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Topic: WavPack 5.4.0 Release (Read 9546 times) previous topic - next topic
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WavPack 5.4.0 Release

Starting off the year with another fairly minor update of WavPack. This release was prompted by CVE-2020-35738 which was a bug in the encoder wherein certain sampling rates and channel counts could cause an out-of-bounds heap write. I think this would be very difficult to exploit and would require manual intervention by the user, but it earned a NIST Base Score of 6.1 so it is to be taken seriously.

The other significant addition is the quick verify (-vv) mode that I demoed back in June.

I recently moved to Visual Studio 2019 which means that support for Windows XP has been dropped from the official binaries. I can still build XP-compatible binaries with MinGW if anyone needs them.

Official change log.

Unrelated to the release, but in the vein of security, I finally got https:// support for, thanks to my new hosting service and CloudFlare!


Re: WavPack 5.4.0 Release

Reply #1
Thnx for the new release. :)


Re: WavPack 5.4.0 Release

Reply #2
Thanks for maintaining WavPack!

Question, as I am testing: is wvunpack 32bitfloatingpointfile.wv (without -w) supposed to give a .wav that wavpack cannot pack?

Re: WavPack 5.4.0 Release

Reply #3
Question, as I am testing: is wvunpack 32bitfloatingpointfile.wv (without -w) supposed to give a .wav that wavpack cannot pack?
I would certainly not normally expect that, but it depends on how the original WavPack file was created.

If the original file was just created with "wavpack 32bitfloatingpointfile.wav" then wvunpack'ing the result should generate the original file exactly (so obviously that's repeatable forever). But if some option like -i was required initially, then it would be required the next time too.

Since you imply that -w during the unpacking fixes the problem, then it certainly sounds like the WavPack file contains an invalid WAV header. If you can provide me the file (or another that exhibits the problem) I can figure it out.

Re: WavPack 5.4.0 Release

Reply #4
On Ubuntu I have the 5.3.0 version that I installed manually because there is 5.2.0 in the repositories, someone please ki explain step by step how do I upgrade to 5.4.0?
I noticed that now VLC also supports dsd content in wavpack .......

Re: WavPack 5.4.0 Release

Reply #5
i dont know about "upgrade", but:
1. download "source-file" from
2. ./configure --disable-shared --enable-legacy --enable-rpath && make
3. take (wavpack, wvunpack, wvtag, wvgain) from ./CLI

Re: WavPack 5.4.0 Release

Reply #6
Last time to upgrade to version 5.3.0 I put 4 files (wavpack, wvgain, wvtag, wvunpack) in the usr / local / bin folder, where can I find these 4 files now to upgrade to 5.4.0? I use Ubuntu 20.04 lts

Re: WavPack 5.4.0 Release

Reply #7
Marry Christmas, human(?)!

Re: WavPack 5.4.0 Release

Reply #8
Sorry but I don't understand you, I don't know how to compile the files ..... the files that you say that are in ./cli are not the same as those that I have in / usr / local / bin .......

Re: WavPack 5.4.0 Release

Reply #9
Last time to upgrade to version 5.3.0 I put 4 files (wavpack, wvgain, wvtag, wvunpack) in the usr / local / bin folder, where can I find these 4 files now to upgrade to 5.4.0? I use Ubuntu 20.04 lts
Hi Nejiro,

First you need to download and extract the new tarball, like this one.

Then you need to go in there with the command prompt and do the following commands:
Code: [Select]
./configure --disable-shared --enable-static
cli/wavpack --version
sudo cp cli/wavpack cli/wvunpack cli/wvgain cli/wvtag --target-directory=/usr/local/bin

The third command is just to make sure the new executable is correct. It should show:
Code: [Select]
wavpack 5.4.0
libwavpack 5.4.0

And thanks for letting me know about VLC, that's great!

Re: WavPack 5.4.0 Release

Reply #10
Sorry but it doesn't work, I extracted everything and then I opened the terminal in the position where I extracted the compressed file then I gave the command by copying / pasting everything but it tells me cli command not available ....... so there I can, it is not possible to have the 4 files that I put in the folder / usr / local / bin to replace the ones that are there as we did the other time? Otherwise if it cannot be done, forget it and return with the 5.3.0

Re: WavPack 5.4.0 Release

Reply #11
Okay, I would be curious why that didn't work, but here are the 4 files for your system.

Re: WavPack 5.4.0 Release

Reply #12
Thank you so much, now it works and I have 5.4.0, what didn't work unfortunately I don't know ...... I copied and pasted all the command you wrote.

Re: WavPack 5.4.0 Release

Reply #13
It obviously won't work if you don't have a compiler (gcc) installed, or other necessary tools for building and linking software. Lots of binary distributions don't even install those by default, often because they're both large and unnecessary for using the distribution's packaged software.

Re: WavPack 5.4.0 Release

Reply #14
However VLC started by itself to support wavpacks with dsd, there was no update, the version is that I installed via Flathub, but I saw that it only supports dsd64, dsd128 and above does not play them .. ....

Re: WavPack 5.4.0 Release

Reply #15
Starting off the year with another fairly minor update of WavPack.
Awesome, thank you, David!
The other significant addition is the quick verify (-vv) mode that I demoed back in June.
Am I blind or that's nowhere in the official change log?
WavPack 5.7.0 -b384hx6cmv / qaac64 2.80 -V 100

Re: WavPack 5.4.0 Release

Reply #18
I recently moved to Visual Studio 2019 which means that support for Windows XP has been dropped from the official binaries. I can still build XP-compatible binaries with MinGW if anyone needs them.
I've had a couple requests now for these, so I fired up MinGW-w64 and built binaries for Windows XP. These are not official, but I have made sure they all seem to work on Wine and I tested the 32-bit version on an XP virtual machine.

Of course, they're not limited to XP; they should work on newer Windows too.

Any feedback is appreciated...thanks!

Note! The 32-bit version of these binaries have a bug that can cause some subtle issues during seeking or obtaining tags and other information from the end of a file, and should not be used!

This is the corresponding fix to WavPack.

This is the MinGW-w64 error involved (which may or may not have been fixed in recent versions).

This is the thread about latest release of WavPack which includes links for new XP binaries.