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Topic: Georgia-ReBORN - A Clean foobar2000 Theme (Read 244350 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: Georgia-ReBORN - A Clean foobar2000 Theme

Reply #900
JSplitter is not a floating window like foo flowin but a window within the same panel entirely controlled by JS, so I see no reason (except difficulty) to not use it as a layer for images... in fact that solves some current RAM problems you got with disc art animations, since it would split the RAM usage between 2 SMP instances. But respect your design choices.

I don't think we will ever see SMPx64 unless the dev contacts the ru dev to share the fork as is. And there is no much reason for that since we already have a SMPx64 version within JSplitter.

To tell you the truth, I am not sure how to handle this situation and I've spent so much time on this project people would not believe...
Let's be realistic, there is no future for SMP x86 and its current state.

I think if next year there is no further development for SMP I call it quits and stop development.
I'll release version RC3 soon and see how it goes next year, but I am pretty sure and think you have the similar thoughts!?
I am not the type to point fingers at someone but I think you also need to be realistic, time is precious after all...

P.S Also I can not switch and use JSplitter x64 because I am still dependent on this UI Hacks crap :(
It would help a lot if we had an UI Hacks user-component alternative in x64 with its fundamental UI Hacks features, then I would be happy again... It would also solve the memory issues in fb2k x86, users music collections are growing rapidly and occasionally I get memory issue reports.


Re: Georgia-ReBORN - A Clean foobar2000 Theme

Reply #901
I think the only thing you missed was the title bar? The menus bar can be removed on CUI, the panel size can be managed by JSplitter.

I think you should ask Peter or CUI dev to implement a setting to remove/auto-hide the window title bar. I would go farther and just ask to implement all UI hacks natively. Even the window size could be managed via CMD.

Let's be realistic, there is no future for SMP x86 and its current state.
I'm fine using JSplitter x64 though. I don't need anything more, and have zero interest on recreating VU meters and things like that in SMP... there are other components already doing that.

Therefore, while I continue using it myself, I will continue developing my scripts. I do them for myself anyway, I just share them in case someone finds them useful.

EDIT: also about the window title, I know there are multiple methods out there to hide it.

Re: Georgia-ReBORN - A Clean foobar2000 Theme

Reply #902
the panel size can be managed by JSplitter.
Do you have an example/sample?

I've just tried this JSplitter x64 component for the first time and removed UI Hacks.
When there is no UI Hacks, all of these are not working anymore:
- Player sizes
- Layout sizes
- Display resolution checks
- Display scaling

Plus the ugly top window caption bar is displayed.
That was just quick checks, didn't test all thorough but that is pretty important missing core features...

I think you should ask Peter or CUI dev to implement a setting to remove/auto-hide the window title bar.

Peter does not want that, it actually violates ( I do not understand whats the problem but whatever ) the fb2k license when removing the window title bar. He knows about UI Hacks and it is actually banned from this forum. Many SMP/JSP themes
are using it, so I think he and the mods are closing eyes and ignoring this, it is just not welcome to talk about it here...


Re: Georgia-ReBORN - A Clean foobar2000 Theme

Reply #903
To tell you the truth, I am not sure how to handle this situation and I've spent so much time on this project people would not believe...
Let's be realistic, there is no future for SMP x86 and its current state.
I've spent a couple of days hacking away at it. Finished the entire conversion to x64. Still crashes (on close during GC). But I hope it is a start.

I started from the HEAD of the repo and also had to update SpiderMonkey to 115ESR because 102ESR refused to even configure. I'm putting together a patch or PR. Please be patient on that last part because it involves changes over hundreds of files across several repositories.

Putting this here since it appears to have the more active discussion on the current situation. So, I need some help. I'm not THE developer and have little idea of how the internals are put together. Not sure how to root cause the crash and what a good set of tests to use would be.

Re: Georgia-ReBORN - A Clean foobar2000 Theme

Reply #904
For reference, this dev managed to somehow build it with 102ESR (not that I would say that's preferable)

There is also a crash on close

marc gave some hints about it.

I have an account there, so I can ask the dev for help to somehow get a working repo without duplicating work (?)

Re: Georgia-ReBORN - A Clean foobar2000 Theme

Reply #905
Peter does not want that, it actually violates ( I do not understand whats the problem but whatever ) the fb2k license when removing the window title bar. He knows about UI Hacks and it is actually banned from this forum. Many SMP/JSP themes
are using it, so I think he and the mods are closing eyes and ignoring this, it is just not welcome to talk about it here...


External programs may do the same as shown.

- Player sizes
- Layout sizes
- Display resolution checks
- Display scaling
I don't understand your reply TT. Obviously you can not use the old activeX and methods, you have to use the new ones as shown in the new component changelog. Anyway even some of those can also be covered with autohotkey, and since it allows to create a portable executable... you would not need anything more.

About display resolution/scaling, I don't think that has been ported. Just use Registry entries or other external software for that. Or we may ask for a new method for that, JSP has one for sure. I think you have to accept that UI hacks is gone at some point and look for other solutions which may not be obvious.

Re: Georgia-ReBORN - A Clean foobar2000 Theme

Reply #906

wow that's a great surprise someone is willing to help!
Thank you so much for your effort, you're giving SMP theme developers hope again!

I'll try your SMP x64 version asap. I have tried the JSplitter x64 version and it seems its JS engine ESR102 is
more efficient. I guess the code optimization is better handled and improved compared to the old ESR68 engine.
So 115ESR is a nice bonus, thanks!

Also I didn't like the Autohotkey script hack regor proposed, it works, but it is bugged and an ugly hack.
I decided to install Visual Studio and trying to learn C++ writing user-components, it is so hard lol!
For now, I try to write a basic user-component to hide the window title bar, resize and move the window.

These are the core JS features:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

And here is the full feature UI Hacks menu list:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

TheQwertiest wanted to implement this directly into SMP.


Re: Georgia-ReBORN - A Clean foobar2000 Theme

Reply #907
External programs may do the same as shown.

Yes I know, I think Peter's reasoning was the UI Hacks was somehow reported as buggy in the past ( never had a crash in the past years! )
and he didn't want these reports on these forums or do extra work?
I am not sure how hiding and manipulating the window would violate fb2k license anyways, whatever...

I don't understand your reply TT. Obviously you can not use the old activeX and methods, you have to use the new ones as shown in the new component changelog. Anyway even some of those can also be covered with autohotkey, and since it allows to create a portable executable... you would not need anything more.

Yes, that is exactly what I was asking and looking for: in the component changelog, thanks for the info.

About display resolution/scaling, I don't think that has been ported. Just use Registry entries or other external software for that. Or we may ask for a new method for that, JSP has one for sure. I think you have to accept that UI hacks is gone at some point and look for other solutions which may not be obvious.

Actually I have implemented the display resolution check and display scaling, these are Georgia-ReBORN features.
I am achieving this with the UI Hacks window resize feature. It's also independent of DPI, just checking maximum achievable
screen resolutions on users displays. Based on the result, it will adjust its settings to HD, QHD or 4K.


Re: Georgia-ReBORN - A Clean foobar2000 Theme

Reply #908
Still crashes (on close during GC). But I hope it is a start.

I tested and switched the panel through Columns UI layout switcher ( from JSplitter x64 panel to your SMP x64 panel )
and got an immediate crash when it tries to reload, so it is not just during GC. The JSplitter does not have this issue.
Thanks for your effort though =)


Re: Georgia-ReBORN - A Clean foobar2000 Theme

Reply #909
Do you have an example/sample?

I've just tried this JSplitter x64 component for the first time and removed UI Hacks.
When there is no UI Hacks, all of these are not working anymore:
- Player sizes
- Layout sizes
- Display resolution checks
- Display scaling
Although I don't understand the code, this is a good reference based on JSplitter64,

Re: Georgia-ReBORN - A Clean foobar2000 Theme

Reply #910
I've spent a couple of days hacking away at it. Finished the entire conversion to x64. Still crashes (on close during GC). But I hope it is a start.

I started from the HEAD of the repo and also had to update SpiderMonkey to 115ESR because 102ESR refused to even configure. I'm putting together a patch or PR. Please be patient on that last part because it involves changes over hundreds of files across several repositories.

Putting this here since it appears to have the more active discussion on the current situation. So, I need some help. I'm not THE developer and have little idea of how the internals are put together. Not sure how to root cause the crash and what a good set of tests to use would be.

oops : people have been waiting for years for someone with the time and the chops to do a 64-bit conversion of SMP, now you come along after foo_vis_vumeter and BANG here it is!!  Unbelievable.  Thank you!

Why not create a new thread for it, "Spider Monkey Panel 64-bit", so the news is not "hidden" here?  It would be easier to attract assistance, discussion, testing report submission, etc.  Just a suggestion!

Re: Georgia-ReBORN - A Clean foobar2000 Theme

Reply #911
Thanks for this info (foobox-en).
SHURE SRH1840, SENNHEISER HD660S2, SENNHEISER HD620S, SENNHEISER HD 490 Pro Plus, beyerdynamic DT 1990 PRO, HiFiMAN Edition XS, Bowers & Wilkins P7, FiiO FT5, 水月雨 (MOONDROP) 空鳴 - VOID, Nakamichi Elite FIVE ANC, SONY WH1000XM5 (made a Upgrade/Balanced Cable by myself)

Re: Georgia-ReBORN - A Clean foobar2000 Theme

Reply #912
Thanks for the info guys,

I am going the hard and better way and try to write user-components in x64 for UI Hacks and peakmeter bar dependencies.
Already have the real time monitoring of levels and peaks for the peakmeter bar, but I need to implement the COM interface
in the user-component and it's a pain in the ass.

it would help a lot if you could ask ttsping ( ohyeah ) how to do that?
He has the COM interface implemented in his ESLyric component to be able to communicate user-component with JavaScript
via ActiveX, because I am using it in Georgia-ReBORN.


Re: Georgia-ReBORN - A Clean foobar2000 Theme

Reply #913
it would help a lot if you could ask ttsping ( ohyeah ) how to do that?
If you can register a QQ account, I can add you as friends, which is the fastest and most direct way to communicate with ttsping. Or create an issue on the GitHub page of ESLyric for communication. ttsping rarely visits HA. I don't understand the code, and I spread the words in the middle, and the expression is not clear, and it is not direct.

Re: Georgia-ReBORN - A Clean foobar2000 Theme

Reply #914
Hi everyone, I recently switched to the new version of Fb2K (Georgia-REBORN) I used DARKONE before, since I am an old man and i don't understand english i need a couple of tips, how can i have in the background in the "tracklist the image of the artist/group instead of the wikipedia images of the artist/group i'm listening to? another thing in every folder/album of my music collection (about 500GB) i inserted the images: Front, Back, Disc.png and Artist in "details" i only see the images Front Back and Artist but i don't see the image Disc.png why? in Preferences>Display>Album art>Disc in Search Patterns i put Disc* but its Image is not displayed. Thanks @TT for Georgia-Reborn

Re: Georgia-ReBORN - A Clean foobar2000 Theme

Reply #915
What does it mean? Error: Spider Monkey Panel v1.6.1-mod ({04620F16-1878-47A1-8EFE-0CE0B99566CC}: Georgia-ReBORN v3.0-RC3 by TT)
include failed: ActiveXObject_Constructor failed: Invalid CLSID: VUMeter
File: gr-main-components.jsLine: 3614, Column: 38
Stack trace: PeakmeterBar@gr-main-components.js:3614:38 @gr-initialize.js:49:16

Re: Georgia-ReBORN - A Clean foobar2000 Theme

Reply #916
What does it mean? Error: Spider Monkey Panel v1.6.1-mod ({04620F16-1878-47A1-8EFE-0CE0B99566CC}: Georgia-ReBORN v3.0-RC3 by TT)
include failed: ActiveXObject_Constructor failed: Invalid CLSID: VUMeter
File: gr-main-components.jsLine: 3614, Column: 38
Stack trace: PeakmeterBar@gr-main-components.js:3614:38 @gr-initialize.js:49:16

Did you install a different VU Meter?

Re: Georgia-ReBORN - A Clean foobar2000 Theme

Reply #917

thanks for your offer and sorry for the late reply. I am pretty busy and focused with this COM interface stuff.
If I fail, I'll contact ttsping on his ESLyric Github then.


Re: Georgia-ReBORN - A Clean foobar2000 Theme

Reply #918
Hi everyone, I recently switched to the new version of Fb2K (Georgia-REBORN) I used DARKONE before, since I am an old man and i don't understand english i need a couple of tips, how can i have in the background in the "tracklist the image of the artist/group instead of the wikipedia images of the artist/group i'm listening to? another thing in every folder/album of my music collection (about 500GB) i inserted the images: Front, Back, Disc.png and Artist in "details" i only see the images Front Back and Artist but i don't see the image Disc.png why? in Preferences>Display>Album art>Disc in Search Patterns i put Disc* but its Image is not displayed. Thanks @TT for Georgia-Reborn

Hi @UMBY71,

are you talking about the new implemented background image feature that is in the DEV version?
This here:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

If so, the image source for the "Artist" is the biography cache:
Code: [Select]
The biography fetches the images from, AllMusic and Wikipedia.
In general, you do get the artist images and I am not sure what you mean.
If for a particular artist there are no images for, it tries the next source which is AllMusic and then Wikipedia.
You could try to delete the Wikipedia images for that particular artist and try to fetch again from the Biography panel.
Maybe it will download now images from the other sources, if not, you would need to manually replace them with your custom artist images.

The default filename for the disc art png images is cd.png, cd1.png, cd2.png etc. and vinyl.png, vinyl1.png, vinyl2.png etc.
You can change that to disc.png in your georgia-reborn-config.jsonc file:
Code: [Select]
Open your config file in a text editor and go to section "discArtPaths" and then rename *cd to *disc
Save and restart foobar.

Also you should try the latest DEV version from here and replace your files:



Re: Georgia-ReBORN - A Clean foobar2000 Theme

Reply #919
The biography fetches the images from, AllMusic and Wikipedia.
In general, you do get the artist images and I am not sure what you mean.
If for a particular artist there are no images for, it tries the next source which is AllMusic and then Wikipedia
TT: I know this is rather off-topic but couldn't help but notice this part from my experience with the 1.4.2-mod1 WilB Biography panel I am using with Foobar 2.24 x64 via the JSplitter plugin.  It never receives artist images from any source except, although " photos only" is NOT checked.  Are you saying that there SHOULD be artist image retrieval from AllMusic and Wikipedia as well?  Is your ReBORN biography panel a different write than the WilB script?

Re: Georgia-ReBORN - A Clean foobar2000 Theme

Reply #920
Are you saying that there SHOULD be artist image retrieval from AllMusic and Wikipedia as well?
You are right @sveakul, there are ONLY image downloads from, I just checked myself again.

I was a bit careless because I am quite busy with important stuff and confused by the question from:
how can i have in the background in the "tracklist the image of the artist/group instead of the wikipedia images of the artist/group i'm listening to?
It actually shows the artist images from based on the image source "Artist".
I have written and implemented this feature so I didn't quite understand the question...

Thanks for keeping me in check ;-)

P.S I should now better because myself and regor have fixed ( half year ago ) the Allmusic fetching issue, i.e the mod version you are using.
So yes, there are only image downloads, AllMusic and Wikipedia are the album reviews and biography as .txt files.


Re: Georgia-ReBORN - A Clean foobar2000 Theme

Reply #921
@TT   I can't open the "spoiler", I would like something like this even if from Foobar Darkone,

In biography everything ok. I looked in ""configVersion": "3.0-RC3", but I did not find "discartpaths" but only * Custom disc art placeholder:. Certainly I am wrong something,. The images to use are in the folder (album) where there are the songs.
The images to use are in the folder (album) where there are songs, are images that I "made" me and are the same images which I use in my collection of music a small example

@Majestik yes I installed foo vis vumeter

Re: Georgia-ReBORN - A Clean foobar2000 Theme

Reply #922
The biography fetches the images from, AllMusic and Wikipedia.
In general, you do get the artist images and I am not sure what you mean.
If for a particular artist there are no images for, it tries the next source which is AllMusic and then Wikipedia
TT: I know this is rather off-topic but couldn't help but notice this part from my experience with the 1.4.2-mod1 WilB Biography panel I am using with Foobar 2.24 x64 via the JSplitter plugin.  It never receives artist images from any source except, although " photos only" is NOT checked.  Are you saying that there SHOULD be artist image retrieval from AllMusic and Wikipedia as well?  Is your ReBORN biography panel a different write than the WilB script?
Biography never downloaded images from anywhere except That's said, it's pretty trivial to download images from Spotify or other places too, not sure why it was never added. Something similar happens with the artist locale and flags, they are not properly updated even if wikipedia has the right info. Personally, I am not going to add it because I find Wilb scripts not exactly "easy" to grasp (and I'm not a fan of having 10 classes for a single thing or maybe this is simply what happens when you try to maintain someone else's code xd); but if I find an unobtrusive way to add spotify images as I do in my wrapped script, I may update the mod.

Re: Georgia-ReBORN - A Clean foobar2000 Theme

Reply #923
Thanks TT and regor for the info, I appreciate it.

Re: Georgia-ReBORN - A Clean foobar2000 Theme

Reply #924

it seems you have a bugged foobar and Georgia-ReBORN installation, that is because you also installed some different
foo_vis_vumeter and aren't using the original files from the zip.


Start a new fresh portable foobar installation and follow these instructions:

1. Download the latest stable foobar2000 32-bit from here:
Install foobar2000 as portable installation on your desktop.

2. Download the latest Georgia-ReBORN DEV version from here:
Open the zip file and double click on the Georgia-ReBORN-master folder, drag and drop the profile folder into
your foobar2000 folder (root) on your desktop.

3. Start foobar2000.exe from your portable foobar2000 installation from your desktop.

4. Click on the top menu "Library" button. It will open the Media Library in foobar.
Add your music collection directory to index your music collection and wait until status is "Monitoring". Click OK.

5. Now click again on the top menu "Library" button. Right click on an item for Library's context menu > Change layout to full.
This will change the Library layout to album art grid view, as shown in your screenshot. Double click on one album to play.
Click on the top menu "Library" button again ( the top menu panel buttons "Details", "Library", "Biography" and "Lyrics" are toggleable ) to go back to the "Playlist".

6. Click on the top menu "Biography" button to display the Biography.
It will now download artist images and biography text and stored in the biography cache for the current playing artist.
Click again to go back to the "Playlist".

7. In the Playlist, right click on track for the Playlist's context menu > Playlist options menu > Background > Show image on background.
It will now show the downloaded images from the Biography.

8. Close foobar and go to your foobar2000 installation on your desktop:
Open the georgia-reborn-config.jsonc file and go to the "discArtPaths" section ( it's at the top under "imgPaths" ).
Change all *cd to *disc in all relative paths, example:
"$directory_path(%path%)\\*cd.png" becomes "$directory_path(%path%)\\*disc.png"
Save and close the config file and start foobar2000.exe.

9. Start playing a track and click top menu "Details" button.
If you have done everything correctly and your album folder has the disc.png, it should now display the disc.png in Details.

10. Do not install any different foo_vis_vumeter user-component. Georgia-ReBORN already has that component installed and is
using a custom peakmeter bar.

Go with your mouse cursor to the lower bar, a little bit under the progress bar and right click
for seekbar's context menu. Change to Peakmeter bar. Now it should display the peakmeter bar.

11. Optional step:
With the portable foobar installation on your desktop, you can move the entire directory to another location.
You can also copy it to an usb stick, but keep in mind you would need to index your music again in the Media Library
( if the music paths changed ) or just drag and drop music to the Playlist.