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Topic: Tag "Playback gain". How to set it? (Read 2609 times) previous topic - next topic
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Tag "Playback gain". How to set it?

I would like to lossless change the volume of opus files.
Opusinfo shows the field "Playback gain",
but I've found no way how to change it.
Not even with ffmpeg, mp3tag etc.
Can anybody help?

Re: Tag "Playback gain". How to set it?

Reply #1
Why would you change that tag? What are you trying to achieve?

Re: Tag "Playback gain". How to set it?

Reply #2
It may sound surprising, but....  ;)
I need to adjust the playback loudness without recoding.
I'm at Windows I forgot to mention.
BTW opustags doesn't do the job either (only changing comments).

Re: Tag "Playback gain". How to set it?

Reply #3
You can do that with foobar2000. Inside foobar2000 select the OPUS file(s) you want to edit, then right click → ReplayGain → Manipulate Opus header gain → Specify gain value → Start.


Re: Tag "Playback gain". How to set it?

Reply #4
I just installed foobar2000, but the entry "Manipulate..." etc. doesn't exist at "ReplayGain".
It has to be done at properties - ReplayGain now.
By entering a value at "Track gain", the opus header gain will be changed indeed...
but strangely not to the value entered.

Re: Tag "Playback gain". How to set it?

Reply #6
I just installed foobar2000, but the entry "Manipulate..." etc. doesn't exist at "ReplayGain".
It has to be done at properties - ReplayGain now.

I have the latest stable version (1.6.12) and it's definitely there:

Make sure you right-click on the Opus file itself.

Oh, you found out too... :-)

Yeah, foobar2000 developers refuse to (or don't know how to) properly parse and understand RFC 7845 ("Ogg Encapsulation for the Opus Audio Codec"). It is indeed unfortunate, but thankfully the tools and functionalities available in foobar2000 allow the user to work around that.

Re: Tag "Playback gain". How to set it?

Reply #7
you have to hold down the shift key whilst right-clicking:

shift+right-click > ReplayGain > Manipulate Opus header gain ...

Re: Tag "Playback gain". How to set it?

Reply #8
I downloaded virus-scanned foobar2000 via the web page
And they managed to host v.1.5.1, hoorah!

In the newest (v.1.6.12) everything is there as described,
and even the error with the -5dB difference is gone.


Thankyou for all your help!

Re: Tag "Playback gain". How to set it?

Reply #9
Thanks to google search for opus codec forum I came here.
And thanks to you I learned foobar2000
(was about the time since decades without ;).
Gapless AND crossfeed! WOW :) ).

So I have this one tool to set opus' header gain.
Still I wonder why the opus devs don't provide a CLI tool
to set the header gain...
(like opusgain inFile gainValue [outFile])

And if someone should read this who compiles opus every day,
I would like to ask for a window binary for that.
(Shouldn't be more than a few code lines;
I'm not at MS-Dev anymore)