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Topic: foo_temple (Read 133904 times) previous topic - next topic
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Reply #175
I'm not sure which plugins exactly are affected by foo_temple because i didn't use any DSP plugins at all 

The only plugin I tested is foo_dsound_ex_2.5 which can fade between two songs. In pre 0.8.8 versions that didn't work at all and with DSP compatibility mode enabled in it fades between two songs so I guess all other 'In-between' plugins will work too.

Thats enough coding for this week, I think I will change my focus on some serious beer drinking activities for the next few days 


Reply #176
Thats enough coding for this week, I think I will change my focus on some serious beer drinking activities for the next few days 
[a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=249347"][{POST_SNAPBACK}][/a]

Exactly my own plan! Well, thanks for good work, you deserve it well! Cheers! Skål! Kippis!
        - Oceania Association of Autonomous Astronauts


Reply #177
Thats enough coding for this week, I think I will change my focus on some serious beer drinking activities for the next few days 
[a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=249347"][{POST_SNAPBACK}][/a]

Exactly my own plan! Well, thanks for good work, you deserve it well! Cheers! Skål! Kippis!
[a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=249356"][{POST_SNAPBACK}][/a]

I guess we all have the same priorities then 


Reply #178
Good to see development is back on track again janjan



Reply #179
janjan :

Thanx for the release of "foo_temple" ! 

This plugin is very practical... So, thank you for your work.

But I have noticed some bugs with foo_temple (22.10.2004) :
- When I enable the option "After last song - Stop Playback", foo_temple does not fonctionnate anymore...
- And there are some problems with keyboard shortcuts.

For information, I use foobar2000 v0.8.3, with these components :
- Columns ui v0.1.2-alpha 5 with Azrael
- Playcount
- Album list / Album list panel


(Sorry for my English, but I speak French).


Reply #180
This works for me here. Could you please tell me if you had 'DSP compatibility mode' enabeld? released

Between several beers I managed to do some changes    All of them are internal, so new functions this time. I release this version because I need your help to find bugs which were introduced with this version because quite a few things have changed.

Have a nice weekend and don't drink too much beer


Reply #181
It seems that there's a minimum size limit for foo_temple in the sidebar, could you please remove it?
Also, it seems that foo_temple cannot be added as a tab in foo_uie_tabs. forget it, it works now - a simple restart of foobar helped

And yet another thing, what about adding the ability to choose a font for the display?

Anyway, good job!



Reply #182
foo_temple enqueue list doesn't stay in the sidebar. after restarting foobar the enqueue list windows pops up and is removed from the sidebar.


Reply #183
foo_temple enqueue list doesn't stay in the sidebar. after restarting foobar the enqueue list windows pops up and is removed from the sidebar.
[a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=249551"][{POST_SNAPBACK}][/a]

Happens here, too


Reply #184
foo_temple enqueue list doesn't stay in the sidebar. after restarting foobar the enqueue list windows pops up and is removed from the sidebar.
[a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=249551"][{POST_SNAPBACK}][/a]

Happens here, too
[a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=249554"][{POST_SNAPBACK}][/a]

here too...

also there is a small grey area above the actual enqueue list that maybe shouldnt be there?


Reply #185
The ui columns extension wasn't meant to use, I'am totally aware of all the bugs related to this 

Give me 15 minutes or so and I will upload a new version which is a lot better concerning the ui columns extension


Reply #186
Ok, 0.8.9 is out.

Only thing added is support for ui columns. It works way better than in the last version but it isn't finished yet so expect some minor bugs.


Reply #187
Ok, 0.8.9 is out.

Only thing added is support for ui columns. It works way better than in the last version but it isn't finished yet so expect some minor bugs.
Nice improvement, but after a while I found some problems:

  • It is still a panel after restart (doesn't turn into a dialog/window).
  • Remembers list between sessions.
  • "Update playlist position" seems to be one step behind.
    • How it works now: 1,2,3,4->120->140->121,122,123
    • Should have been: 1,2,3,4->120->140->141,142,143
    • In words: Enqueue track 120 and 140. When track 140 is finished, it should have continued from there, but instead it continues from 120.
  • When used as a tab with [a href="]foo_uie_tabs[/url], it messes up the other tabs when a track is enqueued, but only if "show list when enqueuing files" is enabled. The other tabs won't work again until the foo_temple tab has been viewed.
The last one might be caused by foo_uie_tabs, but it's a problem that "needs" to be solved. 

Maybe you need to talk to Phi, but it would be nice if "show list when enqueuing files" also worked with foo_uie_tabs (focus the foo_temple tab when a track is enqueued). It would be even better if it remembered the tab it stole focus from, and gave focus back after last song, but only if "after last song|hide list" is checked and if foo_temple tab is focused at that time.

Edit: Found some problems and rephrased post


Reply #188
I think I've found a bug. When temple reaches the end of it's queue, it doesn't change the playback mode drop down box to what it was previously. What I mean is, say I have it set to Random. Temple switches to Enqueue, plays the songs and switches back to Random, but the drop down box in the toolbar still says Enqueue.

Does that make sense?


Reply #189
  • "Update playlist position" seems to be one step behind.
    • How it works now: 1,2,3,4->120->140->121,122,123

    • Should have been: 1,2,3,4->120->140->141,142,143

    • In words: Enqueue track 120 and 140. When track 140 is finished, it should have continued from there, but instead it continues from 120.

Could you please tell me if you had 'DSP compatibility mode' enabled? It would help me to find this bug, because here at work I don't have that much time 

  • When used as a tab with foo_uie_tabs, it messes up the other tabs when a track is enqueued, but only if "show list when enqueuing files" is enabled. The other tabs won't work again until the foo_temple tab has been viewed.
The last one might be caused by foo_uie_tabs, but it's a problem that "needs" to be solved. 

That one should be easy, I think I know what's going wrong

Maybe you need to talk to Phi, but it would be nice if "show list when enqueuing files" also worked with foo_uie_tabs (focus the foo_temple tab when a track is enqueued). It would be even better if it remembered the tab it stole focus from, and gave focus back after last song, but only if "after last song|hide list" is checked and if foo_temple tab is focused at that time.

Edit: Found some problems and rephrased post
[a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=249756"][{POST_SNAPBACK}][/a]

That's basically a good idea but I first have to rewrite a lot of source code, because the way I implemented panel suport isn't what a godd programmer would call good/clean/elegant/well done/...  For this reason I will be meditating in front of the foo_history source and try to find out how foosion solved some issues i ran into with my way of doing things.

If you find other little bugs I will try to release a fixed 0.8.9 version but stuff like color support and things won't be added for some time.


I think this is just a display issue, if you press 'next' once it should switch back to your old flow mode. (Btw: this bug is there since 0.8.5 or so  )


Reply #190
I think this is just a display issue, if you press 'next' once it should switch back to your old flow mode. (Btw: this bug is there since 0.8.5 or so   )
[a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=249870"][{POST_SNAPBACK}][/a]

Well, it appears to be the DSP support thing. When I unchecked the box it does what its supposed to and returns the drop down box to the previous playback mode.


Reply #191
  • "Update playlist position" seems to be one step behind.

  • In words: Enqueue track 120 and 140. When track 140 is finished, it should have continued from there, but instead it continues from 120.

Could you please tell me if you had 'DSP compatibility mode' enabled? It would help me to find this bug, because here at work I don't have that much time 

Same happens here only with 'DSP compatibility mode' disabled.

And another bug, if 'follow cursor' option is enabled, the last track in enque list gets played twice.

Anyway panel support is excellent!
Keep up the good work!


Reply #192
  • "Update playlist position" seems to be one step behind.
    • How it works now: 1,2,3,4->120->140->121,122,123

    • Should have been: 1,2,3,4->120->140->141,142,143

    • In words: Enqueue track 120 and 140. When track 140 is finished, it should have continued from there, but instead it continues from 120.
Could you please tell me if you had 'DSP compatibility mode' enabled? It would help me to find this bug, because here at work I don't have that much time 
No, I don't have it enabled. What I have enabled is: "Enable plugin when files are enqueued", "Enable playlist position update" and "Save list between sessions". Most of the others doesn't apply when it is used as a panel/tab, so I unchecked them.

  • When used as a tab with foo_uie_tabs, it messes up the other tabs when a track is enqueued, but only if "show list when enqueuing files" is enabled. The other tabs won't work again until the foo_temple tab has been viewed.
The last one might be caused by foo_uie_tabs, but it's a problem that "needs" to be solved. 
That one should be easy, I think I know what's going wrong
Good. It's not that easy to say exactly what plugin is to blame, when a group of "new" plugins are used together (panels + foo_uie_tabs + foo_temple). In addition to your upcoming improvements, Phi said he would work on the error checking in foo_uie_tabs too.

Maybe you need to talk to Phi, but it would be nice if "show list when enqueuing files" also worked with foo_uie_tabs (focus the foo_temple tab when a track is enqueued). It would be even better if it remembered the tab it stole focus from, and gave focus back after last song, but only if "after last song|hide list" is checked and if foo_temple tab is focused at that time.[a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=249756"][{POST_SNAPBACK}][/a]
That's basically a good idea but I first have to rewrite a lot of source code, because the way I implemented panel suport isn't what a godd programmer would call good/clean/elegant/well done/...  For this reason I will be meditating in front of the foo_history source and try to find out how foosion solved some issues i ran into with my way of doing things.
Sounds familiar. I got my first panel plugin to work yesterday, but it's an ugly patchwork that needs alot more work.

If you find other little bugs I will try to release a fixed 0.8.9 version but stuff like color support and things won't be added for some time.[a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=249870"][{POST_SNAPBACK}][/a]
I'll do my best to track down any bugs find. No hurry with colors and such.

This plugin has certainly come a long way since the initial release. Keep up the good work! 

Edit: Made post more compact.


Reply #193
Thanks for a great plugin Janjan. The ui_columns side panel support makes it even more useful for me.

On the Enqueue List side panel, would it be possible to add a tooltip showing the whole string for entries which don't fit into the available space?


Reply #194
Yes, of course this is possible. I added it to my todo list but as mentioned above it could take some time until this is implemented since there are more important things to code.


Reply #195
The only convenient option I have is where you can drag songs in the queue to the location you want them to be located in!  Thats the only request I have, besides that your plugin is titties!  Thanks!


Reply #196
The only convenient option I have is where you can drag songs in the queue to the location you want them to be located in!  Thats the only request I have, besides that your plugin is titties!  Thanks!
[a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=250098"][{POST_SNAPBACK}][/a]

I agree, the ability to drag things from windows or the Album List would be immensefully useful.. Could there also be an option to have it autohide when the list is empty? I don't know if this is possible with the current sidepanel code, but I'd like to see it disappear and resize the panel above it automatically.


Reply #197
To clarify my previous post, it would be useful to be able to drag the songs in the enqueue list to certain positions in the list.


Reply #198
Excellent plugin Janjan, it's really useful.  I have a quick feature request:  Would you mind adding a keyboard-mappable context menu item that would allow you to wipe the Enqueue list (so I don't have to open the window up, right click the songs and click 'Remove all')



Reply #199
I think integrating the drag and drop stuff shouldn't be too hard but it wil take some time.

I'm not sure if this works but i think it could be done. Perhaps another method could be that if the list is empty is sets its height to ~20-30 pixel and if you again add songs to the list it will expand to its previous height.

Never thought of this but this is definitively a good (and easy to implement) idea