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Topic: Is there a software for trim/crop wavpack files ? (Read 3905 times) previous topic - next topic
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Is there a software for trim/crop wavpack files ?

Hello everybody...

I start to upgrade whatever 32bit wv I find because flac doesn't support 32bit. Is there software to crop wv files without re-encoding? The only solution close to this is to crop the file with audacity, export to wav, and then convert to wv. (using the best options available). Audacity can export directly to wv but the depth drops to 16bit... (as far as I  know...)

Any thoughts?

Thank you...

Re: Is there a software for trim/crop wavpack files ?

Reply #1
Audacity should be able to export to pretty much anything and any bit depth, seeing how it supports ffmpeg and other command line encoders with custom commands. I've never used it for that purpose, but if ffmpeg and/or the Wavpack executable support it, it should work.

I quite doubt there is software that can edit Wavpack directly without re-encoding. I don't even know one for FLAC, which is a more popular format.

Re: Is there a software for trim/crop wavpack files ?

Reply #2
And there is literally zero point to editing without reencoding lossless formats, as the only generational loss will be your crop and edit actions, not the compression and decoding.

Re: Is there a software for trim/crop wavpack files ?

Reply #3
If you mean cropping to time, I've tested avconv, and it handles WavPack to nearest block without reencoding using "-c copy", -ss and -t switches.

Re: Is there a software for trim/crop wavpack files ?

Reply #4
To get it sample-accurate, you will have to recompress. Both the following solutions will decompress, but you can use WavPack to compress afterwards (and in the end copy tags with e.g. Mp3tag):

* The official wvunpack has --skip= and --until=, see the documentation:
* If you use a cuesheet with cut points, you can use refalac (with -D to get it to WAVE rather than ALAC). You need to copy the official WavPack .dll file into the appropriate directory this way: