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Topic: wasapi VS processor architecture (Read 5115 times) previous topic - next topic
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wasapi VS processor architecture

I just switched to fb2k v2.0 [x64] and wanted to install my "common" components, yet the WASAPI.fb2k-component notifies me it cannot load Could not load component "WASAPI.fb2k-component": This component was built for a different processor architecture.

I have a x64 machine, though.

Any suggestions? Is there an alternative around?


Re: wasapi VS processor architecture

Reply #2
As @marc2k3 pointed out, the latest foobar2000 versions only have WASAPI outputs built-in (shared and exclusive), there's no more need for a component.
The error means you are trying to run a 32-bit component on a 64-bit app, old components were 32-bit only because foobar2000 used  to be 32-bit only. Now that there's a 64-bit version of foobar2000, components must be updated to include a 64-bit version.
(The old WASAPI component: Supported processor architecture: x86 32-bit.)