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Topic: Playlist-Manager-SMP (Read 61829 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: Playlist-Manager-SMP

Reply #226
As noted, you are supposed to close the popups first (before closing the SMP window). It's a SMP bug (in Windows the SMP window is closed after clicking 'ok' once though so it only gets repeated twice, that's a wine thing).

The other error is fixed on latest file.

I will report it at github, but don't expect a SMP fix until september at least XD

Re: Playlist-Manager-SMP

Reply #227
In wine with the rest of packages, the window act like you said. It closes when hit ok (even with the wave you post) and not respawn the panel.

Is only the playlist manager.

Anyway the panel at the end load and install just fine.

The console message is gone too.

Insert great success borat meme :-)

Re: Playlist-Manager-SMP

Reply #228
In wine with the rest of packages, the window act like you said. It closes when hit ok (even with the wave you post) and not respawn the panel.

Is only the playlist manager.

Anyway the panel at the end load and install just fine.

The console message is gone too.

Insert great success borat meme :-)
Because other packages don't use a popup on init. As said, it's a SMP bug related to popups + packages. It's the same on windows

Re: Playlist-Manager-SMP

Reply #229
I get it now. That is why I never saw it before.

The first time I hit the Ok button a bazillion times and ends with a multi-bazillion pop-ups  :D

Re: Playlist-Manager-SMP

Reply #230
Taking apart SMP bugs, this method is a lot easier and intuitive.

Re: Playlist-Manager-SMP

Reply #231
I get it now. That is why I never saw it before.

The first time I hit the Ok button a bazillion times and ends with a multi-bazillion pop-ups  :D
Yep, that's a problem XD

Maybe I can find some kind of workaround, like a dummy popup when using packages asking the user to close the rest before closing the SMP window. Then in case the dummy popup belongs to a previous instance, don't continue. Will try tomorrow and post here

And yep, it seems much easier for the final user.

Re: Playlist-Manager-SMP

Reply #232
Man regor, I feel sorry for you.
I don't know how many times I've read that you're doing some sort of workarounds to fix
some stupid shit xD. Fortunately for me, I only have like 6-8 ( or maybe more, I can't remember ) in my theme :p

But on the positive downside, you're getting more and more creative ;-)

P.S Enjoy to adjust and delete those workarounds when SMP finally has the fixes.


Re: Playlist-Manager-SMP

Reply #233
Man regor, I feel sorry for you.
I don't know how many times I've read that you're doing some sort of workarounds to fix
some stupid shit xD. Fortunately for me, I only have like 6-8 ( or maybe more, I can't remember ) in my theme :p

But on the positive downside, you're getting more and more creative ;-)


Become a user, It is easier, you just have to complain  8)

Re: Playlist-Manager-SMP

Reply #235
There's only two rules. Never read the instructions and click yes at every window (without read it, first rule applies)

Re: Playlist-Manager-SMP

Reply #236
There is no workaround but throwing on purpose with a custom message XD (windows.reload doesn't work at that point and it refuses to do most things).

At that point I can simply say read the popup  ::)

Re: Playlist-Manager-SMP

Reply #237
Ok. Nevermind. Found the workaround. Will send the fix later to @TheQwertiest. You can thank me later.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Re: Playlist-Manager-SMP

Reply #238
I see what you did there regor, my eyes are everywhere, like a lupa xD
I can approve this message if you change "bad" with "good" :P


Re: Playlist-Manager-SMP

Reply #239
I see what you did there regor, my eyes are everywhere, like a lupa xD
I can approve this message if you change "bad" with "good" jokes  :P

Somehow SMP refuses to show that message and keeps changing it to bad jokes.

Not sure if there is a workaround for that, but I will do my best. Promise  ::)

Re: Playlist-Manager-SMP

Reply #241
v0.5.0-beta.19 - Youtube support, UI revamp & Package installation
## [0.5.0-beta.19] - 2023-05-08
### Added
- Search: search toolbar to filter the current view according to the input. Supports case insensitive matching by playlist name, tag, category or tracks' file or folder names (this one disabled by default). Works pretty similar to the search filters found on Library Tree or the album viewer (except no query support). Enabling the path searching allows to easily find tracks within playlists (both loaded and non loaded ones). Path level is configurable. There is also an additional setting to parse RegExp expressions (which allow more advanced searches).
- XSP: 'datemodified', 'dateadded', 'datenew', 'noofchannels', 'samplerate', 'musicbitrate', 'time', 'origyear' and 'bpm' support. This covers all tags on the [specs](, except 'source' tag which has no correspondence in foobar2000.
- ListenBrainz: on first init, panel will try to retrieve user token from other panels (like [ListenBrainz-SMP](
- ListenBrainz: new menu entry to retrieve user token on demand from other panels (like [ListenBrainz-SMP](
- ListenBrainz: new option to look for not found tracks on library at YouTube when retrieving playlists from ListenBrainz. Requires 'foo_youtube' component installed. When links are loaded, the entire process is asynchronous and playlist filling may take some seconds. Track order is ensured in the process (contrary to other scripts relying on foobar path loading).
- Backup: in case a playlist backup file is found on startup, panel asks to restore it. This usually happens if the panel crashes while editing a playlist file.
- Package: new installation method as package.
### Changed
- ListenBrainz: improvements to error handling and reports given to user.
- ListenBrainz: playlist MBID is now cached on import menu entry (during same session).
- ListenBrainz: .xspf playlists now save user-name at 'creator' tag, user's web page at 'info' tag, playlist's web page at 'location' tag and description metadata.
- ListenBrainz: .m3u8 playlists now save user-name at 'author' tag and description metadata.
- ListenBrainz: panel is now blocked with an animation while retrieving playlists.
- Playlist formats: all playlists created by the manager will now have 'author' metadata present and set to 'Playlist-Manager-SMP'.
- UI: revamp of UI, moving list and header menus to buttons at the header along a more modern look. Header actions (and tooltip info) are now available at the bolt button.
- UI: up/down buttons are replaced by a smart scroll bar which is automatically hidden when the mouse is not over. Double clicking on the bar will jump to the active/playing playlist. Double clicking on the up/down bar buttons will jump to the top/bottom of the list.
- UI: -by default- up/down buttons are now only shown while drag n' dropping to easily scroll the list.
- UI: main UI elements can now be enabled/disabled via the settings menu. i.e. it's possible to revert all new UI additions by disabling them, showing only a header with the tracked folder.
- Playlist locks: locks are now easily switched in a submenu list, showing action descriptions, instead of using popups. It will also state when the lock is applied by other components.
- Drag and Drop: tracks can now be dropped to the search toolbar to parse their filenames for filtering (when file/folder searching is enabled). This is equivalent to the 'Find current selection...' menu entry, but direclty filtering the current view (instead of showing a report popup).
- Menus: restore feature also supports playlists closed outside the panel (i.e. UI-only playlists even if they are not tracked). Name also shows if it's assigned to a file or UI.
- Playlist loading: some minor optimizations.
- Console: multiple improvements when logging to file for FbMetadbHandle, FbMetadbHandleList, Error and unknown instances (totally irrelevant except for debug purposes).
- Documentation: updated readme PDF to be up to date with all latest changes. Added all XSP -> foobar2000 tag equivalences.
- Console: menu entries are no longer logged to console after clicking.
- Helpers: updated helpers.
### Removed
### Fixed
- Renaming: auto-renaming of playlist tracked on manager if renaming was done within playlists tabs not working on some cases (still only possible for active playlist).
- AutoPlaylists: 'Reload playlist (overwrite)' was not working properly, creating a duplicated playlist instead of overwriting the existing one.
- ListenBrainz: crash due to renamed 'contentResolver' function call.
- ListenBrainz: workaround for windows caching of server requests (so sometimes playlists were not updated with changes on real time).
- ListenBrainz: relative paths not being used -if configured to do so- when importing playlists from ListenBrainz.
- Clone: relative paths not being used -if configured to do so- when cloning a playlist file.
- Clone: links being reported as non found when cloning a playlist file. Now they are silently omitted. Non found paths are still reported.
- UI: MBIDs filtering not being saved between sessions.
- UI: resetting all filters did not reset MBID filtering.
- UI: selected and highlighted playlist rectangles did not match in size (again).
- UI: crash when using 'UI\Set custom colours...\Reset all to default' menu entry.
- Links: multiple fixes to web links handling, specially for YouTube links (which should now properly use the 'fy+' scheme in all cases).
- Links: fix web links identification, using '\\' or '//' convention.
- Paths: multiple fixes to inconsistent path handling, specially for items with subsong indexes or links (at the playlist maintenance tools).
- Playlists maintenance tools: fixed relative path handling for 'Duplicated items...' tool when there were multiple relative levels.
- Playlists maintenance tools: fixed report for 'Absolute/relative paths...' tool; displaying always none even when results where found.
- Playlists maintenance tools: fixed report for 'Duplicated items...' tool; popup said 'dead items' instead of 'duplicated items'.
- XSP: sorting not properly saved on smart playlist creation.
- XSP: type ('songs') not properly set on smart playlist creation.

Script should be installed as package, using the package manager at the Spider Monkey Panel Configuration window. Old method is still supported anyway.

Re: Playlist-Manager-SMP

Reply #242
Smooth transition using the new package installer.

Just a suggestion, maybe renaming the package installers to differentiate them from the .zip ones?

Re: Playlist-Manager-SMP

Reply #243
Smooth transition using the new package installer.

Just a suggestion, maybe renaming the package installers to differentiate them from the .zip ones?
I'm not sure what do you mean. The only zip file added by me is the package. Otherwise it's just the source code, as always.
Source code (zip)
Source code (tar.gz) 

Re: Playlist-Manager-SMP

Reply #244
Smooth transition using the new package installer.

Just a suggestion, maybe renaming the package installers to differentiate them from the .zip ones?
I'm not sure what do you mean. The only zip file added by me is the package. Otherwise it's just the source code, as always.
Source code (zip)
Source code (tar.gz)

I refer to something in the name that indicate that is intended to use with the package installer. In the page is clear but when you download both, like they have the same name you just get: and Playlist-Manager-SMP-0-5-0-beta19(1).zip

The only way to know which one is the installer is to open the zips.

But maybe not everyone is going to download the source, don't know, just a thought

Re: Playlist-Manager-SMP

Reply #246
I didn't know github renamed the file XD
Will rename it then. Thanks

Much clear now. Also, that differentiates them from the other components that still use the old method.

Very cool the new by the way

Re: Playlist-Manager-SMP

Reply #247
Came with a solution to the first installation problems due to SMP bugs... Panel will be disabled on first init, and only when the user clicks setup it will start running. If the user never clicks setup, then panel will stay indefinitely disabled. That will avoid the current situation with popups being shown while the SMP windows are opened. it will also force users to put attention to the installation process. (this gif is obviously missing the setup process, since it's being applied over an existing panel)


Re: Playlist-Manager-SMP

Reply #248
This is a really cool script, very powerful and well thought-out.

There are some features that I would love to see added though:
- A folder structure tree-view that is based on the actual folder structure of the playlist folder.
- A way to order playlists manually, using an index property or such.
- The "By date" sorting scheme is based on the modified date. For some purposes, creation date would make more sense. Although one problem is that on an NTFS partition where I keep all my music, the crtime doesn't seem to be straightforwardly accessible under Linux. Not sure how it is under Windows. Maybe instead the script could write the date to the file when it creates it. I realize this is a rather particular use case though.


Re: Playlist-Manager-SMP

Reply #249
Okay, forget about the NTFS issue, I just switched to a Kernel that supports NTFS3 and now crtime works just fine.

A different thing: How do I convince the script that I have Segoe UI installed? I have segoeui.ttf in .../windows/Fonts, but it still complains.