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Topic: Sorting on ARM 32-bit, v.1.0.94 for Kitkat 4.4.4 (Read 1512 times) previous topic - next topic
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Sorting on ARM 32-bit, v.1.0.94 for Kitkat 4.4.4

First question, what is the latest Fb2k version for Android v4 on an ARM 32-bit device?
Is it possible to sort by file path? It seems that I cannot continuously play my library except on Title and Shuffle, everything else just plays 1 collection at a time.
I have the options to browse by:
Album Artist/Album
fb2k music folder
Internal storage

Re: Sorting on ARM 32-bit, v.1.0.94 for Kitkat 4.4.4

Reply #1
The latest version of foobar2000 mobile - 1.2.3 - still supports Android 4.1 and newer and should run on KitKat series.

As for playing whole collection sorted by path, there doesn't appear to be away to do this right now; feature request noted.
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Re: Sorting on ARM 32-bit, v.1.0.94 for Kitkat 4.4.4

Reply #2
Version 1.3 - Improved playlist manipulation features.

Does that include sorting by path?
Or playing across multiple albums?

Still need this feature.