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Topic: Georgia-ReBORN - A Clean foobar2000 Theme (Read 202481 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: Georgia-ReBORN - A Clean foobar2000 Theme

Reply #500
Thanks for your findings, I'll take a look once I've time for this, need to finish some other things first.

I also think you can add multiple fallbacks to one font

You're right, in Windows these are the default CJK fonts:

Microsoft YaHei
Microsoft JhengHei

Meiryo ( was the default in XP/Vista )
MS Gothic
Yu Gothic

Malgun Gothic

If you take a look at the Windows registry it looks like this:

Fallbacks for Segoe UI:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Fallbacks for the default CJK fonts:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

So you will just need to add it to your registry and I guess it should work the same.
If you take a look at this here, there are the listed Wine CJK font fallbacks for the default Windows CJK fonts.

I would personally first manually install the CJK fallback fonts in the right font directory and add/import the fallback links
( for the fonts you're using in the theme ) to the Wine registry. And then run sudo fc-cache -f -v to clear the font cache.

P.S: You can also install only the CJK fonts via winetricks ( I don't think you need to install allfonts ), there is also a lot of stuff
if you search "wine cjk fonts" or "winetricks cjk fonts" in Google.

P.P.S: I saw in your first screenshot that you did not change the DPI in Wine via registry or Winecfg, that is why you have such small
context menus. Take a look at this here or via registry.


Re: Georgia-ReBORN - A Clean foobar2000 Theme

Reply #501
I would love to take your advice on the DPI scaling, but I just ran into an old problem where my Wine prefix completely lost sound, at least with foobar. This actually happened to me once right before installing Re-Born but I chalked it up to a random fluke. Now it happened again and whether I open Re-Born or the old Georgia it doesn't output sound. Winecfg does the sound test under the Audio tab just fine. I didn't see any kind of error report in the foobar console. So, I'm out of ideas again. At least I got a few days out of Georgia, I guess.

This time I know what I was doing when the sound went out, though. I was watching videos on mpv for a bit with Georgia being open. When I was done with that and tried playing a song, the audio was gone. So I think it had something to do with that. Ugh, what a hassle these things can be. Might as well post it here for posterity

Re: Georgia-ReBORN - A Clean foobar2000 Theme

Reply #502
Oh, and if you know of any other fallback fonts that would be better, let me know. Clearly the microhei one was just made for people who want Chinese characters, but somehow it has a bunch of Unicode and Japanese as well. I also think you can add multiple fallbacks to one font

Arial Unicode MS

Also if you set Tahoma as default font in winecfg, installing the cjkfonts winetricks verb is enough to display the fonts. It installs:

Re: Georgia-ReBORN - A Clean foobar2000 Theme

Reply #503
OK, I am definitely a newb when it comes to tinkering with themes and UIs.  I have got this great theme installed and loving it, but I really need a way to switch Output devices from the player.  How would I go about adding something that actually looks nice?

I was able to right-click and Add Panel: Toolbars: Output Devices, but this just creates a window-wide white textbox where I can do what I want to do, but it is fugly compared to this great Theme.

Any ideas of where I should start? Am I missing a setting somewhere?


Re: Georgia-ReBORN - A Clean foobar2000 Theme

Reply #504
Hi @wihio,

first thing you need to do is remove the ugly toolbar.
For now, you can access it by just shift + left click on top menu Playback > Device.

I have implemented the output device menu and it will be available in the upcoming Beta 10e.
I don't know when I will release it yet, but always check the Beta testing thread where it will be released.
More information and how to access it will be in the changelog when released.


Re: Georgia-ReBORN - A Clean foobar2000 Theme

Reply #505
I'm using this theme as well. It looks great! (I'm using my 70" television - so 4K mode naturally)
Using the Reborn theme + Blend style
Had some annoyance with foobar not choosing the right front cover to display (aka what I wanted it to display) but this was fixed in preferences > display > album art
by simply deleting all the front cover search patterns :)
I prefer it this 'primitive' way

Re: Georgia-ReBORN - A Clean foobar2000 Theme

Reply #507
Hi @wihio,
For now, you can access it by just shift + left click on top menu Playback > Device.

I have implemented the output device menu and it will be available in the upcoming Beta 10e.

Thanks! I look forward to the beta release, but the shift + playback menu works for me for now.  I appreciate your hard work a ton!

Re: Georgia-ReBORN - A Clean foobar2000 Theme

Reply #508
I'm trying to change the fonts in the json file and in the font family I want to use (Proxima Nova), both Light and Semibold have the same "Font Name" of "Proxima Nova Lt", so when trying to use Semibold it ends up using the Light variant instead. What can I do to get it to use the correct font when they have the same "name"?

Re: Georgia-ReBORN - A Clean foobar2000 Theme

Reply #509
Hi @ahawowow,

if font styles have the same name, you need to rename it.
To do that, download and use the free program FontForge from here.

Start FontForge and open the font, now all glyphs should be displayed.
Click on the top menu Element > Font Info...
As default, the left "PS Names" section tab is selected, change the "Family Name" to: Proxima Nova Lt Semibold
Click OK and go to top menu File > Generate Fonts...
Now the export window will be shown, everything should be default but select the default font format TrueType.
The File name should be for example ProximaNova-Semibold.ttf
Click on Generate and ignore the default error warning.
Now copy the new created font to your  C:\Windows\Fonts  directory.

Start foobar and it should be now recognized if you also set the exact font name in the georgia-reborn-config.jsonc file.

P.S You need to restart foobar ( close foobar/start foobar ), reload will not work.
Also be sure that in foobar's top menu Options > Settings > Theme fonts > Use custom theme fonts is activated.


Re: Georgia-ReBORN - A Clean foobar2000 Theme

Reply #510
Hi @ahawowow,

if font styles have the same name, you need to rename it.
To do that, download and use the free program FontForge from here.

Start FontForge and open the font, now all glyphs should be displayed.
Click on the top menu Element > Font Info...
As default, the left "PS Names" section tab is selected, change the "Family Name" to: Proxima Nova Lt Semibold
Click OK and go to top menu File > Generate Fonts...
Now the export window will be shown, everything should be default but select the default font format TrueType.
The File name should be for example ProximaNova-Semibold.ttf
Click on Generate and ignore the default error warning.
Now copy the new created font to your  C:\Windows\Fonts  directory.

Start foobar and it should be now recognized if you also set the exact font name in the georgia-reborn-config.jsonc file.

P.S You need to restart foobar ( close foobar/start foobar ), reload will not work.
Also be sure that in foobar's top menu Options > Settings > Theme fonts > Use custom theme fonts is activated.


This is what I ended up doing, thanks.

Another question. Is there any way to disable the automatic year prefix that's generated in the Details tab when you use the Edition tag? Preferably on a case-by-case basis as I do like it generally but in some instances I want to use the year in the edition to differentiate between different remasters of the same album.

Re: Georgia-ReBORN - A Clean foobar2000 Theme

Reply #511

you can change the pattern for %edition% tag in your config file ( georgia-reborn-config.jsonc ).
Open the config file and go to "metadataGrid" section, in label "Edition" change the val as you like.


Re: Georgia-ReBORN - A Clean foobar2000 Theme

Reply #512
Hey Guys was curious if it is possible to change the standard seekbar to the waveform seekbar.  and possibly make it a little higher?  Any assistance would be appreciated.

Re: Georgia-ReBORN - A Clean foobar2000 Theme

Reply #513
Hi @Jjkbuysell,

the Georgia-ReBORN theme is one big spider monkey panel and unfortunately integrating "directly" components into the theme
is not possible. Well, it is possible by adding another spider monkey panel horizontally or vertically, but it would not look good,
the component would then appear on the right or bottom side which looks ugly.

@regor mentioned sometime ago that there is one component ( forgot the name ) that interacts like a floating container
and you could add components into it. You could then overpaint -> hide the progress bar with the waveform seekbar component.
Maybe @regor could comment on this.

The last thing would be to have a very high skilled developer to write a javascript waveform seekbar,
then it's no problem to integrate it directly into the theme, but I doubt any sane dev would do it
and it would eat a lot of CPU power...


Re: Georgia-ReBORN - A Clean foobar2000 Theme

Reply #514
This one:

I would not really bother about using it as a layer over the current window, although it may be done too. But as windows which can be opened on demand (for ex. for a tagging plugin, a playlist manager, an standalone config window panel, etc.)
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Another possibility would be to add another panel to the current layout. With CUI you can auto-hide panels or show them when clicking at the border. That could easily enable an additional panel for the seekbar or other SMP panels. I think this approach could be really powerful and would not change the current theme's spirit if done right.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Re: Georgia-ReBORN - A Clean foobar2000 Theme

Reply #515
@TT @regor Thanks for the replies.  Appreciate it.

@TT So i would be ok looking to commission a very high skilled developer to write a javascript waveform seekbar if it wouldnt break the bank.  Could put the job up for bid on  Not sure if chatGPT could write it ;)  Hard on the CPU as pinned or just cant have a 10yr old media pc?   If you think it would be feasible what would I specifically be asking for just  "develop a waveform seekbar in java for use in a foobar2000 skin"?  


Re: Georgia-ReBORN - A Clean foobar2000 Theme

Reply #516
No, I don't recommend it.

The best candidate to ask if it's even possible, would be TheQwertiest, developer of the spider monkey panel.
He would know if some kind of API could be written to scan each music track and fetch the data of frequencies
to a native developed javascript waveform seekbar. marc2k3, developer of JScript panel, would also know the technical details.

If you're just looking for eye candy, I can make some custom progress bar styles.
One for example, that mimiks a waveform seekbar, drawing random lines in height.


Re: Georgia-ReBORN - A Clean foobar2000 Theme

Reply #517
No, I don't recommend it.

The best candidate to ask if it's even possible, would be TheQwertiest, developer of the spider monkey panel.
He would know if some kind of API could be written to scan each music track and fetch the data of frequencies
to a native developed javascript waveform seekbar. marc2k3, developer of JScript panel, would also know the technical details.

If you're just looking for eye candy, I can make some custom progress bar styles.
One for example, that mimiks a waveform seekbar, drawing random lines in height.


Using ffmpeg it's trivial to retrieve RMS values by some time window for an entire file (some ms processing). If you use the bar/histogram approach, you can easily map every value to a bar and adjust height relative to the max value, which in turn (given a reasonable time window) resembles a waveform or at least the volume levels for that time in some way. No fancy waveform here like other plugins and no need to cache image files, simple.

SMP already contains code to run CMD commands via activeX.

This is the code:
Code: [Select]
ffmpeg -i in.mp3 -af astats=metadata=1:reset=1,ametadata=print:key=lavfi.astats.Overall.RMS_level:file=log.txt -f null -

Re: Georgia-ReBORN - A Clean foobar2000 Theme

Reply #518
Well the latest Wine update actually fixed my audio problem on Georgia, but now I can't get the scrobbling to work. Is there something special I'm supposed to do on Linux to get authorization? I haven't done it in so long I forgot

Re: Georgia-ReBORN - A Clean foobar2000 Theme

Reply #519
And there you go:

Let me know if you are instered TT and will upload it to github.
- Have not added any kind of automatic/batch file processing, that's on your side.
- Also improving the UI, which is pretty basic.
- Seeking is already coded.
- Resolution is configurable
- Scan by RMS_level | Peak_level | RMS_peak

Re: Georgia-ReBORN - A Clean foobar2000 Theme

Reply #520
@regor, that is really cool stuff 8)

Yes for sure upload it to Github! I will take a look after I've finished some of my stuff I've been working on the last 3 weeks.


Re: Georgia-ReBORN - A Clean foobar2000 Theme

Reply #521

Beta 11 will support drag n drop in Wine/Linux for the playlist.

To retrieve scrobbles, try foobar's preferences > Tools > Enhanced Playcount.
Activate "Retrieve Scrobbles" and put your username in the blank field ( <none> ).
Restart foobar.


Re: Georgia-ReBORN - A Clean foobar2000 Theme

Reply #522

Enhanced Playcount works fine for me. Scrobbling does not. It's not updating my page with the music I listen to anymore. When I go to Preferences > Tools > Scrobbling and click "Request Authorization" nothing happens.

I should have mentioned that I got some message about dotnet40 not having all the features when I installed it in Winetricks. Is .NET the problem here? I'm trying dotnet45 right now but it's telling me that I might need the Windows Modules Installer Service. Going to do some research on this and keep trying

aaand I'm pretty sure I just broke Georgia with the installation of dotnet45. damn...

Re: Georgia-ReBORN - A Clean foobar2000 Theme

Reply #523
Quick update: Georgia seems to work like before after a couple of random crashes, but still no scrobbling. These things are to be expected when using Linux, and especially Wine. I'm going to inspect the code and see if I can manually add my credentials somehow


Re: Georgia-ReBORN - A Clean foobar2000 Theme

Reply #524
Quick update: Georgia seems to work like before after a couple of random crashes, but still no scrobbling. These things are to be expected when using Linux, and especially Wine. I'm going to inspect the code and see if I can manually add my credentials somehow

It is weird, I'm using foo_scrobble since forever in wine. Never give a problem or requires special configuration.
Are you logged in page before trying to authorize the component?