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Topic: CueTools 2.18 - retreieving disc data (Read 2211 times) previous topic - next topic
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CueTools 2.18 - retreieving disc data

I am stumped.
In CueTools 2.17, when I transcode images, I click on GO, CT finds the disk online and provides me with the choice from which provider to get the data. Sometimes, I get no results, which is expected. Now in the new 2.18, I have two buttons below, MusicBrainz and CTDB. When I click  on these buttons, I am transferred to web pages of these providers, where I can see that there are results.
I am guessing I should be able to select results there to apply tags to files, but I can't figure out how.
Below, at the bottom of the windows, I can see that CTDB has 8 results, and AR 7. How can I apply the tags?

Re: CueTools 2.18 - retreieving disc data

Reply #1
I'm wondering the same thing as well, is it submitting the information or is it doing something else entirely?


Re: CueTools 2.18 - retreieving disc data

Reply #3
Yes, I've noticed I can navigate the release, but what about that? I had a release where only freedb tags were downloaded, but when I clicked the CTDB button, it lead me to that proper release. It would be great if I could select it so the tags can be applied.

Re: CueTools 2.18 - retreieving disc data

Reply #4
I had a release where only freedb tags were downloaded, but when I clicked the CTDB button, it lead me to that proper release.
You couldn't find the same release with the Metadata search set to Extensive?
Metadata search

Re: CueTools 2.18 - retreieving disc data

Reply #5
No. Funny thing, that.

Re: CueTools 2.18 - retreieving disc data

Reply #6
I've just tested it, on 2.1.8, and it's the same behaviour with 2.1.7.: whether extensive search is turned on or set at default, I can't find album info. Then, in 2.1.8. I click on CTDB button, and voila!, there is the album I was searching for. And below, 17 CTDB results, 2 accuraterip results. So, it's not some unknown album.