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Topic: FB v2 and strange UI Element "Tabs" related behaviour (Read 759 times) previous topic - next topic
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FB v2 and strange UI Element "Tabs" related behaviour

UI Element "Tabs" related

Hi All, I just noticed that UI elements associated to tabs are usig significant CPU resources also wheno not in focus (not active, not visible tab).

To be more precise, let me give you a real case on my 32bit Windows 10 running FB v2 beta 13:

Case 1 (optimal):
- FB setup as per my baseline config
- Added a UI Tabs having only 1 tab associated with the UI element Console (all time in focuse / visible)
- Overal CPU usage playing a regular FLAC 44kHz 16bit => 25%

Case 2 (the bad case):
- FB setup as per my baseline config
- Added a UI Tabs having 3 tabs associated with the UI elements Console, Peak Meter, Spectrum
- Overal CPU usage playing a regular FLAC 44kHz 16bit:
     - having focus on Console tab (the only visible) => 47%
     - having focus on Spectrum tab (the only visible) => 65%
     - having focus on Feak meter tab (the only visible) => 55%

Is it normal this behavior? I mean, is it by design?
I would expect that UI elements in the backgroud (not in focus) should not use so much CPU resource.

All the best, Andrea