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Topic: DRC in new built-in AC-3 decoder (Read 1741 times) previous topic - next topic
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DRC in new built-in AC-3 decoder

Since new built-in AC-3 decoder is using ffmpeg, it is needed to forcefully disable DRC (set -drc_scale to 0) in code or expose this option to user interface, because ffmpeg has it enabled by default -
I compared new built-in decoder vs ffmpeg with -drc_scale 0 and output level of built-in decoder is lowered because of DRC.
Sample of AC-3 with DRC data -

Re: DRC in new built-in AC-3 decoder

Reply #1
Since new built-in AC-3 decoder is using ffmpeg, it is needed to forcefully disable DRC (set -drc_scale to 0) in code or expose this option to user interface, because ffmpeg has it enabled by default -
I compared new built-in decoder vs ffmpeg with -drc_scale 0 and output level of built-in decoder is lowered because of DRC.
Sample of AC-3 with DRC data -

I presume the same problem now applies to Dolby True HD, DTS, DTS96/24, DTS HD, DTS HDMA and all other variants of Dolby and DTS.
I think that the best option would be to let foobar passthrough such streams (dolby/dts) without decoding them with additional option to decode them but with possibility to change some parameters such as DRC, Dialog Normalisation....

Re: DRC in new built-in AC-3 decoder

Reply #2
I presume the same problem now applies to Dolby True HD, DTS, DTS96/24, DTS HD, DTS HDMA
I presume your presumption is wrong.

Re: DRC in new built-in AC-3 decoder

Reply #3
Problem noted, thanks for reporting.
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