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Topic: why does radioparadise seem to sound better than foobar2000 ? (Read 2462 times) previous topic - next topic
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why does radioparadise seem to sound better than foobar2000 ?

it's really very silly question , and i hope it's not off topic
but I often listen radioparadise via foobar , in mp3 320kb , aac 320kb and flac -> main mix
often radioparadise does brocast songs i own and i have ripped on my computer

i'm not sure ,but for my ears they do seem to sound better than my originals songs , original (first press) or remastered
I have used my old copy of goldwave 5.57 , really cool audio editor and i have tried to check if there are difference without luck

well my question
Do you listen radio paradise with foobar2000 or via web browser or via other software main mix?
Do their songs play "better" for your ears and taste than your original?
Is something is the foobar DSP ? Mine foobar2000 dsp are empty
sorry for my english , but it's almost 6 month i have thought about it , i have even written to radio paradise but they did not answer to my question

Re: why does radioparadise seem to sound better than foobar2000 ?

Reply #1
Does it alter volume? That is easily (mis-) perceived as a difference in quality.

Edit: I should have written, have you aligned volume.

Re: why does radioparadise seem to sound better than foobar2000 ?

Reply #2
Also, a LOT of web broadcasters use a variety of VST effects like widening, spectrum enhancement, compression, etc. that will by definition make the songs sound different than your own files.  This is normal and nothing to worry about.

Re: why does radioparadise seem to sound better than foobar2000 ?

Reply #3
Does it alter volume? That is easily (mis-) perceived as a difference in quality.

Edit: I should have written, have you aligned volume.
Hi Porcus
I will check the volume , but i guess they have different eq or some copressor
do you what/which software do they use to broadcast ?
Also, a LOT of web broadcasters use a variety of VST effects like widening, spectrum enhancement, compression, etc. that will by definition make the songs sound different than your own files.  This is normal and nothing to worry about.
Hi sveakul
about variety of vst effects , how do all the songs   play harmonious ,same volume , Eq (even are different genre) ?
do you think could be recored just some seconds of a streamed song and compared with mine cd with some softwares to find out if there are some effects

Re: why does radioparadise seem to sound better than foobar2000 ?

Reply #4
They could be using the same filters for every song, which would explain why they all sound "the same."  You shouldn't be concerned about this especially compared to songs you ripped yourself from source material, assuming of course you did the rip accurately.  If you still feel the need to compare the broadcast version you can make lossless FLAC stream rips from FLAC radio using Foobar with wget.exe (,122171.msg1008353.html#msg1008353), but beware it is awkward to use due to its inablity to split into tracks as with Streamripper.  You shouldn't lose any sleep over this IMHO non-issue.

Re: why does radioparadise seem to sound better than foobar2000 ?

Reply #5
They could be using the same filters for every song, which would explain why they all sound "the same."  You shouldn't be concerned about this especially compared to songs you ripped yourself from source material, assuming of course you did the rip accurately.  If you still feel the need to compare the broadcast version you can make lossless FLAC stream rips from FLAC radio using Foobar with wget.exe (,122171.msg1008353.html#msg1008353), but beware it is awkward to use due to its inablity to split into tracks as with Streamripper.  You shouldn't lose any sleep over this IMHO non-issue.
hi @sveakul
do you listen radio paradise? It's the only radio I listen
it does sound really great for my ears
have you noticed that many songs play different compared to yours (cd) ?
do you think with the foobar dsp and replaygain could sound like
use a variety of VST effects like widening, spectrum enhancement, compression, etc. that will by definition make the songs sound different than your own files.
thanks ,appreciate it

Re: why does radioparadise seem to sound better than foobar2000 ?

Reply #6
Your best bet is to experiment with a range of DSP effects until you get your music to sound whatever way you like it most, being aware that it may not have much relationship to how the artist "intended."  This is a lot easier now that Foobar has added an excellent VST host.  Start with some free stuff like TDS Nova, LoudMax, Ozone Imager, etc.  Be aware though that less is often better.  Most of the streams I listen to are not represented in my own file collection.  I do use the same DSP settings in Foobar with both sources.

Re: why does radioparadise seem to sound better than foobar2000 ?

Reply #7
Stereo Tool,  seems to be a VST used by broadcasters

Re: why does radioparadise seem to sound better than foobar2000 ?

Reply #8
hi @sveakul  @sacduser

well , i would like to use foobar2000 dsp and not vst (are too difficult for me to use TDS nova is a powerful eq and not easy to use)
about loudmax ,there is a winamp plugin , sadly not for other application
several years ago , i like to play music with winamp when 128k was the standard and i have used DFX Audio Enhancer

Re: why does radioparadise seem to sound better than foobar2000 ?

Reply #9
about loudmax ,there is a winamp plugin , sadly not for other application
LoudMax is available as 32 and 64-bit VST2 and 64-bit VST3 plugins not just a Winamp DSP and works fine with v1 and v2 Foobar: .  It is extremely simple to use, as is "Wider": .  And don't be afraid to play with the built-in Foobar equalizer.