music optical disc. Such data from an audio CD is no more likely to be different than the original than if it came from any other source. If the audio CD is badly enough damaged that copying is a problem, you probably won't get anything at all.

It has been some years but I used to write such data files to many audio CD I made with information about the music and about the processing I had done in producing it.

Re: How do I dump Enhanced CDs?

Reply #8
If you really need an exact copy of the disc, you can always trick your drive with a fake TOC and rip it as if it were audio. You'll have to offset-correct and descramble the data track afterwards.

It's still not an exact copy, but I'm assuming you're not about to pull out a microscope and read the pits directly. (But if you are, I might know some archivists who would be interested in accurately preserving some hard-to-copy CDs.)

This is an interesting method - how would one go about doing this? Or at least the fake TOC part?

Re: How do I dump Enhanced CDs?

Reply #9
This is an interesting method - how would one go about doing this? Or at least the fake TOC part?
Put a disc with your desired TOC in your drive, let the drive read and cache the TOC, and then swap discs without ejecting the disc. Most drives don't expect you to do something like that, so they won't re-read the TOC, and you'll be able to read any disc with any TOC. Swapping discs without ejecting the disc can be tricky and void your warranty and blind you with the infrared laser, so be careful.

With the appropriate tools, you can burn a CD-R with just about anything in the TOC. Most burning software will automatically generate the TOC or refuse to burn one that doesn't make sense, but some tools are not so picky. You can learn more by typing "audio trap disc" into your favorite search engine.

Re: How do I dump Enhanced CDs?

Reply #10
If you are on Linux or macOS you can use dd to create an image of the data part of the enhanced CD. I have issues with those nowadays, because they usually used HFS which is no longer supported in macOS 13. Thankfully there is hfsutils.

Re: How do I dump Enhanced CDs?

Reply #11
I ended up dumping the tracks normally and putting everything else in a separate folder. I also created a separate backup using IMGburn.

Re: How do I dump Enhanced CDs?

Reply #12
It is a shame that there isn’t a better/more standardized way of doing this, considering how many discs there are out there with more than just data tracks.

Simply copying the files across should NOT be considered a true preservation/archival-grade copy of the disc any more than ripping a standard audio CD to WAV with iTunes should be considered a proper rip of that disc.

Can one recreate a completely identical copy of the disc by burning from said “copied” files? No? Case closed.

My current method for discs with data tracks is to use ISObuster to rip the raw data track as a .bin file, after already having ripped the audio portion of the disc with EAC.

Since the cue sheet can point to this .bin for the data track in its appropriate location, theoretically there should be a way to properly burn the full set of audio+data .bin track back to disc, offset corrected with proper gaps, indexes, emph flags if necessary, etc, however I have not gotten so far as to find a way to actually do that.

In my perfect world, EAC would already handle ripping this correctly with little effort needed on the users behalf, instead of completely ignoring the data track as it currently does.

Re: How do I dump Enhanced CDs?

Reply #15
I would try Media Preservation Frontend, wich is an open source (GPL) Redumper/Aaru/DiscImageCreator UI.
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Re: How do I dump Enhanced CDs?

Reply #16
If you're comfortable using command line, I would just go with DiscImageCreator directly.
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