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Topic: Foobar doesn't update media library (Read 1137 times) previous topic - next topic
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Foobar doesn't update media library

Foobar doesn't update media library when I move a new song in to the monitored folder. The format of these files are .mkv. At the moment I have to delete the playlist and re-add the folder, then they show up, however it takes along time to re-scan the entire folder. Any solutions?
I'm using foobar2000 v2.0 beta 24 [64bit]
With Columns UI Version 2.0.0 beta 1


Re: Foobar doesn't update media library

Reply #1
Preferences -> Media Library:
Right-click the folder in question, have you set it to monitor changes?

Re: Foobar doesn't update media library

Reply #2
Preferences -> Media Library:
Right-click the folder in question, have you set it to monitor changes?

Yes it has "Re-scan on start up" and "Monitor for changes while running" ticked, and it says "Monitoring" under status. I have sub folders in this folder but tried to move a file into that "root" folder and it still didn't update.
I'm using foobar2000 v2.0 beta 24 [64bit]
With Columns UI Version 2.0.0 beta 1

Re: Foobar doesn't update media library

Reply #3
I should say it's both .mkv and .mp4 files with the audio only, that I put in this folder, however they play back fine and show the meta data I enter.

In the media library error log it says
Unsupported format or corrupted file (moov box not found)
for the .mp4 files

I'm using foobar2000 v2.0 beta 24 [64bit]
With Columns UI Version 2.0.0 beta 1