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Topic: How to use latest FLAC 1.4.2 with eac3to? (Read 2628 times) previous topic - next topic
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How to use latest FLAC 1.4.2 with eac3to?

The default FLAC version in eac3to (v3.36) is 1.2.1 which is very old. I would like to use the latest 1.4.2 (downloaded from but it crashes with eac3to (used 32-bit version of FLAC).

Ofcourse, I can demux the audio track using eac3to and then convert it to WAV to use the FLAC 1.4.2 binary CLI to get what I need. But I would like to use the latest FLAC encoder alongwith eac3to.

As eac3to was developed decades ago, I really wonder if it's compatible with latest FLAC. Pls let me know if it's not compatible, what was the last version of FLAC that works with eac3to.
I vaguely remember using 1.3.3 alongwith eac3to but I can't find its binary for Windows.

Appreciate any help, thanks!!  :)

Re: How to use latest FLAC 1.4.2 with eac3to?

Reply #1
The RareWares compiles seem to work okay. I ran a very brief test on both win32 and win32-nonXP.
You need to rename the file from libFLAC_dynamic.dll to libFLAC.dll
The win32 compile is linked to 4 additional dll files so all 5 files are required.
Only one file is required when using the win32-nonXP compile.

Re: How to use latest FLAC 1.4.2 with eac3to?

Reply #2
The RareWares compiles seem to work okay. I ran a very brief test on both win32 and win32-nonXP.
You need to rename the file from libFLAC_dynamic.dll to libFLAC.dll
The win32 compile is linked to 4 additional dll files so all 5 files are required.
Only one file is required when using the win32-nonXP compile.

Thank you korth :) It worked great straight away!