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Topic: Joining two audio clips together seamlessly on mp3DirectCut (Read 2011 times) previous topic - next topic
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Joining two audio clips together seamlessly on mp3DirectCut

I'm trying to make an audio clip on mp3DirectCut by cutting the parts from an extended version of an instrumental and join them together like a non extended version.

I have tried to put the 2 audio clips together. While I play it on mp3DirectCut, i do not hear the little gap between the 2 clips. But I found there's a little audible gap in between the clips once I exported it into mp3 and have it play on Windows media player. How do I join 2 clips together and have it play smoothly like it's a song?

Re: Joining two audio clips together seamlessly on mp3DirectCut

Reply #1
When I've not been able to get the result I want with mp3DirectCut, I've edited the file in Audacity and saved it as FLAC (same quality as the original MP3) or MP3-320 (inaudibly lesser quality).  The advantage of using Audacity is that it has "Crossfade" and "Delete with Crossfade" effects that can smooth cut transitions.

Re: Joining two audio clips together seamlessly on mp3DirectCut

Reply #2
Thanks for the idea. I will look it up.