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Topic: Bitcompare offset correction might use some improvement? (Read 1028 times) previous topic - next topic
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Bitcompare offset correction might use some improvement?

Not sure if arbitrary corner cases are worth that much developer time, but here is the situation:
* There is a difference mid-stream. The beginning and the end are bit-identical
* fb2k aligns the offset to ... something else. Obviously not to what minimizes difference peaks.

Log extract in point. Actually I have first applied the right offset and then clipped down to 100 seconds to get the point ahead: there are three seconds around midway where the streams differ. So now offset is already "optimal":
Code: [Select]
Compared 4410000 samples.
Differences found: 285762 values, 0:53.488209 - 0:56.728186, peak: 1.914429 (+5.64 dBTP) at 0:55.929252, 2ch
Channel difference peaks: 1.890472 (+5.53 dBTP) 1.914429 (+5.64 dBTP)
File #1 peaks: 0.977325 (-0.20 dBTP) 0.977325 (-0.20 dBTP)
File #2 peaks: 0.977325 (-0.20 dBTP) 0.977325 (-0.20 dBTP)
Detected offset as -588 samples.

Comparing again with corrected offset...
Compared 4409412 samples, with offset of -588.
Discarded 588 leading null samples from file #1.
Discarded 588 trailing samples containing non-null values from file #2.
Differences found within the compared range: 8527539 values, 0:00.042336 - 1:39.986644, peak: 1.954529 (+5.82 dBTP) at 1:37.195465, 2ch
Channel difference peaks: 1.954498 (+5.82 dBTP) 1.954529 (+5.82 dBTP)
File #1 peaks: 0.977325 (-0.20 dBTP) 0.977325 (-0.20 dBTP)
File #2 peaks: 0.977325 (-0.20 dBTP) 0.977325 (-0.20 dBTP)