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Topic: foo_openlyrics (not my release) (Read 57547 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: foo_openlyrics (not my release)

Reply #125
Thank you for catching that error, and reporting it here, too, @sveakul .

For those who are curious, and don't follow the Github stuff, the dev. answered: "Inspired by your and Paaufo's comments and taking a look at the code, I see it was actually just not doing the correct checks when handling track metadata for internet radio. Thanks for the help!"

He has released v1.10.2, that I can confirm fixes the problem mentioned above.

Re: foo_openlyrics (not my release)

Reply #126
He has released v1.10.2, that I can confirm fixes the problem mentioned above.
Well, it "pretty much" fixes it.  With the "autosearch even when not visible" NOT checked, it will no longer start an autosearch if another panel tab is open.  When a search is started with its panel open, it does start an autosearch. So far all like 1.9.  However if a song is playing and its tab is suddenly opened, no autosearch is started until "Search for Lyrics" is invoked from the context menu, or a new song is started.  This is NOT like 1.9, which while never having the unwanted background search issue, would also START an autosearch on its own when tabbed to, saving two clicks.

However, I can definitely live with the 1.10.2 behavior, where the "starting search with a closed panel even when that option is disabled" problem is indeed FIXED.  BTW all of this nit-picking involves radio stream usage;  I put a couple of GIFs up on the GitHub site illustrating this for the extremely bored.

Re: foo_openlyrics (not my release)

Reply #127
Okay I was using the quick reply function before, so I didn't know this reply box existed. But uhhh, there's no "source" option here.

If as your first image showed, "Metal Archives" is NOT in your left "Search order" box of chosen sources, then the option "Search for options (manually)" must be ignoring the chosen sources and by default doing a search using ALL sources.  I agree that is not expected behavior, and should be considered a bug.

I was told by the dev., on Github, that this is expected behaviour. He showed me he's received reports about this since 2022. Yeah, in my case OL prioritizes empty lyrics from NetEase and relegates other services that I find more useful.

Re: foo_openlyrics (not my release)

Reply #128
Foo_openlyrics 1.11 released.  Bandcamp added as a source, a fix for SongLyrics sometimes stalling a search with its "we don't have the lyrics yet" message.

I did a fresh install of this version after completely removing the previous one.  Tests fine, FAST, and search behavior follows all options.  Works great on streams or files.

It's a shame that Foobar's shortcuts don't include a path to the "About current lyrics" context menu choice present since 1.10, which includes the source of the found lyrics as had been requested.  Anyone know what is required to make it to the Prefs/Keyboard Shortcuts list in Foobar?  There are other OpenLyrics context menu choices there, just not "About current lyrics."

Re: foo_openlyrics (not my release)

Reply #129
First of all, thank you very much for the plugin!

If I can make a small feature request here: Would it be possible to add an option that automatically searched time stamped lyrics that contain only one line are not saved (skipped)?

Because there are many lyrics for my songs that are found and saved even though they only contain one line, like

Code: [Select]
[00:00.00] 作曲 : Linus Munch

This lrc was found for the Song "Fed Rock" by "Island of Love".

I would rather hot have such incomplete lyrics to be saved because maybe when I listen to the song next time in some months, a complete lyric would be available and downloaded automatically then.

The proposed "Skip single line lrc" option could be placed to the "Saving" page of the preferences.

Re: foo_openlyrics (not my release)

Reply #130 points to the filter in
Preferences -> Tools -> OpenLyrics -> Searching

Configuring it could be a bit tricky. Anyone?

By the way, this thread isn't posted by the author - cf. the "(not my release)"

Re: foo_openlyrics (not my release)

Reply #131
Hi, I see "Nikolaos Spanakis" and also something written in chinese ,  作曲 , in the OpenLyrics window
It appears when there is no lyrics found
Is there a way to remove this please?

Re: foo_openlyrics (not my release)

Reply #132
It means it has selected a source that only has composer information, and not the actual lyrics.
You "remove" that by removing that lyric source.

Issues opened on the matter:

Re: foo_openlyrics (not my release)

Reply #133
Hi, recently I switched to Foobar2000 v2.1.6 (x86) and the console showed this when OpenLyrics (v1.11) intented to get lyrics from Musixmatch and failed to do it (I checked the authentication token and shows OK but I think that is not working correctly):

"WARN-OpenLyrics: Failed to make Musixmatch track.subtitle.get request: Internal Server Error (500)"
Have you tried turning it off and on again??

Re: foo_openlyrics (not my release)

Reply #134
Hi, recently I switched to Foobar2000 v2.1.6 (x86) and the console showed this when OpenLyrics (v1.11) intented to get lyrics from Musixmatch and failed to do it (I checked the authentication token and shows OK but I think that is not working correctly):

"WARN-OpenLyrics: Failed to make Musixmatch track.subtitle.get request: Internal Server Error (500)"
Did it do this on just one particular song?  Included subtitles can often screw up/confuse a lyrics search from ANY source.
I get hits all the time from Musixmatch when using OpenLyrics 1.11 (Foobar v2.24 x64) so it is working correctly, re-checked just now. 

FWIW, ESLyric has a very sophisticated regex-based search term field processing section with the ability to customize what is or isn't included when conducting a search, but it isn't a "quick study."

Re: foo_openlyrics (not my release)

Reply #135
@sveakul It happened with songs of not very popular artists. I checked with mainstream artists and works perfect.
Have you tried turning it off and on again??

Re: foo_openlyrics (not my release)

Reply #137
Any search order recommendations. Here's what mine look like:
First reaction is why would you NOT want to include sources like Bandcamp, Genius, Metal Archive, and Musixmatch?  All are excellent.

Not recommended would be: Letras (too may false hits), QQ Music and Netease (UNLESS you listen to lots of songs with Oriental languages).

In your search order list, "Metadata tags" should appear on top--why bother searching the Internet if the file already has the lyrics in its tags? "Local files" should only appear if you do keep a lot of your music files' lyrics as local text files on your PC--if so, it should also appear at the top.

As far as online sources I find LRCLIB making the majority of accurate hits, followed by Genius.

Re: foo_openlyrics (not my release)

Reply #138
Hello, why do I have to manually search for lyrics, every time I open foobar and after that it's okay
Because otherwise it won't show the lyrics
But after that I did click on find lyrics, then the next songs are searching automatically

Re: foo_openlyrics (not my release)

Reply #139
Because you need to check the option "Automatically search for lyrics when a new track starts," in Preferences/OpenLyrics/Searching.

Re: foo_openlyrics (not my release)

Reply #140
NetEase online is essential for synced lyrics for me, but since it returns synced lyrics for every track (with just an artists name) it is worthless for automatic search, it infests the lyrics tags with one/two-liners. It's discussed on Github.

Re: foo_openlyrics (not my release)

Reply #141
I am confused about how the "Preferred lyric type" setting relates to the "Search order" list.
I have local files set at the top of the search order followed by Bandcamp, Musixmatch, LRCLib and Genius.

What if at present a song only has unsyncd lyrics available on Genius and that is what gets saved as a local file, but in the future that song might have synced lyrics available on Musixmatch. Will open lyrics continue to serve the local file because it is first in the search order or will it also search the other sources since the preferred lyric type is set to synced?

Re: foo_openlyrics (not my release)

Reply #142
I am confused about how the "Preferred lyric type" setting relates to the "Search order" list.
I have local files set at the top of the search order followed by Bandcamp, Musixmatch, LRCLib and Genius.
It will not affect the order of the sites searched, only "Search order" will do that.  What I don't know is if static lyrics are found at a site but not synced, it will continue to search past that site instead of just pulling the static lyrics and stopping, because the word used is "preferred" not "only."

If a song already has embedded/saved lyrics and you want to search again later to see if a site has added another type, you would need to move "local files" to the bottom of the order list.

You may want to try the standalone LRCGET for a more "drop the boom" approach:

Re: foo_openlyrics (not my release)

Reply #143
As of yesterday the Genius source in the foo_openlyrics plugin is no longer returning lyrics.  I have opened a ticket on the GitHub site about it.

FYI the Genius script in the current ESLyric plugin is still working OK, as well as the Beenius API-based plugin for MusicBee (but not the "LyricsReloaded" YML versions which failed at the same time).

Re: foo_openlyrics (not my release)

Reply #144
Is there a way to search for lyrics the same way foo_uie_lyrics3 does?

My file name format is
%artist% - %title%, %album%
but with foo_uie_lyrics3 there's an option to use build in artist title search which means it searches either for:
%artist% - %title%
%artist% - %title%, %album%

In foo_openlyrics's case it only searches for %artist% - %title%, %album%

Re: foo_openlyrics (not my release)

Reply #145
Can you give some better examples of what you mean?  I use OpenLyrics on radio streams, which mean my searches never include an album title and it returns results just fine.

Re: foo_openlyrics (not my release)

Reply #146
Can you give some better examples of what you mean?
My lyrics files are saved as either:
%artist% - %title%, %album%
The Walkabouts - Rainmaker Blues, Travels in the Dustland.lrc
%artist% - %title%
The Walkabouts - Rainmaker Blues.lrc

Search pattern in openlyrics is:
%artist% - %title%, %album%

If the file name is:
%artist% - %title%
The Walkabouts - Rainmaker Blues
openlyrics can't find and display the lyrics.

In foo_lyrics3 both patterns work.

Re: foo_openlyrics (not my release)

Reply #147
I haven't loaded existing texts for some time.
Only the editor for new texts works.
$replace([%artist% - ][%title%],/,-,\,-,<,-,>,-,:,-,",-,|,-,?,-,*,-)