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Topic: Audio Converter For MacOS (Read 5766 times) previous topic - next topic
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Audio Converter For MacOS

Windows 10 forced an update on my workstation that again destroyed it.  I have given up on Microsoft and Windows.  I bought a Mac Book Pro M1 Max that I am using right now.  There's a few tools I need for my Mac.  I am hoping someone can refer me to a good audio file converter and a tag editor.  Under Windows, I was using EZ CD Audio Converter for file conversion needs.  For tag editing I was using Tag&Rename.  Both of these are fully complete and can do everything for their respective functions.

I tried a couple of tag editors under Mac.  I didn't like any that I had tried so far.  Can anyone suggest any?  For audio converters, I would like it to be kept up to date with all codec updates.  I have no problem buying a license as long as it is updated and does what I need.


Re: Audio Converter For MacOS

Reply #1
You can use wine under OSX to run most of your Windows programs without the hassle of actually using Windows. A Windows VM is also a viable option. I use wine extensively under Linux to avoid having to settle for inferior Linux programs that don't do everything the Windows alternatives can do.

Re: Audio Converter For MacOS

Reply #6
The cool thing about macOS and XLD is that you can convert to aac-m4a with Apple coreaudio encoding engine, which works best at average to high bitrate accoding to blind tests.

Re: Audio Converter For MacOS

Reply #7
Thanks so much for all the responses.  I have been disappointed in the offerings in the Mac App Store, but I now see that there are more options available.

Re: Audio Converter For MacOS

Reply #8
The cool thing about macOS and XLD is that you can convert to aac-m4a with Apple coreaudio encoding engine, which works best at average to high bitrate accoding to blind tests.

Thanks for the suggestion.  Yes -- Apple's MP4 audio codec is fantastic.  That is one benefit of MacOS.  It has premium MP4 support out of the box.

Re: Audio Converter For MacOS

Reply #9
and PerfectTUNES (a mass tag editor):

I did try out PerfectTUNES for MacOS.  It looks like utility codec support is not yet available for it.  I have a need to extract tag information from both file names and paths like this:

<AlbumArtist>\<Year>, <Album>\<TrackNumber>-<SongTitle>.<Extension>

Re: Audio Converter For MacOS

Reply #10
For tag editing, I really like Kid3.  Looks like it's available for MacOS.

Re: Audio Converter For MacOS

Reply #11
and PerfectTUNES (a mass tag editor):

I did try out PerfectTUNES for MacOS.  It looks like utility codec support is not yet available for it.  I have a need to extract tag information from both file names and paths like this:

<AlbumArtist>\<Year>, <Album>\<TrackNumber>-<SongTitle>.<Extension>

You would need dBpoweramp and use the [Tag From Filename] utility codec, which comes as standard with the OSX version

Re: Audio Converter For MacOS

Reply #12
For tag editing, I really like Kid3.  Looks like it's available for MacOS.

Thanks for the suggestion, and kid3 looks very popular and useful.  I did attempt to install it moments ago using MacPorts, but it looks like version 3.9.2 under MacPorts is broken on my system.

Code: [Select]
--->  Found 1 broken file, matching files to ports
Error: Port kid3 is still broken after rebuilding it more than 3 times.
Error: Please run port -d -y rev-upgrade and use the output to report a bug.
Error: rev-upgrade failed: Port kid3 still broken after rebuilding 3 times
Error: Follow if you believe there
is a bug.

Re: Audio Converter For MacOS

Reply #13
For tag editing, I really like Kid3.  Looks like it's available for MacOS.

Thanks for the suggestion, and kid3 looks very popular and useful.  I did attempt to install it moments ago using MacPorts, but it looks like version 3.9.2 under MacPorts is broken on my system.

Code: [Select]
--->  Found 1 broken file, matching files to ports
Error: Port kid3 is still broken after rebuilding it more than 3 times.
Error: Please run port -d -y rev-upgrade and use the output to report a bug.
Error: rev-upgrade failed: Port kid3 still broken after rebuilding 3 times
Error: Follow if you believe there
is a bug.

I'm not very familiar with MacOS, but from the Kid3 website, there appears to be a dmg file for Mojave and newer, and one for MacOS older than Mojave.  I'm not sure if that helps.

Re: Audio Converter For MacOS

Reply #14
I'm not very familiar with MacOS, but from the Kid3 website, there appears to be a dmg file for Mojave and newer, and one for MacOS older than Mojave.  I'm not sure if that helps.

I did a bit of reading of MacPorts, and it seems my MacOS is too new.  It is recently updated, and newest versions have these failures.  It will probably be fixed in time.  I also certainly could be doing something wrong, so I won't submit a bug report on it.  My machine is popular enough, so someone may have already reported these issues or found a solution.

I did find a very good MacOS tag editor though that does everything I need in a single application (extracting tags from paths, file names, resizing embedded image art, and etc.).  It's called Meta available here:

I am using a trial now to test it out, but so far it has worked perfectly in all my tests.  The trial is only three days though, so I will test it thoroughly.

Re: Audio Converter For MacOS

Reply #15
Have you tried foobar2000? Apparently the new beta is more closely aligned with the Windows version, although the release notes make no mention of it's conversion or tagging abilities, so it may not be applicable.

Re: Audio Converter For MacOS

Reply #16
I have not yet installed fb2k on MacOS, but it is good to see that it is closer to the Windows version now.  I will do that one day.  I actually am not listening to music on my Mac Book.  I download lots from bandcamp, and bandcamp has odd naming for FLAC files in their ZIP downloads.  This was one of the main reasons I was looking for a tag editor to not only fix their tags but also organize the ZIP album content into my existing library.  I do not believe that fb2k can do this.

Here's a common example from a recent bandcamp purchase and download.  I do not store any files this way on my file server:

Using Meta, I can quickly rename all files to be consistent with my audio library on my NAS:

Additionally, it can create new directories based on tags to be consistent with my existing library.  Meta will automatically move selected files to the new directories it creates:

I had to manually copy in the album art, but the rest of this was all automatically done:

I think this may be too much for fb2k to handle on its own.

Re: Audio Converter For MacOS

Reply #17
I use foobar for music management, I do not use it as a player and it can absolutely do everything you're asking for (at least the Windows version does) using just the default install.

To derive tags from the filenames you'd use the 'Automatically Fill Values' action, which in your example would be:
Code: [Select]
%artist% - %album% - %tracknumber% %title%

To move the files you'd use the 'File Operations' action.
In a foobar Move Operation you do have the ability to 'Move entire source folder content' so that should take care of your Folder.jpg.

It also has extensive 'Converter' options.

Apologies if this isn't avaialble in the MacOS version but I have no way of testing it.

Re: Audio Converter For MacOS

Reply #18
not only fix their tags but also organize the ZIP album content into my existing library.  I do not believe that fb2k can do this.
I don't know if fb2k can do renaming inside a zip. Not tried, and if I did, I wouldn't know if it would apply to the MacOS version.
But the Windows version can do renaming according to patterns you set, and it can read .zip files.

Additionally, it can create new directories based on tags to be consistent with my existing library.
So does fb2k [for Windows].
I had to manually copy in the album art
fb2k [for Windows] has a checkbox for copying (/moving) over the rest of the folder content.

Re: Audio Converter For MacOS

Reply #19
Thanks for the info, but I already purchased a license for Meta.  It does practically everything I need related to tags.  The only thing missing is XML export of audio file data.  There's only one batch tag editor I have seen that offers this feature.  I already have a license to use it.

Re: Audio Converter For MacOS

Reply #20
In a foobar Move Operation you do have the ability to 'Move entire source folder content' so that should take care of your Folder.jpg.

I used the Create Folder functionality earlier today for another bandcamp ZIP file download.  I learned that Meta also has functionality to copy the Folder.jpg file with the following option: