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Topic: I have no idea how to learn how to use foobar (Read 1936 times) previous topic - next topic - Topic derived from Read first: Does your...
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I have no idea how to learn how to use foobar

I have no idea how to learn how to use foobar here. Very confusing. Finally figure how to actually make a new post.
Can someone please decipher how to use foobar and this forum? It is highly confusing.
My main problem right now, is when I installed Foobar on my pc and downloaded from "My Music" and now I have four copies of every damn song on every album i own?! For now, I have to manually delete the extra copies from each album and it doesn't remember what I do so I have to do it every damn time i want to listen to a album.
There must be a fix for this

Re: I have no idea how to learn how to use foobar

Reply #1
You might try youtube for a video on a lot of subjects about Foobar2000. Searching for a problem always helps using your favorite browser or the Foobar2000 website "search" button.
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