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Topic: MusicBrainz64 (Read 6979 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: MusicBrainz64

Reply #25
It's interesting. Since the first time I ripped a music CD a long time ago, the album artist tag field has always been filled in, so I thought it was natural.
Really interesting, I was missing something very basic  :))
I will update to 2.4
Thank you very much


Re: MusicBrainz64

Reply #26
Now that this is 32-bit I get to use it, so cheers for that.

I had 'Write standard tags' unchecked and 'Always write ORIGINAL RELEASE DATE' unchecked, but it was still written because I guess it differed from the DATE as mentioned in the change log, even though DATE (standard tags) is not written. That seems not right. Both were greyed out in the preview.

Performer (Instrument) tagging is neat. Now to decide what to do with it ... ;D

Re: MusicBrainz64

Reply #29
Performer (Instrument) tagging is neat. Now to decide what to do with it ... ;D

If you ever want to display them in layout, the Properties + Other Info script with JScript Panel3 does a better job than other components by displaying multi-value tags on their own lines.