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Topic: Add a setting to change the volume with integers -1.0, -2.0, -16.0 ... dB (Read 2915 times) previous topic - next topic
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Add a setting to change the volume with integers -1.0, -2.0, -16.0 ... dB

Please, add a setting in: Configure -> Advanced -> Playback. To change the volume with integers -1.0, -2.0, -16.0 ... dB
If you specify 1.0 in the settings, and then move the slider with the mouse pointer, the volume will take a fractional value, for example -12.59. Then the wheel volume can be changed with a gradation of 1.0 dB, but each time 0.59 dB will be added. This fractional value is sometimes very annoying. For example, I remembered the volume of -18 dB and I want to set it up, but the fractional value just prevents from doing this. It is necessary to turn each time by 0.0 and then turn off the mouse wheel by -18.0.

Re: Add a setting to change the volume with integers -1.0, -2.0, -16.0 ... dB

Reply #1
A whole volume step of 1.0 is selected in the settings. The left button changes the volume step not by integers. Can fix it? For example, add the setting "Integers volume".

Re: Add a setting to change the volume with integers -1.0, -2.0, -16.0 ... dB

Reply #2
Maybe not exactly what you ask, but a different approach that I use.
In Preferences, make Keyboard Shortcuts for volume Up and volume Down (I use ctrl + and ctrl - ). They will use the interval set in Volume step.

As a bonus you can create a few extra shortcuts to directly jump to volume settings you often use (like set to 0 dB?). Those are available in -3dB intervals.
In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice. In practice there is.

Re: Add a setting to change the volume with integers -1.0, -2.0, -16.0 ... dB

Reply #3
The interval is yes, it will be 1dB, but if the volume is no whole (for example -16.23 dB), then the whole volume will also not be obtained (-17.23, -18.23 dB). I don’t use labels or shortcuts keys for volume. Only mouse pointer or wheel.

Re: Add a setting to change the volume with integers -1.0, -2.0, -16.0 ... dB

Reply #4

Re: Add a setting to change the volume with integers

Reply #5
Someone like me who is totally congenitally blind since birth absolutely must use keyboard shortcuts, period.
Although I'd like to see an option on either the proper Playback in Preferences or in the Advanced section under Playback's branch where you can enter a physical number for the volume you want (i.e., -12.50, -25.20, -36.40.

Re: Add a setting to change the volume with integers -1.0, -2.0, -16.0 ... dB

Reply #6
Maybe in version 1.5.3 this will be fixed? So that the volume is always an integer, without hundredths.

Re: Add a setting to change the volume with integers -1.0, -2.0, -16.0 ... dB

Reply #7
How about just snapping volume slider to 0.5dB or 1.0dB steps? I can't help the feeling that a setting for this is overkill.
Microsoft Windows: We can't script here, this is bat country.

Re: Add a setting to change the volume with integers -1.0, -2.0, -16.0 ... dB

Reply #8
Just as a suggestion.
@BingoMan, set the "Volume step" to 0.01
Using the mouse pointer, set the volume slider to the nearest desired value.
Next, use the mouse wheel to adjust the exact value equal to an integer.

Re: Add a setting to change the volume with integers -1.0, -2.0, -16.0 ... dB

Reply #9
I've attached a component that snaps the volume to the nearest db. There is no setting to toggle. It's on when you install it. You'd have to remove it to turn it off!

I've also attached the source so if my implementation is poor, an admin can remove it.

Re: Add a setting to change the volume with integers -1.0, -2.0, -16.0 ... dB

Reply #10
Volume step now only affects the mouse wheel. I need the mouse pointer to set the number, with the same interval as the mouse wheel in Volume step.
Now the mouse pointer, at any Volume step sets the volume from 0.01 dB, which is very inconvenient.
Add an additional setting that binds the mouse pointer to a specific step, or bind the mouse pointer to the existing setting Volume step (wheels).
snotlicker your component does what i needs, but it's better to put these functions in foobar and not in the component. There are small errors when the volume step is 0.5, the mouse wheel only increases the volume. Not a intege loudness step is not displayed. The rest is a great component, when step volume 1.0 works exelent.

Re: Add a setting to change the volume with integers -1.0, -2.0, -16.0 ... dB

Reply #12
your component does what i needs, but it's better to put these functions in foobar and not in the component

So, that component does what you want but you still insist that it should be part of foobar? Silly logic.
Not everyone wants that feature in foobar.

And that's why components are here after all. Use components that you need.
Somewhere, there's someone dying in a foreign land
Meanwhile, the world is crying stupidity of man
Tell me why, tell me why

Re: Add a setting to change the volume with integers -1.0, -2.0, -16.0 ... dB

Reply #13
Vicas didn’t understand, that it’s bad to use the mouse pointer to adjust the volume in whole numbers (or specified in the settings), and not random ones. You do not need this, set 0.01 for the mouse and move the slider to a random number, which you get, as now. I need a gradation for the mouse, for example, 0.5 and for the wheel also 0.5. Now I can set it for a wheel, but not for a mouse. The component at the moment has only 1.0 gradation, all small works incorrectly.
Vicas Сan especially for you hide the Play button in the component. And since there is a component, then foobar does not need it, your logic. In general, remove all into components, it’s convenient for you. Buy crutches and walk, it's convenient.

Re: Add a setting to change the volume with integers -1.0, -2.0, -16.0 ... dB

Reply #14
Thanks, in 1.5.3 beta 3, now the volume of the mouse pointer is adjusted more orderly. The wheel pitch adjustment in the settings (Configure - Advanced - Playback) is already there (Volume step). You can make 2 settings "Volume step Mouse wheel" (rename "Volume step") and add "Volume step Mouse cursor", this is for people who need their own step to adjust the volume. For example, someone needs the mouse 1.0, and the wheel 0.5 (or 0.1), or the mouse 0.5 and the wheel 0.1. In general, as a person likes, you can always make a default value. Default:
"Volume step Mouse wheel" for example 0.5
"Volume step Mouse cursor" for example 0.5