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Topic: Creating a click track on Linux command line (Read 2121 times) previous topic - next topic
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Creating a click track on Linux command line

I'm looking to compare some wireless speakers and the obvious way to do that is by listening to the same song.

I tried with starting the same song on both speakers then muting one whilst unmuting the other, but it's a bit of a faff whilst also taking my attention away from the music. In the end I used sox to create two tracks with opposing segments of silence, and that's all worked fine, but what I would like to add to the beginning is a small click track to help align them (it doesn't have to be perfect as I have a small fade between silences anyway).

I know I can create one in Audacity, but was really hoping to be able to create it from the command line using a tool available from the standard repositories if anyone knows of a tool to do that?

Re: Creating a click track on Linux command line

Reply #1
Here is what I use:

Code: [Select]
# add this for example in ~/.bashrc
click() {
  local -r bpm=${1:?}
  play -q -n -c 1 synth 0.01 sine 880 delay "$(echo "scale=6; 60 / $bpm" | bc)" overdrive 20 100 norm -9 repeat -

# then to play a click track at 100bpm:
click 100
Opus 96 kb/s (Android) / Vorbis -q5 (PC) / WavPack -hhx6m (Archive)

Re: Creating a click track on Linux command line

Reply #2
Code: [Select]
play -q -n -c 1 synth 0.01 sine 880 delay "$(echo "scale=6; 60 / $bpm" | bc)" overdrive 20 100 norm -9 repeat -
More "knock-knock" click, an impulse bandlimitted to 2k:
Code: [Select]
play -q -n -c 1 synth sq 1 trim 0 1s pad 30s 200s sinc -M -2k delay "$(echo "scale=6; 60 / $bpm" | bc)" norm -9 repeat -

Re: Creating a click track on Linux command line

Reply #3
Thanks for those suggestions they should do nicely, I hadn't considered using sox itself.

I also found klick yesterday. A little excessive for my use case, but seems very flexible.