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Topic: V2 beta 26 [x86] not listing DSD tracks  (Read 3119 times) previous topic - next topic
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V2 beta 26 [x86] not listing DSD tracks

I finally dared to try v2 again. Some months ago it was a disaster.

Now as far as I can see most things work (with newer plugins) -

But DSD and ISO files won't show up in my album/track lists

Yes - they play when I find them in explorer and click to open in Foobar and appear in playlist window when playing
Any ideas how I can fix this?


Re: V2 beta 26 [x86] not listing DSD tracks

Reply #1
Apologies - I should have said .dsf files

Re: V2 beta 26 [x86] not listing DSD tracks

Reply #2
No responses to this - probably should have asked initially whether or not .dsf and iso files 'should be read' by foobar2000 v2.  Because if they are not and they only would work thanks to 3rd party components, then this issue should be in the plugins part of this resource.

Re: V2 beta 26 [x86] not listing DSD tracks

Reply #3
I don't get .dsf nor ISO neither indexed nor played on beta26x64. If you get them played, you likely have something in your setup that does it. ?

As for DSD files in .dff/.dsf, then WavPack can losslessly compress these (except those already DST compressed). Better format, better tagging:,122847.msg1023468.html#msg1023468

Re: V2 beta 26 [x86] not listing DSD tracks

Reply #4
I don't get .dsf nor ISO neither indexed nor played on beta26x64. If you get them played, you likely have something in your setup that does it. ?

Thanks - have been using the latest foo_input_sacd  - and it plays and sounds great - but issue is not listing the folders or ISO or the tracks, unless they are manually dropped onto the playlist. They then appear in the playlist but never the album list - or my list of folders in foobar (custom code) 

I did not get any to play sometime ago with x64 but it was then not accepting

As for DSD files in .dff/.dsf, then WavPack can losslessly compress these (except those already DST compressed). Better format, better tagging:,122847.msg1023468.html#msg1023468

I am unfamiliar with wave pack - will explore.

But again - my problem is not getting these to play - just to be in my album list - so I see their availability

Re: V2 beta 26 [x86] not listing DSD tracks

Reply #5
Well  - interesting to report - dropping a dsf track into wavepack makes that individual track stay in the tracklist - and the album folder is retained in my list after restarting foobar (only containing those individual files which were wavepacked).

Not tried anything with .iso or any other files

So, having hardly read up on what wavepack does to the files - perhaps it will make sense later

....I think you were talking about changing the compression scheme. 

thanks for that

Re: V2 beta 26 [x86] not listing DSD tracks

Reply #6
Speaking too soon - w/ wavepack. Not only do I note now that it just makes a low bit .wv converted file in the folder - which, in the first instance slipped my vision - but now having tried it on another album - the .mv files play when double clicked or dropped into foobar (as do the .dsf files) - but for they dont necessarily make the album folder appear in my album list.

...So no closer

I can only guess there is some database mechanism in the v2 version which simply ignores listing .dsf or .iso files - and perhaps others  

Re: V2 beta 26 [x86] not listing DSD tracks

Reply #8
Thanks - absolutely no question is dumb when users like me can do dumb things - or simply  when unexpected stuff starts to happen.

I made some progress meantime after your prompt  regarding .dsf  but not .ISO

First - to reiterate about the problem. I never actually set up anything other than choosing all my Music folders.
What I was finding was - when I add new folders and files to one of those folders - they appeared instantly in the album listings - as long as they contain music files. Meaning a folder which is listed in the  'Music folders' will not be listed as an album if it merely contains just jpegs or excel files etc.

Something somewhere decides what file extension to consider music content before listing the files and that over the years that has worked with ISO and .dsf  with earlier versions of FB and the components I have used.

Upgrading with prior settings to V2 beta presumably imported rather than recreated from scratch.

I was adding new music to existing drives/folders (not .dsf I don't think) which did appear instantly.   But the .dsf files on there were missing.

My progress was to find that if I deleted folders in foolbar - restarted and then and asked it to re database the same folders - the .dsf albums now are listed.

So that is progress - but I tried the same with .iso files and no luck there.

 .iso files I drag into the playlist window still list all contents and play - but are not recognized by FB in the album list

I am assuming that the DB file listing in the v2 beta version simply does not have a .iso listing

... or is this the sacd component's remit

Oh and another observation from my recent tests :   DVD-A iso actually plays (if ISO is listed as a foobar filetype and it is double clicked) -  but unlike other it wont give me a file listing of all the tracks - if dragged into the playlist. Perhaps there is a DVD-A component I need to update.

Re: V2 beta 26 [x86] not listing DSD tracks

Reply #9
just for clarity - in order to get FB v2 beta to 'properly' re-database the folders which it had imported from V1, it was necessary to delete the folder from the album list - then to apply - then to quit FB and then add it again after restarting.

...simply deleting it and 'apply' and then re add it, did not refresh the file listing.

And in summary - that gave me back listings for .dsf files - but not .iso

Re: V2 beta 26 [x86] not listing DSD tracks

Reply #10
And in summary - that gave me back listings for .dsf files - but not .iso
fb2k doesn't by default do ISO images. If they are SACD, then you probably need that component?

Did you get it working with WavPack? It should.

Re: V2 beta 26 [x86] not listing DSD tracks

Reply #11
Fb2k definitely does 'do' the .iso's in terms of playback (but not listing anymore - as it did with V1).

I am never sure which plugins do or did that previously

Super Audio CD Decoder 1.5.4   foo_input_sacd.dll (2023-02-07 12:13:12 UTC)  is up to date - not sure if that interprets ISO

I have the following
Perhaps the ISO reading is via some other component

Channel Mixer   foo_channel_mixer.dll (2008-03-12 09:37:47 UTC)            
Converter 2.0 beta 27   foo_converter.dll (2023-03-15 18:55:40 UTC)            
DSD Processor 1.1.4   foo_dsd_processor.dll (2021-05-19 16:52:14 UTC)            
Equalizer 1.2.3            foo_dsp_eq.dll (2023-03-15 18:55:34 UTC)            
MultiResampler 1.1.2   foo_dsp_multiresampler.dll (2017-06-15 20:41:33 UTC)            
SoX Resampler 0.8.3   foo_dsp_resampler.dll (2017-11-26 16:02:45 UTC)            
Standard DSP Array 2.0 beta 27   foo_dsp_std.dll (2023-03-15 18:55:34 UTC)            
Graphic Equalizer 0.3.7           foo_dsp_xgeq.dll (2016-03-05 18:12:22 UTC)            
File Operations 2.0 beta 27   foo_fileops.dll (2023-03-15 18:55:38 UTC)            
Online Tagger 0.9                   foo_freedb2.dll (2023-03-15 18:55:38 UTC)            
APT-x100 Decoder 0.1.10   foo_input_apt-x100.dll (2020-04-16 20:18:58 UTC)            
AVS input 0.6                            foo_input_avs.dll (2019-12-02 00:00:28 UTC)            
DSDIFF Decoder 1.6            Foo_input_dsdiff.dll (2018-01-17 06:43:34 UTC)            
DTS decoder 0.6.9                    foo_input_dts.dll (2020-03-06 15:44:38 UTC)            
DVD-Audio Decoder 0.6.1    foo_input_dvda.dll (2022-09-05 10:30:56 UTC)            
Super Audio CD Decoder 1.5.4   foo_input_sacd.dll (2023-02-07 12:13:12 UTC)            
CD Audio Decoder 2.0 beta 27   foo_input_std.dll (2023-03-15 18:55:42 UTC)            
Standard Input Array 2.0 beta 27   foo_jesus.dll (2010-09-23 09:34:06 UTC)            
Autosave & Autobackup 10           foo_out_asio.dll (2022-09-19 12:21:32 UTC)            
ASIO Output 2.2                           foo_out_upnp.dll (2022-08-29 16:32:58 UTC)            
UPnP MediaRenderer Output 1.4   foo_playlisthistory.dll (2017-08-30 00:13:24 UTC)            
Playlist History 0.1.6                    foo_queuecontents.dll (2012-08-29 01:29:16 UTC)            
Queue Contents Editor 0.5.1            foo_quicktag.dll (2022-09-22 19:42:02 UTC)            
Quick Tagger 1.1.1                            foo_ramdisk.dll (2016-02-12 05:41:11 UTC)            
RAM-Disk 1.0                                    foo_texttools.dll (2022-09-16 11:00:30 UTC)            
Text Tools 1.1                                    foo_ui_std.dll (2023-03-15 18:55:42 UTC)            
Playlists Dropdown 0.7.6                    foo_uie_playlists_dropdown.dll (2017-01-30 18:19:39 UTC)            
ZIP/GZIP/RAR/7-Zip Reader 2.0 beta 27              foo_unpack.dll (2023-03-15 18:55:42 UTC)            
LHA reader 1.13                           foo_unpack_lha.dll (2017-03-18 05:19:46 UTC)            
Album List 2.0 beta 27                   Decoding Speed Test 2.0 beta 27            
Default User Interface 2.0 beta 27       File Integrity Verifier 2.0 beta 27            
Core (2023-03-15 18:56:00 UTC)       foobar2000 core 2.0 beta 27            
 FFmpeg Decoders 5.1                       Monkey's Audio Decoder 8.70      

Is there a wavepack plugin for foobar

I used commandline which converted it to a .wav format file - which would be a last resort (and quite a lot of perhaps unnecessary work) - if whatever component which listed all these .iso files never is made to work again with V2.

I am now reluctant to go back to V1 because I tried that a few months ago and the entire database was corrupted and an bunch of things were not working any more. I then had to go back to a very old install and update and configure everything to bring things back to normal        

Re: V2 beta 26 [x86] not listing DSD tracks

Reply #13
DSDIFF Decoder 1.6            Foo_input_dsdiff.dll (2018-01-17 06:43:34 UTC)
Are you sure you need this one? The newer SACD (foo_input_sacd) component also handles DSDIFF according to the description, so they might be conflicting.

Re: V2 beta 26 [x86] not listing DSD tracks

Reply #14
Is there a wavepack plugin for foobar
Not needed, WavPack support is built in out of the box.
Which is why I am asking. If you don't get up the .wv files, you have likely done something weird.

Yes - to confirm - when I converted files earlier with wavepack - those wav files did immediately appear in the album listings.

Being unfamiliar with it - and having seen wavepack plugins listed for other music players, I wondered whether there was a plugin which converted on the fly (or some other such wonderous thing) - - which was why I asked.

Meantime - now that I totally rebuilt all the album listings and the .dff files are back in the album listings, I dont need to convert those files.

I did not try wavepack with .iso files however. If it converts them to usable wv files I might try to convert them so I can see them. But for now I will just use explorer to initiate playing in FB v2. Reiterating again - the ISO files all play when opened thus.  

Re: V2 beta 26 [x86] not listing DSD tracks

Reply #15
DSDIFF Decoder 1.6            Foo_input_dsdiff.dll (2018-01-17 06:43:34 UTC)
Are you sure you need this one? The newer SACD (foo_input_sacd) component also handles DSDIFF according to the description, so they might be conflicting.

Many thanks - I will remove and check that all is fine

Re: V2 beta 26 [x86] not listing DSD tracks

Reply #16
Oh, look - life is sweet again - thanks everybody

Now I have listings of all the .iso files

I did 2 things at the same time.  So the cure might either have been:

 upgrading to  v2.0 beta 28

and at the same time - taking anamorphic's advice, I removed the dsdiff component

....and restarted.

and there they all were again