So here are some "integer friendly" floating point mixing techniques that would never happen in real world. For example, I think the song "The Saga Of Harrison Crabfeathers" sounds great:
Click the "223 MB" link to download the multitrack 24-bit archive. Basically, drag all files into Audacity, select all tracks and mixdown to stereo directly without any adjustment.

Naturally, after mixdown, there will be some overs. Typical users may either do a peak normalize or apply a limiter to deal with them, but in this case, open the Nyquist prompt and apply an integer friendly gain value to the mixed track:

Then render to a 32-bit float file. Now the file can be losslessly saved as fixed point.
00:03:26.0606122 = 18174546 samples / 2-ch @ 44100 Hz
32-bit floating point
Ch Position Value dBFS
Maximum 0 7680784 0.7279655933380127 -2.757782935073358
Minimum 0 5459222 -0.92048293352127075 -0.71968518494290912
Abs.min 0 152 7.4505805969238281e-08 -142.55619765854985
Round Trip: 27
oldsCool read-only mode
All tracks decoded fine, no differences found.
Compared 9087273 samples.
No differences in decoded data found.
Channel peaks: 0.920483 (-0.72 dBTP) 0.919624 (-0.73 dBTP)
Compared 9087273 samples.
No differences in decoded data found.
Channel peaks: 0.920483 (-0.72 dBTP) 0.919624 (-0.73 dBTP)
Now the float file is bloated.
Length Name
------ ----
72698272 01_KickIn.wav
35661546 8p.flac
39560446 gx4-32f.wv
35732920 gx4-32i.wv