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Topic: foo_openlyrics (not my release) (Read 56866 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: foo_openlyrics (not my release)

Reply #100
I recently upgraded to 1.8, and no longer see lyrics for any song. I can see them in search, I can see them in tags, but they simply display blank or (if I click "search") read "parsing..."

Anybody else having this behavior?

Re: foo_openlyrics (not my release)

Reply #101
Hi there,

is there a way to show (and save) only synced lyrics.

On my 1.7 it shows always unsynced lyrics., In the manual search here are lots of synced ones.

thx bkh
For this, you can use the Lyric Show Panel 3 plugin. This plugin allows you to search and display song lyrics from various sources including Google, Musixmatch and Genius.

Re: foo_openlyrics (not my release)

Reply #102
I recently upgraded to 1.8, and no longer see lyrics for any song. I can see them in search, I can see them in tags, but they simply display blank or (if I click "search") read "parsing..."

Anybody else having this behavior?

I got an issue when upgrading to 1.7, not resolved in 1.8:
It seems to be due to a second panel.

Re: foo_openlyrics (not my release)

Reply #103
Is there a way to change the format of the saved local file name?  I see the default, but it was not clear to me if that could be modified.

I'm trying to make the file names compatible with my Sony Walkman.


Re: foo_openlyrics (not my release)

Reply #104
What is this fix malformed timestamps? How does it work?

Re: foo_openlyrics (not my release)

Reply #105
When I use Album Art for the background, it disappears on track change.   Any clues?

fb2k 2.1 / CUI 2.1 / Open Lyrics 1.8

Re: foo_openlyrics (not my release)

Reply #106
Hey, I don't know if I'm missing something, but how do I access the customization settings? When I right-click the panel I can select Edit lyrics, or Preferences which takes me to a black page that has a checkbox for Debug logging enabled and nothing else.


Re: foo_openlyrics (not my release)

Reply #107
@aelklirion  The little arrow on the left to unfold the menu?


Re: foo_openlyrics (not my release)

Reply #109
The only feature that this plugin lacks (and foo_uie_lyrics3 does not) is the ability to scroll the lyrics manually while it is scrolled automatically. That is, I do need automatic scrolling but sometimes I also need to be able to scroll the lyrics manually - without changing preferences of course.
Magically yours

Re: foo_openlyrics (not my release)

Reply #110
From Github it seems he plans on including Bandcamp and LRCLIB for new sources in version 1.10.  Those are top choices for me--if SongLyrics were included too it would be a clean sweep.

Functionally I'm still hoping the source ID of the lyrics can be displayed at the top of the results so we know what's coming from where, and can adjust our search priority accordingly.

Yes I have posted about all of this on the project's Github site.

Re: foo_openlyrics (not my release)

Reply #111
Is there a reason that a space is added in between any paragraphs? Even if i copy the lyrics into Notepad, remove the spaces, and paste them back into the OpenLyrics editor, the next time I open the editor the spaces have returned.

Also, the cursor ends at a new line rather than the last character? Seems like characters are being added behind the scenes.

Re: foo_openlyrics (not my release)

Reply #112
Most song lyrics from most of the sources and plugins I've used will show separated paragraphs, which to me makes the lyrics much more "readable" than just one mass of text and I believe in most cases is what the artist intended/wanted anyhow--how many lyrics on LP liner notes have you seen that did NOT have a space between paragraphs??  If you really don't want it though just go into the "Auto-Edit" panel of the plugin and choose "Remove all blank lines":

Re: foo_openlyrics (not my release)

Reply #113
Most song lyrics from most of the sources and plugins I've used will show separated paragraphs, which to me makes the lyrics much more "readable" than just one mass of text and I believe in most cases is what the artist intended/wanted anyhow--how many lyrics on LP liner notes have you seen that did NOT have a space between paragraphs??  If you really don't want it though just go into the "Auto-Edit" panel of the plugin and choose "Remove all blank lines":

I don’t think I explained it clearly. I’m not talking about the space between the verses. But in that paragraph break there is an actual “space”, as if somebody hit the spacebar on the keyboard.

So even though I’m typing:
Verse 1 > Enter > Enter > Verse 2

It’s acting as if I typed:
Verse 1 > Enter > Spacebar > Enter > Verse 2

In addition, it’s acting as if I hit Enter on the keyboard again at the very end of the lyrics, even though I haven’t.

Re: foo_openlyrics (not my release)

Reply #114
Hello there! First of all I want to thank you for your great work and masterpiece!
I am wondering if it is possible for you to make the font of the main text somewhat customizable! I think it would be great if the main text (the line that is being singed) would appear bigger or even different than the passed or upcoming lines!
thank you in advance!

Re: foo_openlyrics (not my release)

Reply #115
Have you tried some of the options in its Fonts & Colours section (Prefs->Tools->OpenLyrics->Display)?

Re: foo_openlyrics (not my release)

Reply #116
Hey friends, I'm using OpenLyrics 1.9 with the newest Foobar install (just started using Foobar)
It says that it can pull the lyrics from Genius as a source but when I manually search lyrics, Genius never shows up even though Googling it shows Genius does have lyrics for all these songs. Am I doing something wrong? This is what my Foobar panel looks like in Preferences. I didn't see how to attach images to the post, sorry.

Re: foo_openlyrics (not my release)

Reply #117
When you create or reply to a message, below the message window is a bar that says "Add files by dragging & dropping or selecting them."  Click on "selecting them" and browse to the image(s) you want to attach.

Are you doing this:

1.  Right-click file in the playlist and choose "Openlyrics -> search for lyrics (manually)"

2.  Search starts automatically; check for "Genius" in the "Source" column of the search box;  clicking it will the display the lyrics from Genius.

Re: foo_openlyrics (not my release)

Reply #118
Okay I was using the quick reply function before, so I didn't know this reply box existed. But uhhh, there's no "source" option here.


Re: foo_openlyrics (not my release)

Reply #119
If as your first image showed, "Metal Archives" is NOT in your left "Search order" box of chosen sources, then the option "Search for options (manually)" must be ignoring the chosen sources and by default doing a search using ALL sources.  I agree that is not expected behavior, and should be considered a bug.

I encourage you to report this to the developer's github site as a bug report at:

He requires examples so when making out the report just use the example you've described here--post an image showing the selected sources table, and then the results you get when doing the manual search.

If you've never used Github before it requires a simple username/password login setup with an inital emailed confirmation link.  No big deal and well worth the access you then have to ANY account there that allows user input.

Re: foo_openlyrics (not my release)

Reply #120
Check out foo_openlyrics new version 1.10.1 just released!  Added sources including LRCLIB and SongLyrics, and lots of fixes/improvements.  Also has an "About current lyrics" choice in the context menu that finally gives the source of the lyrics.  Unfortunately it doesn't look like a Foobar hotkey can be assigned to the latter, like you can do with "Lyric Information" in ESLyric.

Re: foo_openlyrics (not my release)

Reply #121
If as your first image showed, "Metal Archives" is NOT in your left "Search order" box of chosen sources, then the option "Search for options (manually)" must be ignoring the chosen sources and by default doing a search using ALL sources.  I agree that is not expected behavior, and should be considered a bug.

I encourage you to report this to the developer's github site as a bug report at:...

I ran into this myself. I've opened a report about it.

Check out foo_openlyrics new version 1.10.1 just released!  Added sources including LRCLIB and SongLyrics, and lots of fixes/improvements.  Also has an "About current lyrics" choice in the context menu that finally gives the source of the lyrics.  Unfortunately it doesn't look like a Foobar hotkey can be assigned to the latter, like you can do with "Lyric Information" in ESLyric.

This comp. seems to have improved quite a bit. I installed it, again, yesterday.

Too bad the dev. doesn't seem to like the suggestion to have automatic scrolling with the possibility to still adjust/scroll manually. :(

Some people have also requested the ability to have an option like "Next lyrics" (LSP), for a while, over there. I would really like to see it implemented: I'm getting quite a few empty lyrics from NetEase (part of my aforementioned report).

Clicking on some of the context menu options was crashing my Foobar. So, I just created shortcuts to the panel and manual search to avoid that. :D But, some people are reporting other ways in which this version apparently crashes.

Also, is anyone else having trouble with LyricFind? My console shows:
WARN-OpenLyrics: Received lyricfind result but the root json object was malformed:
ERROR-OpenLyrics: Error of unrecognised type while searching

Re: foo_openlyrics (not my release)

Reply #122
Is anyone else seeing the problem below with OpenLyrics 1.10.1?

I have a Foobar panel tabbed with 3 different lyrics searchers but only one can be open at a time.  OpenLyrics has a setting to toggle on/off "Autosearch for lyrics even if there are no visible openlyrics panel on the UI", but I've found that even with that OFF, OpenLyrics will do an autosearch in the background anyway even when not the open tab.  This did NOT HAPPEN in version 1.9.

Foobar v.2.2 x64.  Yes I've contacted the developer on GitHub who he says he can't reproduce on his system, but is working with me.

Re: foo_openlyrics (not my release)

Reply #123
Is anyone else seeing the problem below with OpenLyrics 1.10.1?...

Yeah, this was a bit difficult for me to troubleshoot, too.

On 2.1.5 [x86], with OL (1.10.1) Panel closed and with "Automatically search for lyrics when a new track starts..." unchecked, I did get some activity when I opened Foobar and started a radio stream (song already halfway through):
ERROR-OpenLyrics: Error of unrecognised type while searching

When the song changed:
ERROR-OpenLyrics: Error of unrecognised type while searching
WARN-OpenLyrics: Failed to download page Object not found
WARN-OpenLyrics: Failed to download page Object not found
WARN-OpenLyrics: Failed to download page Object not found
WARN-OpenLyrics: Failed to download page Object not found

Curiously, it stopped after a couple of songs: I was not getting any info, in regards to OL, on console after song changes or even when I opened a new stream and when the song changed there. My guess, at first, was that maybe the reason dev. couldn't reproduce this was that you have to restart Foobar for it to happen. And, then, for whatever reason, after a while, OL starts obeying that setting mentioned before. But, I restarted and OL worked as it should. Troubleshooting it some more, now I see that even when restarting Foobar and not touching OL that session or even the previous session, you open a stream and nothing related to OL shows up on console. BUT, after a while as you continue to change streams or there are more song changes, it goes back to showing these errors on console, about trying to retrieve lyrics from different sites (and yeah, even the ones you have under "Available sources", my (our) problem, in the post(s) above).
At first I thought something in OL wasn't terminating properly or that something would become corrupt and then, when Foobar was restarted, it fixed itself. But, it seems to come and go...

Have you checked to see if something in OL is interacting with the other (lyrics) components?

My only other guess (as to why he couldn't reproduce it) is that, since you and me seem to really like radio streams, and dev. apparently doesn't, maybe it has something to do with the way it processes radio streams metadata. (I don't have music files to troubleshoot with, stored in this computer.)

For extra fun, Github shadow banned my newly created account, yesterday. You can only see my likes, not my posts. Apparently, a somewhat common occurence (prob. due to my e-mail provider). So, for the time being, I'm unable to comment over there about this new problem.

Re: foo_openlyrics (not my release)

Reply #124
THANKS Paaufo for this detailed description of your experience with the same bug I have encountered in 1.10.1.  I forwarded a link to your post just now to the GitHub site so the developer can take a look.  The console messages you described verify that something odd is happening for sure.  I realize that I know nothing about what is involved in programming a plugin like this, but I would think the fact the version 1.9, which did not include the option to autosearch even when not visible, worked perfectly (no search until opened), clearly points that adding that particular option is what caused the current problem.  I think the option should be removed until it can be fixed.  It's too easy nowadays to get an "excessive usage" ban at some of these websites.