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Topic: Android - an audio playback without oversampling via USB output without UAPP? (Read 2389 times) previous topic - next topic
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Android - an audio playback without oversampling via USB output without UAPP?

I do not think this problem has a solution but I will ask anyway:
Is there any way for USB audio (from both audio and video files) playback via adnroid without down or up sampling of the signal?

There are some audio players (UAPP, Onkyo, Hiby, Poweramp) which bypass the original Android USB audio drivers, but no video players which allow that. All of the audio players are very niche products and have terrible user interface.

Ideally, I need a solution at Android driver level. Failing that - a Kodi or other video player plug in or a nice video player that allows that.

It is not a pressing problem at all, but I would really like to know if I missed anything. Let's give this thread 5-10 years and maybe there will be a solution  :)

The hardware device is Nvidia Shield. I understand the easy solution would be to just use a Windows device for media playback instead of an android device.

Re: Android - an audio playback without oversampling via USB output without UAPP?

Reply #1
To the best of my knowledge Android (like any other OS) has a default sample rate. This is 48 kHz so all videoruns at its native rate.

There is no interface to change this default, at least not a UI. Wouldn't be surprised if you root your phone, there is a config file somewhere you can change.

There are apps that by pass this default. Probably like WASAPI/Exclusive or hog mode in OSX circumnavigate the OS audio stack. I don't think this is a matter of suppling one's own USB drivers. UAPP might be the exception as they developed UAC compatible drivers long before Android started supporting UAC1 & 2.
Anyway, I have Onkyo running and indeed it can switch between 44.1, 48 and 96 being the sample rates supported by my dongle.

Nice to have but not the reason why I use this app. After being gifted with a 1TB micro SD, I had no need to transcode to MP3. My entire collection fits in and most of them are FLAC. However my fav Foobar Mobile is not able to index it properly so I had to find something else.

Re: Android - an audio playback without oversampling via USB output without UAPP?

Reply #2
Yes, it is 48khz in adroid by default, however, if we go into Shield's USB audio mode options, "stereo" mode is 44100Hz which obviously includes downsampling. Not what I was asking initially but just a comment.

Re: Android - an audio playback without oversampling via USB output without UAPP?

Reply #3
Have you looked at MX Player?  I know it let's you choose between software and hardware decoding, allows custom codecs, and audio passthrough.

Re: Android - an audio playback without oversampling via USB output without UAPP?

Reply #4
Have you looked at MX Player?  I know it let's you choose between software and hardware decoding, allows custom codecs, and audio passthrough.
Unfortunately, this was the only one I could not make work. Every time I try to open files it disconnect my hdd.