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Topic: [CUETools Database] What is the REL column? (Read 1992 times) previous topic - next topic
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[CUETools Database] What is the REL column?

I'd like to understand CUETools better. I am really a newbie, and I could not find that info.
I'd like to understand the infos on this page. I understand that all the releases in the bottom table have the exact same TOC and CRC32. But what is the REL column?

MOD Edit: Thread Title changed per TOS#6 (was "Newbie question" which did not properly describe the content of the thread).

Re: [CUETools Database] What is the REL column?

Reply #2
Relevance (fuzzy search results usually less than 100%).

You can find the "relevance" entries in the xml
So if there is no relevance number, means 100%. Right?

Re: [CUETools Database] What is the REL column?

Reply #3
For MusicBrainz, the column is blank when a TOC based search results in a match (so not a fuzzy search)
For freedb the column is blank when only 100%.