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Topic: Question about encoders that can be used in the CueRipper. (Read 2277 times) previous topic - next topic
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Question about encoders that can be used in the CueRipper.

Good evening to everyone,

I wanted to know if to rip from audiocd to .m4a, only Qaac and NeroAac are supported in CueRipper. Can't other like FhgAac encoders be used?

Thank you

Re: Question about encoders that can be used in the CueRipper.

Reply #1
Other external aac command-line encoders that support stdin/stdout should work though there could be unforeseen issues. Of course you need to have all the support files required by the encoder in the same location as the .exe.  CueRipper doesn't support adding encoders from the main (GUI) screen so the setup isn't simple. I find the easiest method is to add the encoder to CUETools first. Once you have things working you can copy information from the CUETools settings.txt file to the CueRipper settings.txt file, making adjustments as needed.