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Topic: NEW ESLyric v0.5 - an alternative lyric show component (Read 69940 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: NEW ESLyric v0.5 - an alternative lyric show component

Reply #250
When the music starts, the lyrics being played are displayed at the top. This is not the desired reading effect, and this is not a text display plug-in.
I am using non-synced radio metadata lyrics sources, which the plugin provides for.  In the Foobar text panel usage, when the song starts, the lyrics played are not displayed at the top, but at the mid-way position shown in my screenshot above.

I was always under the impression that ESLyric was designed to be EITHER a Desktop overlay lyrics display, OR a fixed Foobar panel text display, depending on the user's choice.  The available options certainly all give the indication of doing that, and function beautifully--except for this one visual issue.  In the text display panel, the context menu already gives several "alignment" options, including "center" that adjust the text accordingly--but not "top center."  In a package otherwise so sophistically complete, I don't understand why.

Re: NEW ESLyric v0.5 - an alternative lyric show component

Reply #251
ESLyric Beta
Break Changes
  • The system now requires Windows 10 RS1 (1607) or higher.
  • Panel and desktop lyrics now use Direct2D/DirectWrite rendering, with traditional GDI and GDI+ support removed.
  • The simulated transparent background type has been removed, and a dynamic blur background type has been added.

Other Changes
+ Completely redesigned lyric search and save functionality, allowing for easier future expansion.
+ Updated layout system with documentation reference.
+ Panel lyrics now support better blur and shadow effects.
+ Panel lyrics now support customizable color configuration for lyrics already played.
+ Panel lyrics color now supports opacity settings.
+ Desktop lyrics now support a wider range of fonts.
+ Desktop lyrics now support better shadow and glow effects.
+ Lyric save functionality now applies lyric processing rules.
+ Lyric editor now supports applying offsets to timestamps.
+ Quick lyric search rule addition is now supported.
+ Optimized panel and fullscreen lyrics smoothness on high DPI screens.
+ Optimized panel lyric drag experience with more accurate positioning.
+ Optimized display and drag experience for plain text lyrics.
+ Other experience optimizations and bug fixes.


Stack dump analysis:
Address: 00007FF930425BD6h (foo_uie_eslyric+D5BD6h), symbol: "foobar2000_get_interface" (+47116h)
Address: 00007FF9A7FCB256h (d2d1+DB256h), symbol: "D2D1MakeRotateMatrix" (+6DB56h)
Address: 00007FF930591600h (foo_uie_eslyric+241600h), symbol: "DllGetClassObject" (+BA890h)
Address: 00007FF930591650h (foo_uie_eslyric+241650h), symbol: "DllGetClassObject" (+BA8E0h)
Address: 00007FF930591600h (foo_uie_eslyric+241600h), symbol: "DllGetClassObject" (+BA890h)
Address: 00007FF9308F0F70h (foo_uie_eslyric+5A0F70h), symbol: "DllGetClassObject" (+41A200h)
Address: 00007FF9304A1023h (foo_uie_eslyric+151023h), symbol: "foobar2000_get_interface" (+C2563h)
Address: 00007FF9308F0F70h (foo_uie_eslyric+5A0F70h), symbol: "DllGetClassObject" (+41A200h)
Address: 00007FF93048D276h (foo_uie_eslyric+13D276h), symbol: "foobar2000_get_interface" (+AE7B6h)
Address: 00007FF9308F0F70h (foo_uie_eslyric+5A0F70h), symbol: "DllGetClassObject" (+41A200h)
Address: 00007FF93049E7BCh (foo_uie_eslyric+14E7BCh), symbol: "foobar2000_get_interface" (+BFCFCh)
Address: 00007FF93048DA2Bh (foo_uie_eslyric+13DA2Bh), symbol: "foobar2000_get_interface" (+AEF6Bh)
Address: 00007FF93048CD21h (foo_uie_eslyric+13CD21h), symbol: "foobar2000_get_interface" (+AE261h)
Address: 00007FF9304AC818h (foo_uie_eslyric+15C818h), symbol: "foobar2000_get_interface" (+CDD58h)
Address: 00007FF93048CCD0h (foo_uie_eslyric+13CCD0h), symbol: "foobar2000_get_interface" (+AE210h)
Address: 00007FF9304AFE74h (foo_uie_eslyric+15FE74h), symbol: "foobar2000_get_interface" (+D13B4h)
Address: 00007FF93041BF13h (foo_uie_eslyric+CBF13h), symbol: "foobar2000_get_interface" (+3D453h)
Address: 00007FF9304AFEB7h (foo_uie_eslyric+15FEB7h), symbol: "foobar2000_get_interface" (+D13F7h)
Address: 00007FF93041BF13h (foo_uie_eslyric+CBF13h), symbol: "foobar2000_get_interface" (+3D453h)
Address: 00007FF9304AFBC0h (foo_uie_eslyric+15FBC0h), symbol: "foobar2000_get_interface" (+D1100h)
Address: 00007FF930451F32h (foo_uie_eslyric+101F32h), symbol: "foobar2000_get_interface" (+73472h)
Address: 00007FF9304A67DAh (foo_uie_eslyric+1567DAh), symbol: "foobar2000_get_interface" (+C7D1Ah)
Address: 00007FF930450F3Bh (foo_uie_eslyric+100F3Bh), symbol: "foobar2000_get_interface" (+7247Bh) Alpha is ok
Video Test

Re: NEW ESLyric v0.5 - an alternative lyric show component

Reply #252
Beta did not produce any errors for me (W11 24H2, Foobar 2.24 x64), except for the continuance of the inability to top center fixed lyrics in a Foobar panel.  I had to roll back to, the last version where this could be mostly compensated for by adjusting the Panel Options "Line spacing" value to 170 and "Bottom margin" to 50.  Beginning with the "Line spacing" option was changed and works now exactly like the "Sentence Spacing" option with the fixed text panel.

Re: NEW ESLyric v0.5 - an alternative lyric show component

Reply #253
ESLyric Beta
Break Changes
  • The system now requires Windows 10 RS1 (1607) or higher.
  • Panel and desktop lyrics now use Direct2D/DirectWrite rendering, with traditional GDI and GDI+ support removed.
  • The simulated transparent background type has been removed, and a dynamic blur background type has been added.

Other Changes
+ Completely redesigned lyric search and save functionality, allowing for easier future expansion.
+ Updated layout system with documentation reference.
+ Panel lyrics now support better blur and shadow effects.
+ Panel lyrics now support customizable color configuration for lyrics already played.
+ Panel lyrics color now supports opacity settings.
+ Desktop lyrics now support a wider range of fonts.
+ Desktop lyrics now support better shadow and glow effects.
+ Lyric save functionality now applies lyric processing rules.
+ Lyric editor now supports applying offsets to timestamps.
+ Quick lyric search rule addition is now supported.
+ Optimized panel and fullscreen lyrics smoothness on high DPI screens.
+ Optimized panel lyric drag experience with more accurate positioning.
+ Optimized display and drag experience for plain text lyrics.
+ Other experience optimizations and bug fixes.


Stack dump analysis:
Address: 00007FF930425BD6h (foo_uie_eslyric+D5BD6h), symbol: "foobar2000_get_interface" (+47116h)
Address: 00007FF9A7FCB256h (d2d1+DB256h), symbol: "D2D1MakeRotateMatrix" (+6DB56h)
Address: 00007FF930591600h (foo_uie_eslyric+241600h), symbol: "DllGetClassObject" (+BA890h)
Address: 00007FF930591650h (foo_uie_eslyric+241650h), symbol: "DllGetClassObject" (+BA8E0h)
Address: 00007FF930591600h (foo_uie_eslyric+241600h), symbol: "DllGetClassObject" (+BA890h)
Address: 00007FF9308F0F70h (foo_uie_eslyric+5A0F70h), symbol: "DllGetClassObject" (+41A200h)
Address: 00007FF9304A1023h (foo_uie_eslyric+151023h), symbol: "foobar2000_get_interface" (+C2563h)
Address: 00007FF9308F0F70h (foo_uie_eslyric+5A0F70h), symbol: "DllGetClassObject" (+41A200h)
Address: 00007FF93048D276h (foo_uie_eslyric+13D276h), symbol: "foobar2000_get_interface" (+AE7B6h)
Address: 00007FF9308F0F70h (foo_uie_eslyric+5A0F70h), symbol: "DllGetClassObject" (+41A200h)
Address: 00007FF93049E7BCh (foo_uie_eslyric+14E7BCh), symbol: "foobar2000_get_interface" (+BFCFCh)
Address: 00007FF93048DA2Bh (foo_uie_eslyric+13DA2Bh), symbol: "foobar2000_get_interface" (+AEF6Bh)
Address: 00007FF93048CD21h (foo_uie_eslyric+13CD21h), symbol: "foobar2000_get_interface" (+AE261h)
Address: 00007FF9304AC818h (foo_uie_eslyric+15C818h), symbol: "foobar2000_get_interface" (+CDD58h)
Address: 00007FF93048CCD0h (foo_uie_eslyric+13CCD0h), symbol: "foobar2000_get_interface" (+AE210h)
Address: 00007FF9304AFE74h (foo_uie_eslyric+15FE74h), symbol: "foobar2000_get_interface" (+D13B4h)
Address: 00007FF93041BF13h (foo_uie_eslyric+CBF13h), symbol: "foobar2000_get_interface" (+3D453h)
Address: 00007FF9304AFEB7h (foo_uie_eslyric+15FEB7h), symbol: "foobar2000_get_interface" (+D13F7h)
Address: 00007FF93041BF13h (foo_uie_eslyric+CBF13h), symbol: "foobar2000_get_interface" (+3D453h)
Address: 00007FF9304AFBC0h (foo_uie_eslyric+15FBC0h), symbol: "foobar2000_get_interface" (+D1100h)
Address: 00007FF930451F32h (foo_uie_eslyric+101F32h), symbol: "foobar2000_get_interface" (+73472h)
Address: 00007FF9304A67DAh (foo_uie_eslyric+1567DAh), symbol: "foobar2000_get_interface" (+C7D1Ah)
Address: 00007FF930450F3Bh (foo_uie_eslyric+100F3Bh), symbol: "foobar2000_get_interface" (+7247Bh) Alpha is ok
Video Test

plz upload the dump files.

Re: NEW ESLyric v0.5 - an alternative lyric show component

Reply #255
You can temporarily uncheck this option to avoid crashing when playing network broadcasts while loading synchronized lyrics.


Re: NEW ESLyric v0.5 - an alternative lyric show component

Reply #256
On radios the unsync option must be enabled, this is because when the title/artist data is changed the time is not reset but is added making synchronization completely useless for radios

Re: NEW ESLyric v0.5 - an alternative lyric show component

Reply #257
On radios the unsync option must be enabled, this is because when the title/artist data is changed the time is not reset but is added making synchronization completely useless for radios
just a hint, fixes will be available at the weekend. maybe.

Re: NEW ESLyric v0.5 - an alternative lyric show component

Reply #258
I had high hopes that this update would fix the issue I mentioned here (and on GitHub) about having no way to top-align lyrics in the panel display, but it didn't happen.  In the past the developer mentioned that the extra space was due to the extended height needed by some non-roman alphabets, but then why, in panel options, has there always been the ability to manually adjust "Top margin"?  Even using "0" there as the value still produces the large black space before the first line of lyrics begin.

ESLyric with panel spacing "Top Margin" set to "0":

OpenLyrics with text alignment set to "Top center":

Just wanted to let anyone else with the same concern know that thanks to ohyeah and alwaybeta staying with my comments on GitHub, I found out how to "fix" this, and the ability has been there all the time!

If you right-click and go into Panel Options, you'll see an option midway down called "Offset of the highlighted lyrics" with a default "-1" value.  Check this box, and give it a value that moves the beginning of the lyrics to whatever height on your panel you want.  With my geometry that was "34."  PROBLEM SOLVED!