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Topic: A few Questions and Suggestions regarding CUETools and/or CUERipper (Read 2245 times) previous topic - next topic - Topic derived from [Wishlist] Suggestion...
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A few Questions and Suggestions regarding CUETools and/or CUERipper

Hello, here are some suggestions I have for CUERipper

1. Would be nice to have a toggle on the main GUI screen to enable/disable writing AccurateTags to files, sometimes you just want to verify files and leave them untouched, other times you want to add tags, saves you going into the advanced settings menu each time.

2. Is there a permanent option, where it will never ask you the question "do you want to overwrite a *.accurip as it exists", If not I would like that.

3. more options for the file name format for the accurip log created such as %albumartist%_-_%albumtitle%_-_%year%

4. Option to save sets of profiles for the Pregap/Data Track/Offset. This way you do not have to change settings each time there is not a match.

5. The ability to cycle through the saved profiles defined in 4 above until an accurate match is found for CTDB/AccurateRipDB or both.

Re: A few Questions and Suggestions regarding CUETools and/or CUERipper

Reply #1
1. Would be nice to have a toggle on the main GUI screen to enable/disable writing AccurateTags to files, sometimes you just want to verify files and leave them untouched, other times you want to add tags, saves you going into the advanced settings menu each time.
This is what profiles are for, surely?

3. more options for the file name format for the accurip log created such as %albumartist%_-_%albumtitle%_-_%year%
I don't think CUETools understands %albumartist%, but %artist%_-_%album%_-_%year%.accurip works fine.

4. Option to save sets of profiles for the Pregap/Data Track/Offset. This way you do not have to change settings each time there is not a match.
Not sure what values you'd save here, but have you turned on detailed logging under 'Settings > Advanced > Detailed log: True' as it may give you the information you're looking for e.g. if your rip wasn't accurate, it'll tell you if it matched another rip with different pregap/data tracks (against CTDB).

Re: A few Questions and Suggestions regarding CUETools and/or CUERipper

Reply #2
Hello, here are some suggestions I have for CUERipper
2. Is there a permanent option, where it will never ask you the question "do you want to overwrite a *.accurip as it exists", If not I would like that.
You could add [_%unique%] to the filename string which will cause a separate .accurip file written with numeric value appended (1..2..3...etc).
If ripping multi-CD sets to the same folder you could add %discnumber% to create separate files such as
Code: [Select]
which would add _-_CD%discnumber% only if %totaldiscs% is 2 or more.

3. more options for the file name format for the accurip log created such as %albumartist%_-_%albumtitle%_-_%year%
I don't think CUETools understands %albumartist%, but %artist%_-_%album%_-_%year%.accurip works fine.
There are specific rules for %albumartist%. If %artist% is the same for all tracks then %albumartist% does not exist, %artist% is used instead. This makes %albumartist% difficult to use for naming templates. Also when CUETools/CUERipper switched from %album artist% to %albumartist%, some of the sections of code were not updated. Because of this you have to use %album artist% in the accurip log file naming template.
I would suggest using
Code: [Select]
$if([%album artist%],%album artist%,%artist%)
so %artist% is used when %album artist% does not exist.

Right now the only way to edit the accurip log file naming template in CUERipper is to edit the .\CUERipper\settings.txt file.
Code: [Select]
There are already multiple requests to make more settings available to the GUI.


Re: A few Questions and Suggestions regarding CUETools and/or CUERipper

Reply #3

1. Would be nice to have a toggle on the main GUI screen to enable/disable writing AccurateTags to files, sometimes you just want to verify files and leave them untouched, other times you want to add tags, saves you going into the advanced settings menu each time.
This is what profiles are for, surely?

Thank you I did not see this option and it works well, just what I needed.

3. more options for the file name format for the accurip log created such as %albumartist%_-_%albumtitle%_-_%year%
I don't think CUETools understands %albumartist%, but %artist%_-_%album%_-_%year%.accurip works fine.

Thank you this works well.

4. Option to save sets of profiles for the Pregap/Data Track/Offset. This way you do not have to change settings each time there is not a match.
Not sure what values you'd save here, but have you turned on detailed logging under 'Settings > Advanced > Detailed log: True' as it may give you the information you're looking for e.g. if your rip wasn't accurate, it'll tell you if it matched another rip with different pregap/data tracks (against CTDB).

This option also works well as it gives me the offset and pre-gap length I can use to match with other rips. I was just wondering if this could be automated in some way, i.e. if initial values did not match, then other values found could be populated automatically and attempted again.

Re: A few Questions and Suggestions regarding CUETools and/or CUERipper

Reply #4
Hello, here are some suggestions I have for CUERipper
2. Is there a permanent option, where it will never ask you the question "do you want to overwrite a *.accurip as it exists", If not I would like that.
You could add [_%unique%] to the filename string which will cause a separate .accurip file written with numeric value appended (1..2..3...etc).
If ripping multi-CD sets to the same folder you could add %discnumber% to create separate files such as
Code: [Select]
which would add _-_CD%discnumber% only if %totaldiscs% is 2 or more.

3. more options for the file name format for the accurip log created such as %albumartist%_-_%albumtitle%_-_%year%
I don't think CUETools understands %albumartist%, but %artist%_-_%album%_-_%year%.accurip works fine.
There are specific rules for %albumartist%. If %artist% is the same for all tracks then %albumartist% does not exist, %artist% is used instead. This makes %albumartist% difficult to use for naming templates. Also when CUETools/CUERipper switched from %album artist% to %albumartist%, some of the sections of code were not updated. Because of this you have to use %album artist% in the accurip log file naming template.
I would suggest using
Code: [Select]
$if([%album artist%],%album artist%,%artist%)
so %artist% is used when %album artist% does not exist.

Right now the only way to edit the accurip log file naming template in CUERipper is to edit the .\CUERipper\settings.txt file.
Code: [Select]
There are already multiple requests to make more settings available to the GUI.

The use of _%unique% is a good suggestion.

Re: A few Questions and Suggestions regarding CUETools and/or CUERipper

Reply #5
The use of _%unique% is a good suggesstion
Don't forget the brackets [].
The brackets make the contents conditional on the placeholder having a value.

Re: A few Questions and Suggestions regarding CUETools and/or CUERipper

Reply #6
4. Option to save sets of profiles for the Pregap/Data Track/Offset. This way you do not have to change settings each time there is not a match.
Not sure what values you'd save here, but have you turned on detailed logging under 'Settings > Advanced > Detailed log: True' as it may give you the information you're looking for e.g. if your rip wasn't accurate, it'll tell you if it matched another rip with different pregap/data tracks (against CTDB).

This option also works well as it gives me the offset and pre-gap length I can use to match with other rips. I was just wondering if this could be automated in some way, i.e. if initial values did not match, then other values found could be populated automatically and attempted again.
The matching to other rips is automated, in that it's identifying rips with different offsets and data tracks that do/could match yours (it could be multiple of course), what's the point in plugging those values back in and running it again, the purpose is to verify your rip.
You can obviously create a CUE sheet with a given PREGAP and encode your files to match a given AccurateRip offset, is that what you're after?