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Topic: Mp3tag 3.17 (Stable) (Read 7365 times) previous topic - next topic
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Mp3tag 3.17 (Stable)

Mp3tag 3.17 (Stable)

I've released a 64-bit version of Mp3tag a few days ago and received a few questions about differences between the 32-bit version and the 64-bit version.

To make it short, there should not be any noticeable differences except for two things:

The 64-bit version uses 64-bits to address memory and is no longer limited to 2 GB per application. While the Library 13 feature of Mp3tag is already a very viable solution for large libraries, loosening the memory restriction is one of the key benefits of 64-bit.

Installation and Update from 32-bit to 64-bit
Mp3tag 64-bit can only be installed on 64-bit versions of Windows. The recommended path is to uninstall the 32-bit version before upgrading — the uninstaller has an option to keep your configuration settings. If you install without prior uninstall, no harm is done, and the 32-bit version is kept as a leftover on your system. You can remove it manually then.

The standard installation folder of the 64-bit version is at
C:\Program Files\Mp3tag
which differs from the standard installation folder of the 32-bit version at
C:\Program Files (x86)\Mp3tag

You can keep all your configuration settings and can use them also with the 64-bit version of Mp3tag. It's very recommended to backup your configuration settings before installing any software that is in Beta status. From Download and Installation.
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