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Topic: New VST adapter for foobar2000 (Read 49389 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: New VST adapter for foobar2000

Reply #125
Of course you can show the editor and adjust it with the new VST component while playing back

Re: New VST adapter for foobar2000

Reply #126
I tried the Halo Upmix VST3 and it doesn't work, it stays stereo. Setting channel overrides does nothing.
I also noticed that I'm getting only stereo.
I tried the old VST2 32 bit versions of Halo Upmix with the old 2.4 plugin from a decade ago, and that works, although only in 5.1 i.e. 6 channels.
The VST 2.4 adapter works with 7.1! For Halo Upmix you have to set FCL and FCR in the Matrix Mixer to SL and SR. Otherwise side/back is mixed together.

Re: New VST adapter for foobar2000

Reply #127
But I still can't enable all plugins at the same time.
It used to be like this:

In foobar v 2, I'd like to have this feature.
This is impossible?
But I still can't enable all plugins at the same time.
It used to be like this:
OK, I understand now that by "enable" you mean to be able to view and adjust all the VST plugins' GUI interfaces at the same time.  Yes that is not possible now, but I would support adding that feature, also the ability to seek through a song without losing the VST effect which is irritating.

The main reason I use Foobar2000 is the possibility run the VST plugins on my music. I would also really support the possibility to run several UI interfaces simultaneously. This is the way I used to run it with the previous VST-host on previous Foobar2000 versions.  The ability to run VST3 plugins on Foobar2000 v2 was a major improvement as my latest software suite purchase was VST3 only. However, just as NickMan and Sveakul I run some VSTs where the effects were visible in other VST applications, and I could see those effects by switching between the windows. As it is now, I can't see the effects in the other applications and this would be on my wishlist for future updates.

That said I wonder if this is even possible to be constructed within the current VST3 capable VST-host implementation; i e is there any point in pining for it? I ask because I have no idea of the current VST 2.x/3.x Adapter 0.11.10 works, other than that it seems to be sandboxed outside of Foobar2000.

If this possibility indeed is there, perhaps we could make an entry to the "[Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates" thread?

Re: New VST adapter for foobar2000

Reply #128
HI Folks -

Wondering if anyone has seen this error
"Unrecoverable Playback error : Could Not Negotiate VST Audio Format"

I only seem to get this if i seek forwards or backwards.

Currently using FOOBAR2000 V2.0,  and this seems to be specifically a problem with the AmbioOne plugin (The ambisonic RACE crosstalk eliminator by Weldroid).
If i take it out the VST chain - no problem.

It would be tempting to say the problem lies with this plugin - but this worked with the earlier VST plugin version - had done for a long time, so im not sure its the plugin itself, but more with the new way the VST plugin handles AmbioOne?

Have tried forcing stereo format - but this doesn't seem to change behaviour. 

Not a killer issue - as i dont skip through tracks very often - but seems to be the current VST Plugin / Foobar2000 V2.0 / AmbioOne VST where I see this issue.     Thought id write it in.

Re: New VST adapter for foobar2000

Reply #129
I haven't had that problem, but experience other problems.

Re: New VST adapter for foobar2000

Reply #130
Peter, if you read this. I'm using iZotope Ozone 9 Advanced, both the VST2 and VST3 versions, with the VST2.x/3.x adapter, and in both Foobar2000 v 1.6.16 and 2.0, x64, running on Windows7 Sp2.

Here are the problems:

First, the program has the ability to turn on and off stereo and mono. So if I turn on mono, the software vectorscope displays it as mono, but the sound out of Foobar2000 is still stereo, so something overrides the functionality.

Second, the program can switch channel, so left becomes channel right and v.v. Same as for stereo mono, this does not effect the audio out of Foobar2000.

Third, certain changes made to a sound file can be heard as only the delta between previous and new settings. This doesn't work either.

For the first two points I've tested the previous version Ozone 8, both VST2 and VST3  and the first two problems are not present. They work in Ozone 8. The third bullet cannot be tested as it was not a feature in version 8 of Ozone.

iZotope claims they have no reports on problems of the sort I'm experiencing. They claim it must be either the DAW (foobar2000), the adapter, or the OS, Windows7, but neither are supported. When I bought it they claimed it would work with Windows7, but not officially supported.

I've asked what changes they have made to how these features were programmed between v8 and v9 but have not received any replies, and probably won't.

Re: New VST adapter for foobar2000

Reply #131
First of all, the VST adapter is OK, evetything works as it should be exept one thing.
All the meters included in VST plugins doesn't move smooth. Regardless if it is a needle meter or a bar meter, VST2 or VST3 the movement is choppy, there is no smoothness.
It looks like a low FPS.
The same plugins in audio editors run very smooth.
Foobar 2.1/64 bit -> ASIO output or WASAPI /push output

Re: New VST adapter for foobar2000

Reply #132
Feature request - the ability configure foo_dsp_vst3 to just send 2.0 channels to the VST plugin, and drop the rest.

Re: New VST adapter for foobar2000

Reply #133
Feature request - the ability configure foo_dsp_vst3 to just send 2.0 channels to the VST plugin, and drop the rest.
Ok then, applying the "Downmix channels to stereo" DSP before putting a VST plugin (especially ones that only work on stereo channel and not surround sound) does the similar trick right? What's the problem with putting "Downmix channels to stereo" DSP before VST plugin?

Re: New VST adapter for foobar2000

Reply #134
How do we use this plugin in practice?
The only way I managed to use it is via Library, Configure, Playback, DSP manager, Active DSPs, ...., and manually choosing needed vst each time. I did not find any other way to see measuring panels/windows. I use Voxengo Span, AnSpec, Correlometer, Oscarizator, dpMeter5, Izotope Ozone Imager. To be able to see anything measured I must repeat the procedure described above each time. I also saved VST plugin in DSP chain presets and enabled DSP switcher on the Toolbar. I can pick VST plugin to be "used" but to no effect.
Do I miss some other, easier, more intuitive way to do it? If not, it would be nice to have such a way,

I'm in a similar situation.
Can I use it without following the steps configure > Playback > DSP Manger > Active DSPs?
Is there an easy way to call VST?

Re: New VST adapter for foobar2000

Reply #135
Feature request - the ability configure foo_dsp_vst3 to just send 2.0 channels to the VST plugin, and drop the rest.
Ok then, applying the "Downmix channels to stereo" DSP before putting a VST plugin (especially ones that only work on stereo channel and not surround sound) does the similar trick right? What's the problem with putting "Downmix channels to stereo" DSP before VST plugin?

Oh, it's because I want 2.1 for music playback.
( DSP chain = Resampler(SoX) -> MathAudio HEQ -> foo_subwoofer )  => 2.1 output  => ASIO { Topping DM7 }

At the same time, I want to use VST for visualization (screen candy) for which the plugin only supports 2.0.
For example, StereoTool v3.

That's why I asked for this VST feature request.

Re: New VST adapter for foobar2000

Reply #136
At the same time, I want to use VST for visualization (screen candy) for which the plugin only supports 2.0.
For example, StereoTool v3.

That's why I asked for this VST feature request.
Oh, some if not most VST plugins only support stereo audio even for audio analysis VSTs whereas native fb2k visualizations like built-in peakmeter can support multichannel audio (provided these components makes use of all channels and/or lets you take any channels you want to visualize, rather than just stereo).

tbh, I don't have experience with VST plugins since I'm not a music producer guy (but I'm a JS coder after all), so my assumption is kinda very rough, but given the fact that my own audio visualizations like this one that involves multiple channels only react to left and right channels (except on AudioWorklet-based visualization where it reacts to all channels, not just stereo when I put the 18ch .wav file into the visualizer), I said that similar thing could happen when comes to VST plugins that don't support more than two channels (hence the feature request, especially with "Visualize with VST" part) in foobar2000 through VST 2.x/3.x Adapter component

Re: New VST adapter for foobar2000

Reply #137
Has anybody tried to successfuly use VST plugins from Waves bundle, for example Waves NX?
Whenever I try to open anything, I got completely empty "VST Effect Configuration" window. If an audio file is playing at that moment, I receive the following message:

Unrecoverable playback error: VST refused audio stream format - got: 2ch, VST wants: 1ch

I'm using Foobar2000 v2.0 and VST Adapter 0.11.10. The other VST3 plugins that I tried are working perfectly (for example CanOpener Studio 3). The problem is happening only with Waves plugin in Foobar2000.
Any help is much appreciated.

Re: New VST adapter for foobar2000

Reply #138
Error Report? / Feature Request

Please sort "all" VST3 plugins in plugins dropdown menu or add a search box to search for a VST plugin name.

On my computer, there are more than 100 VST3 plugins installed. But VST adapter only sorts the first about 60 plugins and after that it starts to sort the yet not listed plugins again from the beginning of the alphabet. And after the next about 30 plugins, there's no sorting at all. So it's very hard to find a plugin. (In the "Folders..." selection window, only folder "C:\Program Files\Common Files\VST3" is selected on my computer).

It also would be great if only effect plugins are listed and instrument plugins are automatically excluded.

Thank you very much for this great VST adapter. Keep up the good work!

Re: New VST adapter for foobar2000

Reply #139
The controls in ARC4 (IK Multimedia ARC System v4) VST plugins (v2/v3) don't work in real time with current (v0.11.2) VST Adapter, only takes effect if the VST added/removed from the stack. Any idea?

Re: New VST adapter for foobar2000

Reply #140
In search of a middle ground between Advanced Limiter and Hard -6dB Limiter of Foobar2000, I try various VST plugins. Along the way, I discovered a weird thing: if you process a WAV file with a VST plugin inside any sound editor, the duration and number of samples stay the same, but if you add a VST plugin to the conversion chain of Foobar2000, they increase a bit. For example: 0:04.000 (384 000 samples) becomes 0:04.001 (384 126 samples).

Why is that? Is this a bug, @Peter?

Windows 7 x64, Foobar2000 2.1, VST adapter 0.11.10, VST plugins (LoudMax, W1 Limiter).
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• Opus complexity & qAAC dependence on Apple is an aberration from Vorbis & Musepack breakthroughs
• Let's pray that D. Bryant improve WavPack hybrid, C. Helmrich update FSLAC, M. van Beurden teach FLAC to handle non-audio data

Re: New VST adapter for foobar2000

Reply #141
Extra samples are caused by attempting to comply with VST tail samples feature.
VST tail samples tells host application how many extra samples to feed to the VST to prevent audible glitch at the end, for an example due to interrupted reverb. For an example, a reverb DSP tells the host application how long the reverb effect is so the host application can feed additional null samples and produce longer output if doing offline processing, which is exactly what happens here.
If this is problematic, I can add an option to suppress this.
You might also want to try "don't reset DSP between tracks" in Converter, which processes whole batch of tracks on one instance of the DSP, as one audio stream, adding tail samples only once, at the end of last track in the batch.
Microsoft Windows: We can't script here, this is bat country.

Re: New VST adapter for foobar2000

Reply #142
@Peter I'd like to get the output as identical as possible between Foobar2000 and the audio editor, i.e. without extra length. I also tried the batch method with the option "don't reset DSP between tracks" by processing a couple of previously generated audio files (sox --null --bits 24 --rate 48000 sin.wav synth 30 sin 6000 vol -1db), but both turned out to be longer than 30 seconds after conversion.
• Join our efforts to make Helix MP3 encoder great again
• Opus complexity & qAAC dependence on Apple is an aberration from Vorbis & Musepack breakthroughs
• Let's pray that D. Bryant improve WavPack hybrid, C. Helmrich update FSLAC, M. van Beurden teach FLAC to handle non-audio data

Re: New VST adapter for foobar2000

Reply #143
@Peter, let me add some details. Before encoding modern loud music in a lossy way, sometimes you need to use a limiter that can suppress intersample peaks. In this case, LoudMax or stuff from Airwindows comes to mind. And before encoding audiobooks, sometimes you need to suppress excessive noise. If you do this via VST adapter 0.11.10 under Foobar2000 2.1 x64, the duration of the output file increases from one to hundreds of milliseconds — silence is added. And if you do this via a sound editor like Audacity, then the duration remains the same. Also, I've noticed that Audacity has some VST latency compensation, but am not sure if it is related.

Is there anything else I could add to help resolve this issue?

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Code: [Select]
  Duration   Samples   xxHash             Filename                  
 ---------- --------- ------------------ --------------------------
  0:17.000   749 700   fb9d2331508131cf   original.wav             
  0:17.000   749 700   25ae3c78e20a23df   out.audacity.adclip8.wav 
  0:17.000   749 700   9b2a4fdce1b8fe24   out.audacity.loudmax.wav 
  0:17.100   754 110   6fbdb65beeccfafe   out.foobar.adclip8.wav   
  0:17.001   749 761   f124c1615b67e7ee   out.foobar.loudmax.wav
• Join our efforts to make Helix MP3 encoder great again
• Opus complexity & qAAC dependence on Apple is an aberration from Vorbis & Musepack breakthroughs
• Let's pray that D. Bryant improve WavPack hybrid, C. Helmrich update FSLAC, M. van Beurden teach FLAC to handle non-audio data


Re: New VST adapter for foobar2000

Reply #144
Hi there,

Anyone here managed to get the uBACCH VST3 to work in foobar2000?

I keep getting crashes.

And in Windows Event Log:

Code: [Select]
Faulting application name: fooVSTHost64.exe, version:, time stamp: 0x6475c8cd
Faulting module name: uBACCHaudio.vst3, version:, time stamp: 0x650893e2
Exception code: 0xc0000005
Fault offset: 0x00000000004e9297
Faulting process id: 0x13f8
Faulting application start time: 0x01da88cd95d37085
Faulting application path: C:\foobar2000.portable.soekris.usb\user-components\foo_dsp_vst3\fooVSTHost64.exe
Faulting module path: C:\Program Files\Common Files\VST3\BACCH Laboratories\uBACCHaudio.vst3
Report Id: 1da6e591-89f2-40b7-8e8d-be4cb2b42f6e
Faulting package full name:
Faulting package-relative application ID:

Re: New VST adapter for foobar2000

Reply #145
@Peter I'd like to get the output as identical as possible between Foobar2000 and the audio editor, i.e. without extra length. I also tried the batch method with the option "don't reset DSP between tracks" by processing a couple of previously generated audio files (sox --null --bits 24 --rate 48000 sin.wav synth 30 sin 6000 vol -1db), but both turned out to be longer than 30 seconds after conversion.
Behavior changed in version 0.12, tail samples are ignored unless enabled in advanced preferences.
Microsoft Windows: We can't script here, this is bat country.

Re: New VST adapter for foobar2000

Reply #146
All the VST meters (RMS/PEAK) are not moving smoothly. I mean, there is no delay but needles or bars are not moving as they should. It is like frames per second were too low so visualisation is a kind of choppy.
The same meters in every DAW or audio editor move smoothly.

Re: New VST adapter for foobar2000

Reply #147
All the VST meters (RMS/PEAK) are not moving smoothly.

I use Voxengo SPAN 3.21, a free VST3 for all sorts of measurements, and notice the visualization depends on the features of the file being played. E.g. compare the smooth animation of FLAC 7 and the choppy one of WavPack x3. Additional DSPs such as a resampler, which may slow down CPU (there is no dedicated GPU on my end), were not used.

Player: Foobar2000 2.1 x64, VST adapter 0.12.
• Join our efforts to make Helix MP3 encoder great again
• Opus complexity & qAAC dependence on Apple is an aberration from Vorbis & Musepack breakthroughs
• Let's pray that D. Bryant improve WavPack hybrid, C. Helmrich update FSLAC, M. van Beurden teach FLAC to handle non-audio data

Re: New VST adapter for foobar2000

Reply #148
All the VST meters (RMS/PEAK) are not moving smoothly.
I use Voxengo SPAN 3.21, a free VST3 for all sorts of measurements...
I know Voxengo, I use it too but the same Voxengo with the same settings moves smoother in any DAW then in Foobar.
There is a nice meter called Blue Cat's DP Meter Pro - just download a VST demo version and  a lack of smoothnes in Foobar will be very easy to observe:
Every VST meter I put in Foobar do not move smoothly.

Re: New VST adapter for foobar2000

Reply #149
There is a nice meter called Blue Cat's DP Meter Pro…

I checked this VST in Audacity and in Ocenaudio (sound editors), then in Foobar2000. In the first case, the animation is the smoothest. In the second case, as I reported above, the degree of smoothness varies depending on the format being played. Roughly like this on my end: WAV > MP3 > FLAC > TAK > APE > WV. Curiously, the animation of WavPack is choppy in any mode, whether lossless or hybrid lossy. There's definitely something wrong here.
• Join our efforts to make Helix MP3 encoder great again
• Opus complexity & qAAC dependence on Apple is an aberration from Vorbis & Musepack breakthroughs
• Let's pray that D. Bryant improve WavPack hybrid, C. Helmrich update FSLAC, M. van Beurden teach FLAC to handle non-audio data